
  1. 沥青混合料设计关键控制指标研究

    Study on the Key Index Used for Controlling the Design of the Pitch Mixtures

  2. 指出脱油沥青粘度是选择抽提深度的关键控制指标,管输减渣适宜的脱沥青油收率为50%~55%。

    It was pointed out that the viscosity of the deoiled asphalt was the key index for controlling the extraction severity . The suitable yield of DAO was 50 % - 55 % for the VR of pipe-transported crude oil .

  3. 静刚度、动刚度、静强度、疲劳强度、整体稳定性和局部稳定性是起重机金属结构的关键控制指标,它们必须全部满足才能保证起重机安全可靠运行。

    Static rigidity , dynamic rigidity , static strength , fatigue strength , integral stability and partial stability are the key controlling index of crane 's metal construction . The crane can work safely and reliably if all of them are satisfied .

  4. 在烧结法生产工艺中,回转窑内的烧成带温度是生产过程中的关键工艺控制指标。

    In the sintering production technology , the rotary kiln firing zone temperature is a key technology control indicator during the production process .

  5. 通过对级配进行比较分析,提出结构层关键筛孔施工控制指标。

    Compare gradation of deferent position , then take construction guideposts of structure level .