
  • 网络Relationship Search
  1. 包括了关键概念与领域本体关系搜索和进化需求生成部分,该部分用到本体关系搜索算法,自定义了与关系对应的本体进化需求生成规则。

    Including searching for the relationship between key concepts and domain ontology , evolution demand generating . Ontology relationship search algorithm is used in this part .

  2. 我们的基于Flex的应用程序允许用户使用各种可视化辅助工具创建幻灯片,包括项列表、图表编辑器、标记云、关系搜索器和表。

    Our Flex-based application allows users to construct slides using a variety of visualization assistants , including bulleted lists , graphic editors , tag clouds , relation explorers , and tables .

  3. 主要研究内容包括:根据轮轨接触几何关系搜索轮轨的接触点。

    The main content is as follow : According to the relationship between wheel-rail contact geometry search wheel-rail contact point .

  4. 用于更广泛查询的词表支持,它不但搜索特定的搜索词,还通过用户定义的关系搜索相关的词

    Thesaurus support for broader queries , by searching not only for a specific search term , but also for terms that are related to it with user-defined relations

  5. 因为关系数据搜索从某种程度上比XML数据搜索速度快,所以其性能比分解式数据好(在我们的设置中比XQuery速度快20倍)。

    Since searching over relational data can be somewhat faster than searching over XML data , you see better performance for this query over shredded data ( 20 times faster than XQuery in our setup ) .

  6. 二级演绎数据库的关系元组搜索方法

    Searching Approach of Relational Tuples on Two-level Deductive Databases

  7. 一个多级安全系统的信息传递关系是搜索隐通道的重要依据。

    Information-flows of mains and objects in a Multi-level security system could be used to describe an information-flow chart .

  8. 搜索过程利用朋友关系实现搜索请求的转发,并且集成高效的缓存策略。

    The forwarding of user requests came use of friend relations in search process , which integrated effective caching strategy .

  9. 然而,现有文献对开放式创新的研究发现企业开放度与创新绩效之间存在倒U型曲线关系,搜索成本和技术溢出会导致高水平的开放度不利于企业的创新。

    However , existing researches on open innovation found an inverted U-shaped relationship between openness and innovation performance . Because of searching costs and technology spillover , a high level of openness is not conducive to innovation performance .

  10. 考察等亮度条件下新旧客体之间的范畴关系对预搜索(previewsearch)的影响。

    The effect of categorical relationship between old and new objects on preview search at isoluminance was studied . The categorical stimuli were letters and numbers .

  11. 环状给水管网拓扑关系的自动搜索

    Automatic search of topology relation in water supply looped pipe networks

  12. 稳定平台系统是具有重要国防战略意义和经济价值的实物设备,其性能的优劣直接关系到雷达搜索目标的准确度。

    Stable platform system is an actual equipment , and is very important for national defence or economic . Its capability is directly related to the accuracy of radar .

  13. 本文研究了在全局优化中利用参数和目标的关系以得到搜索点的不可行方向,由此可有效的引导优化算法在有希望的空间中开发,并加速演化进程。

    The principle of incorporating relations between parameters and objectives to finding the infeasible directions of searched points in global optimization is studied . It can guide optimization algorithms exploiting in promising space and accelerate the evolutionary process .

  14. 提出了一种线与多边形矢量数据的压缩方法,并在此方法的基础上提出了基于非拓扑关系的穷举搜索压缩法。

    A compression method of the line and the polygon vector data is given in this paper . At the foundation of this method , the compression method of the all-list-search which is based on non-topology relation is put forward .

  15. 在深入研究分形图象编码原理的基础上,提出一种基于区域块与简单变换后的范围块之间方差关系的快速搜索方法&R-D搜索方法。

    After making an intensive study of the principle of fractal image coding , this paper presents a fast searching method named RD searching method , which is based on the relation between the variance of range block and that of simply transformed domain block .

  16. IPSBSAR:一种基于熟人关系的增量式P2P搜索算法

    IPSBSAR : An Incremental P2P Search Algorithm Based on Social Acquaintance Relationship

  17. 在多目标遗传算法中,使用Pareto支配关系来指导算法搜索成为当前多目标遗传算法的发展的趋势。

    Most multi-objective genetic algorithms ( MOGA ) use Pareto domination to guide the search , so constructing the non-dominated set became important work .

  18. 利用弧长控制多数和结构协线刚度矩阵特征值之间的非线性关系,建立了搜索并确定位于结构屈曲平街路往任一区段内的分支点的精确分析方法。

    Using the nonlinear relation between the arc-length parameter and the stiffness matrix of the structures , the conventional arc-length method is improved .

  19. 为进一步深入研究零部件关系网络,需要搜索零部件关系网络中的简单路径。

    In order to research parts relation network of product family deeply , it is necessary to detect simple paths in parts relation network .

  20. 设计了一种基于支配关系下的局部搜索方法,将此局部搜索方法嵌入到多目标遗传算法中,从而提出一种有效的求解多目标优化问题的混合遗传算法。

    A new local searching method based on dominance is presented , by joining the local searching meth - od into the multi-objective optimization genetic algorithm , so a hybridized algorithm is proposed for solving multi-objective optimization problem .

  21. 估值模块主要由四部分组成:棋子战斗力评估、棋子灵活机动性评估、棋子相互关系评估以及与搜索引擎配合四部分组成。

    Defines an estimate value module mainly to be composed of four parts : The board game piece battle efficiency appraisal , the board game piece nimble mobility appraisal , the board game piece reciprocity appraisal as well as coordinate four parts of compositions with the search engine . 3 .

  22. 因此,本课题的研究以用户在Blog网站中的行为特征为基本依据,渗入挖掘和分析他们之间的人物关系,进而开发一个人物关系搜索引擎,用于搜索关联用户及其关联关键字。

    Therefore , we take the behavioral characteristics of users in Blog site as the fundamental basis to explore and analyze characters relationship .

  23. 随着越来越多的数据存放在关系数据库中,产生了大量需要对关系数据库进行搜索的普通用户。

    With the data in relation database becoming more and more , users who want to search the relational data are becoming more and more .