
guān xì shù jù kù
  • relation database;relational database
  1. 基于关系数据库的XML数据转换架构

    A XML Data Transformation Architecture Based on Relation Database

  2. 利用POWERBUILDER开发关系数据库管理系统

    Developing Relation Database Mangement System by Power Builder

  3. 人事关系数据库系统设计与Web信息发布实现

    The Design of Personnel Database System and The Realization of Information Release from Web

  4. 论文提出了一个基于关系数据库的数据转换框架,基于数据的完整性讨论XML数据存储策略。

    This paper describes a general storage method for XML documents using RDBMS .

  5. 基于关系数据库的XML查询效率测试方法

    Method of Evaluating XML Query Tool in Relational Database

  6. 基于关系数据库的XML数据存储、更新和检索

    Storage , Updating and Retrival of XML Data in Relational Data base Systems

  7. 阐述了数据模块编码的意义,并对数据模块编码的原则与技术进行研究,实现了XML数据到关系数据库的转换。

    Elaborate the meaning of data module code and study the principle and technical of DMC .

  8. 一种基于关系数据库的Fix工控系统报表生成方法

    A Method of Generating Fix Industry-Control Spreadsheets Based on Relational Databases

  9. 关系数据库如Oracle或MicrosoftSQLServer是无时态的。

    Relational databases such as Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server are non-temporal .

  10. 针对上下文无关语言的句子所对应的语法树G树的表示形式提出了一种关系数据库的存储形式。

    A storage mapping of G tree of syntax tree in relational databases is represented .

  11. Rough关系数据库模型及其关系操作

    Rough Relational Database Model and its Relational Operations

  12. 毕竟,大部分Java开发人员更熟悉向关系数据库编码。

    After all , most Java developers are more comfortable with coding to a relational database .

  13. 针对Web环境中半结构化数据没有统一的模式,不便于存储管理这一问题,采用模型映射方式,提出了一种新型的基于关系数据库的半结构化数据存储模型&XPED。

    Based on the findings , a new storage model for web data based on relation database is presented , namely XPED .

  14. 浅析UML实现面向对象关系数据库设计

    Simple Analysis on Realizing Object-oriented Relation DataBase Design Through UML

  15. 该数据访问对象极其简单;它不连接任何外部资源(比如关系数据库)以获得Test实例。

    This data access object is extremely simple ; it does not connect to any external resources ( such as relational databases ) to obtain Test instances .

  16. UML模型向关系数据库的映射方法初探

    The Primary Discussing of the Method of Mapping UML Model to Relationship Database

  17. 将XML文档与关系数据库之间的数据转换技术构件化,提高了数据转换技术的可重用性、可扩展性和可维护性。

    The modularization of data-converting technologies between XML and Relational Database can improve in reusability , expansibility and maintainability .

  18. 这就产生了基于关系数据库系统的、以XML格式交换业务数据的需求。

    This has created the requirement of exchanging business data in XML among applications based on relational database systems .

  19. Hibernate是一个面向Java环境的对象/关系数据库映射工具。

    Hibernate is an object / relational mapping tool for Java environments .

  20. RegistryandRepository使用关系数据库作为其支持存储区。

    Registry and Repository uses a relational database as its backing store .

  21. Notes数据库不是关系数据库,因为数据项之间不存在预定义的关系。

    Notes databases are not relational database because there are no pre-defined relationships between the data entities .

  22. SqlServer2000关系数据库特性分析

    Character Analysis of Rational Database SQL Server 2000

  23. 在关系数据库中插入null值是不良实践。

    Inserting null values in relational databases is a bad practice .

  24. 这一任务涉及定义数据库模式(表、列),来在关系数据库中存储XML数据。

    This task involves defining the database schema ( tables , columns ) to store XML data in a relational database .

  25. 同样的概念在关系数据库中也存在,用来进行链接的列叫做键列(keycolumn)。

    The same idea holds in a relational database , and the column used to make the link is referred to as a key column .

  26. 满足TNF的历史关系数据库的代数结构

    Algebra For TNF Historical Relational Database

  27. 传统关系数据库由于数据模型的差异而无法胜任大规模XML数据管理。

    Traditional relational databases could not be capable of large-scale XML data management because of the differences between the two data models .

  28. 基于关系数据库的LDAP证书查询服务器的实现

    Implementation of LDAP Certificates Query Server Based on Relational Database

  29. 在使用@DbLookup来从文档中读取字段时,服务器上的VirtualFields活动将提供关系数据库中的实时信息。

    When you use @ DbLookup to read fields from the documents , the Virtual Fields activity on the server supplies live information from the relational database .

  30. 目前关系数据库的传统建模方法是使用实体关系模型(ER模型)。

    At present the traditional modeling technology of relational database is entity relationship model ( ER model ) .