
  • 网络preferred stock plan
  1. 这就是为什么政府首先提出优先股计划。

    That 's why the government came up with the preferred plan in the first place .

  2. 优先股计划的一个好的方面是,如果银行复苏,纳税人得到了他们的钱,那么政府甚至可能在股票上看到更多的有利面。

    The one good thing with the preferred share plan is that if the banks recover , taxpayers get their money back , and the government might even see some upside in the shares .

  3. 花旗还在考虑,在转换美国政府及其它投资者所持520亿美元优先股计划的基础上,将信托优先股也纳入其中。信托优先股是一种债务与股票的混合体。

    Citi is also looking at adding to its plan to convert $ 52bn of preferred shares held by the government and other investors by including trust preferred shares , a hybrid of debt and equity .

  4. 转换优先股的计划扩大后,可能会略微降低政府在花旗所持的股份比例,根据原先的转换计划,预计政府将持有大约36%的花旗股份。

    The move could slightly decrease the government 's stake in Citi , which was expected to be about 36 per cent under the original conversion plan .

  5. 熟悉内情的人士预计,借助其扩大了的优先股转换计划,花旗还需要筹集的额外资本金不到100亿美元,可能只要60亿美元。

    People close to the situation expect Citi to have to raise less than $ 10bn in extra capital , and possibly as little as $ 6bn , through the expansion of its planned conversion of preferred shares .