
  • 网络Court Auction;Court Step Sale
  1. 据预计,银行今年已会发出了约400万份的法院拍卖房屋的通知。

    Banks are expected to have sent almost four million foreclosure notices this year .

  2. 该船舶一旦被我国海事法院拍卖,如何确定其上的船舶抵押权的受偿顺序?

    How to define the priority order of the ships mortgage if the ship was sold by the Chinese maritime court .

  3. 在债务人不偿债时,抵押权人不能直接让抵押人交出抵押物,实现抵押权,但可以持抵押权登记簿副本直接申请法院拍卖抵押物。

    When the debtor do not refund the debt , the mortgager cannot get the guaranty directly , but he may put in for the court to auction guaranty .

  4. 本文分析了法院拍卖船舶受偿债权的一般性,并在此基础上,依据我国相关法律,提出了法院拍卖船舶中受偿债权的范围。

    Through the general analysis of the obligatory right of being paid off during the court 's auction of ships , this article proposes the ranges of the very obligatory right which is in accordance with the related Chinese law , making the vague idea of the question clear .

  5. 本文从一案例出发,剖析了法院委托拍卖的性质等同于一般民事委托行为。

    The article analyzes the quality of commission auction by using a case .

  6. 论民事执行行为中的法院强制拍卖

    On the Conduct of the Civilian Implementation of the Court 's Compulsory Auction

  7. 一般通过向法院申请拍卖船舶来实现船舶抵押权;

    The realization of the ship mortgage shall generally be effected by the application to courts for auctioning the ship .

  8. 法院强制拍卖行为是一种国家司法行为,具有公力救济的性质。

    The court compulsory auction is a kind of national judicial act , which has the property of " public remedy " .

  9. 因此,法院强制拍卖制度要能够发挥应有作用,必须具有公信力。

    Therefore , the court to force the auction system to be able to play its due role , you must have credibility .

  10. 然而,法院强制拍卖的性质究竟系私法上的法律行为还是公法上的处分行为,直接影响到拍卖的法律效果。

    However , the court forced sale of the private nature of the legal system or whether the law on the punishment , directly affect the legal effect of the auction .

  11. 执行法院与拍卖机构之间是司法协助关系而不是民事委托关系,买受人通过拍卖原始取得拍卖物的所有权。

    The relationship between the executive court and the auction organization is not the civil assignment but the judicial help relation , the buyer obtains originally the ownership of thing by auction .

  12. 审视法院强制拍卖的性质和法律效果可以发现,它们与拍卖法律关系主体的利益密切相关。

    Examine the nature and legal effect of the Court 's compulsory auction can be found and they are closely related to the interests of the subjects of legal relationships in the auction .

  13. 本部分旨在突出《物权法》对抵押权实现程序的改进,抵押权人只要依据抵押合同和抵押权登记证书即可直接向法院申请拍卖、变卖抵押财产。

    This section is designed to highlight the jus rerum to improvement of the realizable process . The mortgagee can be directly to the court for auction or liquidate the mortgaged property according to a mortgage contract .

  14. 承包人向法院申请拍卖建设工程不以提起诉讼为前提,应当准许直接适用民事诉讼法规定的执行程序。

    The contractor applies for auction of the construction to the court , this must not be asked to lodge a complaint as a prior , it should be permitted to directly apply the implementation measure that the civil procedure law ordains .

  15. 在法院强制拍卖过程当中,如果给买受人或其他利害关系人造成损失时,执行法院承担的不是违约责任而是侵权责任,在归责原则的适用上,应适用过错推定责任原则。

    In the process of the court compulsory auction , if the executive court damage the buyer or other interested party , it bears the liabilities not for breach of contract but for tort , and presumed fault principle should be used .

  16. 法院在拍卖债务人以外第三人不动产时,不具体区分拍定人的善意或恶意,严重忽视不动产第三所有人的保护和救济。

    When court auctions the real estate which beyond the liability limit of debtor 's possessions belong to the third ones , they do not distinguish goodwill or malice of the bargainee , and neglect to protect the third ones ' real estate property .

  17. 首先,法院强制拍卖权行使中的公共利益与私人利益之间,以及法院强制拍卖的安定性和公信力与拍卖程序中私人利益之间有冲突,需要利益衡量;

    First , the exercise of the Court 's compulsory auction auction public interests and private interests , the stability and credibility of the Court 's compulsory auction with a conflict between the private interests of the auction process , the need for a balance of interests ;

  18. 法院强制执行拍卖制度的理论基础

    Theoretical Bases on Mandatory Auctions Enforced by Courts

  19. 海事法院裁定终止拍卖船舶的,为准备拍卖船舶所发生的费用由海事请求人承担。

    If the maritime court orders to stop the auction of the ship , expenses incurred for auctioning the ship shall be paid by the maritime claimant .

  20. 海事法院在强制拍卖船舶中,涉及多方当事人,只有理顺其中的法律关系,方能明确各方的权利义务。

    In the compulsory auction of ship by the admiralty court , several parties are involved , only straighten out the legal relationships among them can we specify all parties ' rights and duties .

  21. 本文首先阐明了法院执行中拍卖的法律性质,进而分析了应由法院担任实施拍卖主体的理由,并对拍卖保留价、地点、公告的问题进行了论述。

    This thesis illustrates the nature of auction from the legal sense , then analyses causes that justify the court as auction implementer and discusses issues on auction base price , venue and public announcement .

  22. 周一法国法院驳回了停止拍卖的诉讼请求,中国文化官员要求上诉的主张也遭到拒绝。

    Paris court on Monday ruled against stopping the sale of the sculptures , rejecting an appeal filed by the Association for the Protection of Chinese Art in Europe .

  23. 同时,通过与商业拍卖以及普通法院对一般财产的拍卖相比较,分析海事法院在强制拍卖船舶法律关系中的法律地位以及承担的相关责任、义务问题。

    Study on the status and the right and obligation of the maritime court during the auction of vessel comparing with commercial public sale and the auction of other property .