
  1. 中国自古是一个关系本位的国家,尤其是在中国农村,关系资本的作用更是发挥的淋漓尽致。

    Traditionally , China is a relationship-based country , especially in rural China , the role of relational capital plays the most .

  2. 传统中国乡村社会是一个关系本位的社会,社会关系网络在乡村社会中具有特殊重要的地位,整个乡村社会结构就是以血缘关系网络为基础扩展而成的。

    Traditional Chinese rural society is a " relationship-based " society . Social network has a special important role in the rural society . The rural social structure is based on extended kinship networks .

  3. 通过统计分析发现,高密市政府组织中非正式组织真实存在,并且关系本位观念尤其突出,个人利益是主要出发点,并且呈现网络化,大多数非正式组织都存在非法定的核心人物。

    Through statistical analysis , the informal organization truly exists in Gaomi city , and " relationship based " particularly prominent concepts , individual interests is the main starting point , showing network , most informal organizations have statutory central figure .

  4. 因此,本文在我国以关系为本位的文化背景下,从社会学科入手,研究民营企业的员工激励问题。

    Therefore , in Chinese relationship-based cultural background , this paper focuses on employees ' incentive problems in private enterprises by the view of sociology .

  5. 权利与义务关系上权利本位与义务本位的对立;

    The opposition of relation on right and obligation between the right standard of the natural legist and the duty standard of Confucianism ;

  6. 社会资本理论对于以关系取向、伦理本位为特征的中国社会有很强的适用性,也有重要的理论和实践价值。

    Social capital has very strong applicability in the ethics-based Chinese society which pays grate attention to relationships , and it also has important theoretical and practical values .

  7. 第七章:个人与国家关系以个体为本位,阐明西方政治文化传统中对待个人与国家的关系,尊重个体独立,以个体为本位,权利义务关系强调权利为本位。

    Chapter 7 states that the country respects individual independence and standard in the tradition of Western political culture and the relationship between rights and obligations stresses on rights standard .

  8. 包括:礼治而非法治的法律文化传统、独尊的政治文化传统、人的依赖关系状态下的本位主义、选拔社会下的官本位价值观;

    It comes from the negative influence of official standard values , overweening political culture and legal culture tradition of courtesy-ruling , departmentalism on the dependence of connection , ideology tradition of constrain the individual freedom .

  9. 本文从公共生活的内涵与基本特征入手,探讨公共生活与公共精神、公共信用的关系,探索公共本位生活中的公共信用构建路径。

    The paper , from the connotation and basic features of public life , explores the relationship between public life and public spirit and public credit , and discusses the methods to build public credit in our life .