
  1. 运用法治思维和法治方式化解社会矛盾。

    Use legal frameworks and legal methods to reconcile social conflicts .

  2. 提高领导干部运用法治思维和法治方式深化改革、推动发展、化解矛盾、维护稳定能力。

    We should ensure that leading officials are guided by law in both thinking and action in their effort to deepen reform , promote development , solve problems , and maintain stability .

  3. 在这五个步骤的安排下,我们得以对合同案件所涉及的重要法律事实和权利关系进行全面周到地审查,这是实现交易秩序和法治的思维形式保障。

    According to these five steps , it is possible to thoroughly examine important legal facts and right relationship related to contract cases , so to safeguard transaction order and rule of law by form in mind .

  4. 在法治社会的权利思维下,政府活动必须要以公民权利为本。

    Under the fight thinking of Society Ruled by Law , the government activities must be based on civil rights .

  5. 法治中国的法官应该剔除人治型思维模式而转到法治型思维模式,摒弃大众型思维模式而坚守职业型思维模式;

    In china the judge of rule of law should pick and get rid of the person cures the type of thought mode but turn the rule of law type thought mode , abandon the public the type of thought mode but guard securely the type occupation thought mode ;

  6. 中国的法治建设从口号的提出到具体的实施已经走了一段路程,而现有法治的思维方式是否是真正适合我们的,是否真的能够达到我们预想的法治还值得商榷。

    Chinese construction of rule of law from the slogan to the specific implementation has already gone some distance , and the existing legal way of thinking is really suitable for us , whether it can achieve our anticipated law also is worth deliberate .