
  • 网络Relationship Lending;relationship banking
  1. 同时,这一部分还对关系型借贷的研究文献做了一个简要的综述。

    This part also includes relationship lending literature .

  2. 信贷配给与关系型借贷

    Credit Rationing and Relationship Lending

  3. 关系型借贷作为银行与中小企业融资联系的纽带,对银企有不同的价值和风险。

    Relational lending has a different value and risk to Banks and enterprises .

  4. 第三部分介绍了美国和日本的关系型借贷制度及其借鉴意义。

    In the third part , it comparatively analyzes the exiting conditions of SMEs relationship lending systems between American and Japan .

  5. 实证研究结果表明,关系型借贷可以有效缓解银企间存在的信息不对称问题。

    Meanwhile , empirical researches indicate that relationship lending is able to relieve the problem of asymmetric information between banks and SMEs .

  6. 理论界认为中小金融机构可以利用关系型借贷的优势,更容易的获取中小企业的软信息,使得中小金融机构相比大型金融机构来说,具有信息上的比较优势。

    Small and medium-sized financial institutions can use the advantage of relationship lending , which with greater information comparative advantage than large banks .

  7. 关系型借贷是指银行的贷款决策主要基于通过长期和多种渠道的接触所积累的关于借款企业及其业主的相关信息进行。

    Relationship lending refers to the lending decisions based on the collected information of borrowing enterprises and their owners through long-term contact in multi-channel .

  8. 随后,论文对实现风险与收益均衡的利率确定机制、抵押担保机制、建立关系型借贷机制和声誉机制等制度安排进行了阐述。

    Fourthly , it describes the interest determined mechanism , mortgage guarantee mechanism , relationship lending mechanism , reputation mechanism which are help for realizing risk and return equilibrium .

  9. 不对称信息下的金融中介理论作为关系型借贷的另一个理论基础认为银行在收集信息方面具有比较优势,能够减少监督成本和惩罚成本。

    Financial intermediary theory is another theoretic base of relationship lending . It considers bank has relatively informational advantage in informational asymmetry to reduce monitoring cost and penalty cost .

  10. 第四和第五部分分别是关系型借贷影响因素的实证分析和抵押品约束影响关系型借贷的实证分析。

    The forth part is the empirical analysis of the impact factors of relationship lending . The fifth part is empirical analysis about the collateralization constraint affecting relationship lending .

  11. 第二部分对关系型借贷和抵押品这两个关键概念进行了界定,阐明了关系型借贷的理论基础、存在、成因和影响因素,并重点说明了抵押品在关系型借贷中的作用。

    The second part defines two key conceptions , relational lending and collateralization , detailedly summaries the theoretical basis , existence , causes , and impact factors of the relationship lending .

  12. 第六部分基于以上的理论和实证分析,就如何通过发展关系型借贷来提高我国中小企业的信贷融资能力提出了相关对策建议。

    Based on the theoretical and empirical analysis , conclusions and suggestions on how to improve the financing of SMEs through the development of relationship lending efficiency are made in the end .

  13. 信息不透明、缺乏与融资有关的有效信息、融资成本高是中小企业融资难的主要原因,关系型借贷实质上是银行和企业为克服金融交易中的市场失效而共同构建的一种制度安排。

    On the basis of the relationship between banks and enterprises , the paper firstly introduces the relationship lending which is the traditional means of foreign bank systems and its benefits and costs .

  14. 本文在绪论后分五个部分,第一部分是研究什么是关系型借贷,阐明关系型借贷的特点、优势和机制,为下面研究中小企业和小银行关系奠定基础。

    In the first section , the definition , characteristics , advantages and mechanisms of relationship lending are explained as the foundations of the following research on relationships between small banks and small and medium-sized enterprises .

  15. 在分析了我国中小企业间接融资状况的基础上,本文通过关系型借贷各因素在我国中小企业间接融资中的应用,从金融机构、政府、企业三方面提出了相应的政策建议。

    Combined with financing state of small and medium-sized enterprises of our country , this article through applying every factor in relationships lending in our country puts forward corresponding advises through bank , government & enterprises .

  16. 第一部分为引言,从当前宏观经济及中小企业融资现状背景下来论述研究关系型借贷的现实与理论意义,从而确立选题意义。

    Section one is the introduction . In the context of current macro economy and status of SME financing , we analyze the practical and theoretical significance of relationship lending , which describes the value of this thesis .

  17. 本文将这一分析框架应用到中国的实际问题之中,认为发展关系型借贷和建立中小金融机构的对策在理论和模型解释中具有较强的可行性,能够促进中小企业融资。

    In this paper , with the analytical framework applied to Chinese reality , we learn that the development of relationship lending , and the establishment of small and medium-sized financial institutions are able to promote SMEs ' financing .

  18. 第一部分为绪论,从中小企业融资现状、当前宏观背景等方面来论述研究关系型借贷与中小企业融资效率问题的现实与理论意义之所在,从而确立选题意义。

    Section one is introduction . From the aspects of current situation of SME financing and macroeconomic background , we analyze the practical and theoretical significance of relationship lending and financing efficiency , which describes the value of this thesis .

  19. 文章最后一部分,结合前文所得的结论,并借鉴国际经验,提出我国该如何建立关系型借贷以及解决中小企业融资难的发展思路和政策建议。

    At the last part , with the conclusion earlier , and learn from international experience , propose how to develop relationship lending in our country , as well as the development of ideas and policy recommendations to SMEs financing .

  20. 关系型借贷的基本前提是银行和企业之间必须保持长期、密切而且相对封闭的交易关系,即企业固定地与数量极少的(通常为一至两家)银行打交道。

    The fundamental premise of relationship lending is the long-term , close and relatively enclosed transaction relations between borrowing enterprises and banks , that is , the enterprises make contact with a small number of certain banks ( generally one or two ) .

  21. 文章最后在实证研究的结果以及分析的基础上,结合我国中小企业关系型借贷的现状对中小企业融资问题的解决提出合理化的对策和建议。

    In the end , the article proposes reasonable countermeasures and suggestions on the resolution of SMEs ' financing problems , based on the result and analysis of empirical research and combining the status quo of SMEs ' relationship lending in our country .