
  1. 因此,西部产业结构必须进行调整和优化,从过度资源依赖中走出来,寻求更广阔的产业发展空间。

    Therefore , the industrial structure and system in the Western Region must undergo transformation and upgrade to create more development opportunities and spaces , so that it will no longer depend on the old traditional system .

  2. 方法总结分析大型医学影像资源配置、医学影像检查程序的优化组合与避免过度诊断的负面效应。

    Methods This article summarized the distribution of large-size medical imaging equipments , the optimum examination procedure and their combination , and analyzed the passive effects of over-diagnosis .

  3. 网站被降权有时是因为我们在做网站优化时某个环节出错,造成优化过度或触动了搜索引擎的惩罚机制;

    Web site is down right sometimes because we do website optimization a link when wrong , cause excessive or touches the optimal search engine punishment mechanism ;