
  • 网络chinese style management
  1. 中国式管理研究的六个基本命题

    Six Basic Propositions of " Chinese Style Management "

  2. 目前中国管理学研究逐渐形成了全盘西化派、洋为中用派、中国式管理学派等三大流派。但中国管理学研究存在诸多问题,如今缺乏对中国本土化管理的研究和解读;

    With the development of Chinese management researches , three major schools come out including wholly western-oriented , local adapted and Chinese style management .

  3. 中国式管理是柔性化人性化的权变管理艺术。

    Chinese management is a flexible humanistic contingent art .

  4. 文化传统与中国式管理价值观选择

    Cultural Tradition and the Choice of Chinese Management Value

  5. 中国式管理科学建构的探讨

    Approach to the Construction of Management Science in China

  6. 华星中国式管理咨询公司发展战略研究

    Wah Sing Chinese-style Management Consulting Firm Strategic Research Development

  7. 中国式管理:背景、内涵与展望

    Chinese management : Context , connotation and prospect

  8. 中国式管理型医疗初探

    A Primary Exploration of Chinese Characteristic Managed Care

  9. 关于管理比较研究中应注意的问题&兼谈中国式管理的建立基础

    Some Problems Worthy of Attention of Comparative Management ── And the Base of Chinese Management

  10. 对梁山管理的深刻反思促使我们更好认识和把握中国式管理的精髓!

    Yangsan management of the profound reflection prompted us to better understand and grasp the essence of Chinese-style management !

  11. 中国式管理模式的建立。

    The guiding power from the morality , The building of the Chinese management model should develop and utilize these cultural power effectively .

  12. 近日中国式管理非常时兴而热烈,中国式的管理是更适合成长中的中国企业?

    The Chinese type management is extremely fashionable and is warm , China 's-like management is suits in the growth the Chinese enterprise ?

  13. 本文从我国当前社会转型的实践、制度因素和传统文化的相互影响的角度探讨中国式管理科学的建构,并作了比较分析。

    Astract : The article discusses the building of Chinese administrative science by reference to China 's current social transition practice and the interaction between institutional factors and traditional culture , and makes a comparative analysis as well .

  14. 探讨黄老哲学思想与现代商业管理实践的价值及意义,建构中国式管理思想体系,既是寻找中国传统文化与现代化管理相结合的途径的迫切需要,也是市场经济和管理学发展的强烈要求。

    Explore philosophy and huang-lao modern business management practice value and significance , construct Chinese management system of thought , is looking for Chinese traditional culture and the modern management way of combining the urgent need , also is the development of market economy and strong demand management .

  15. 也为研制、开发、实施中国式ERP管理信息系统,促进财务软件向着网络化、财务信息无纸化,企业管理实现物流、资金流、信息流协同化方向的快速发展提供了广阔的发展空间。

    It also offers a large space for researching , developing and applying Chinese ERP management information system , makes financial software develop into net and paperless , helps material flow , funds flow and information flow coordinating .

  16. 而现代思想政治教育的管理功能,使之成为实现中国式人本管理的重要方式和手段。

    And the administration function is becoming the measure of Chinese humanistic management .

  17. 在实践中,中国式的精英管理也存在缺陷。

    In practice , Chinese-style meritocracy is flawed .

  18. 中国式的精英管理有着明显的优势。

    The advantages of Chinese-style meritocracy are clear .

  19. 本文分析了绩效管理在中国式的企业管理下的实际操作中遇到的问题,涵盖了绩效管理中的每个环节。

    The article analyzes the problems that they meet in the application of performance management under the Chinese style enterprise management , which covers every step in performance management .

  20. “纵观中国历史,封闭式管理是一种高效易行的控制居民的手段。”黄教授说。

    Gating has been an easy and effective way to control population throughout Chinese history , said Huang , the geography professor .

  21. 源于中国文化的中国式管理哲学主要有:用贤者、重人伦、顺道、守信、均衡、和谐等。

    Chinese culture from the Chinese management philosophy are : employ sage , value human values , take the opportunity , and trustworthy , balanced , harmonious , and so on .

  22. 李娜的职业生涯通常会被描述为中国长期的家长式管理习惯与年青一代追求张扬个性之间的冲突——李娜曾试图用胶带遮盖自己胸前的纹身,但最终懒得再费这个事。

    Li 's career has often been narrated as a clash between China 's enduring paternalistic habits and the individuality of the country 's younger generations - symbolised by a tattoo on her chest that she used to cover up with tape but eventually stopped bothering to .

  23. 通过对家族式管理模式优劣势的分析,结合对济南部分家族企业成功和失败案例的剖析,提出对中国家族企业家族式管理模式的改进思路,以期进一步提升中国家族企业的核心竞争力。

    On the basis of studies of the success and failure of management mode of family businesses and the cases of some family enterprises in Jinan , some methods of improving the old patriarch-based management mode has been found to help family businesses improve and keep their competence .

  24. 基于中国传统文化建立中国式管理模式

    Building the Chinese Management Model Based on Traditional Culture

  25. 只有根据中国的特定情况,建设中国式现代管理,才能更好地为四个现代化服务。

    As long as we carry out the Chinese-type management practice according to Chinese specific conditions , we can make a great contribution to the four modernizations .

  26. 在分析了中国医疗保障的改革趋势后,本文提出中国式管理型医疗要建立以健康公平为价值取向,科学付费机制为基础的多层次全民社会医疗保障体系。

    Following the analysis of the tendency of Chinese medical insurance reform , the author points out that it is feasible for China to build a multi-arrangement and nationally-covered medical security system that are based on the value of health equity and scientific payment mechanism .