
  • 网络SUSPENSION AGREEMENT;Standstill Agreement
  1. 反倾销调查可以通过达成价格承诺(欧盟)或签订中止协议(美国)而中止,因此出口商可根据时机做出选择,以避免漫长的反倾销调查程序。

    The procedure can be suspended through attaining to price undertaking and suspension agreement . So the exporters can make the choice according to the opportunity , in order to prevent the very long anti-dumping from investigating the procedure .

  2. 我尊重与我们盟友的贸易协议,不会单方面中止协议。

    I will respect our trade agreements with our allies , not unilaterally renounce them .

  3. 本协议于二OO二年元月一日生效。如一方想中止本协议,须在一个月前书面通知另一方。

    This agreement shall take effect on January 1st , 2002 . if one party wants to terminate the agreement , a written notice one month beforehand shall be given to another party .

  4. 尼日尔三角洲解放运动在声明中警告说,如果军方再次袭击解放运动的据点,这个组织将中止停火协议。

    MEND warned in its statement that it would end the ceasefire if the military attacks its positions again .

  5. 他正在设法中止合同,背弃协议。

    He is trying to back out of his bargain , escape from the agreement .

  6. 在美国于2018年宣布退出伊核协议后,伊朗于2019年5月开始分阶段中止履行伊核协议部分条款。

    Iran started to drop its nuclear commitments in phases in May 2019 after the U , S , the deal in 2018 .