
  • 网络separation of concern
  1. 在构建优秀的OO设计时,必须考虑称为关注点分离(SeparationofConcerns,SoC)的概念。

    When building good OO designs , it 's necessary to think about a concept called Separation of Concerns ( SoC ) .

  2. 面向方面编程(AOP)是一种新兴的编程技术,其关注点分离技术能较好地支持系统非功能属性(方面)的非侵入式演化。

    Aspect-Oriented Programming ( AOP ) is a novel programming technique which has the skill called separation of concerns which can well support the non-intrusive evolution of the non-funtional properties in the software system .

  3. 您还了解了如何使用关注点分离和最佳重用的设计模式构造Web应用程序。

    You have also seen how to construct the Web application using design patterns for separation of concerns and better reuse .

  4. 与大部分动态Web应用程序一样,Web服务可以从多层架构的关注点分离中受益。

    Web services can benefit from the separation of concerns inherent in a multi-tier architecture in much the same way as most dynamic Web applications .

  5. 它们提供强大的(但又容易被忽视的)XML处理方法。这种方法有3个杰出的优点:可重用性强、可读性强,以及关注点分离。

    They provide a powerful and often overlooked means of processing XML with three distinct advantages : reusability , easier readability , and a separation of concerns .

  6. 在此设置(关注点分离)中,可以更改JavaScript并进行测试,而无需重新测试样式和结构。

    In this setup where concerns are separated you can change the JavaScript and test it without having to retest your style and structure .

  7. 当然,这意味着您可以将额外的JavaScript放在外部文件中,并忘记它&还是关注点分离。

    That , of course , means you can put the extra JavaScript in your external file , and forget about it & separation of concerns again .

  8. 这样避免了把类搞乱,确保了关注点分离并且提供了与未来相关Roo附加组件的兼容性。

    This reduces the clutter in a class , ensures separation of concerns and offers compatibility with future versions of the relevant Roo add-ons .

  9. 软件工程的一条重要原则是关注点分离,现在大多数的软件项目都选择OOP的编程方式,但OOP技术也有其局限性,它对有些需求并不能很好的进行描述。

    Separation of concerns is an important software engineering principle . The leading programming paradigm used today is object oriented programming ( OOP ), yet OOP has its limitations , some design decisions can not be illustrated with the OOP .

  10. 在业务逻辑层使用IoC设计模式、AOP面向方面编程等技术进行实现,在模块之间使用POJO对象进行数据的传递,并完成日志记载的关注点分离。

    The business logic layer was realized by IoC design pattern and AOP aspect-oriented programming techniques , the data transfer between the modules was completed by POJO objects , and the separation of logging concern was also implemented inside .

  11. 在架构构建块职责之间可以实现一个清晰的关注点分离

    Achieve a clear separation of concerns between architectural building block responsibilities

  12. 仿真组件正交关注点分离的分析与实现

    Analysis and Realization of the Separation of Orthogonal Concerns in Simulation Component

  13. 这在松散意义上称为关注点分离。

    This is called , in a loose sense , a separation of concerns .

  14. 通过关注点分离,可以将集成需求分解为更细粒度的服务。

    Through separation of concerns , integration requirements are decomposed into more granular services .

  15. 关注点分离是软件工程领域中极为重要的原则。

    One of the most important principles in Software Engineering is separation of concerns .

  16. 在仿真组件的构建中正交关注点分离成为系统设计的难点。

    The orthogonal concern 's separation has been the difficult problem in simulation component design .

  17. 关注点分离和配置文件

    Separation of Concerns and Configuration Files

  18. 注重关注点分离,即使两个关注点的初始大小差别很大。

    Respecting separation of concerns , even if initial size of the two concerns is rather unequal .

  19. 实现关注点分离的关键技术之一是方面的编织。

    One of the key technologies of implementing this goal in AOP systems is weaving aspect technology .

  20. 关注点分离和建立模型是软件工程中降低软件系统复杂度的两个重要手段。

    Separation of Concen and Modeling are the two most important means to depress the complexity of software system .

  21. 它提高了我们对于一个设计良好的、可维护的软件系统所需的、关注点分离的表达能力。

    It enhances our ability to express the separation of concerns necessary for a well-designed , maintainable software system .

  22. 能否解决这个问题很大程度上取决于我们所使用的需求工程方法确保关注点分离的能力。

    Solving this problem depends largely on our requirement engineering methods used to ensure the ability of separation of concerns .

  23. 将应用程序划分为层,这是一种在体系结构中关注点分离的基本技术。

    Dividing the application into tiers ( or layers ) is an essential technique for separating concerns within the architecture .

  24. 这意味着需要保持关注点分离,并且需要在部署单元内像调用一样分组。

    This implies that you need to maintain separation of concerns and to group like calls within a deployment unit .

  25. 业务集成得益于强制关注点分离集成数据和应用程序以满足业务要求。

    Business integration benefits from an enforcement of separation of concerns to integrate data and applications as appropriate for business needs .

  26. 因此,关注点分离的概念是定义集成服务的基础。

    As a result , the concept of separation of concerns is the foundation to the definition of the integration services .

  27. 应用这一体系结构并结合“关注点分离”概念,是替换传统集成方法的一种完美选择。

    Applying this architecture and using the concepts of " separation of concerns " provides a clear alternative to traditional integration approaches .

  28. 它对系统采取了关注点分离的方法,很好地实现了核心功能和非功能关注点的模块化。

    It takes the method of separation of concerns for system , to achieve the modularizations of core functionality and non-functional concerns .

  29. 关注点分离建议将业务需求分解为多个服务;合并表示业务流程的现有服务以及新的服务的组合。

    Separation of concerns suggests decomposing business needs into services ; and composing combinations of existing and new services that represent business processes .

  30. 使用定义服务的关注点分离方法,可以设计隔离和特征化独立实现的功能和服务。

    The separation of concerns approach to defining services results in a design that isolates and characterizes functions and services that are implementation independent .