
  • 网络Vision Management
  1. 本文在对扁平化组织进行理论研究的基础上,提出了扁平化组织应推行远景管理、实施顾客关系管理、建立学习型组织、推行团队工作方式等实际运作的探索。

    This article is based on the theory of the flatten structure and puts forward to some new thought in the practical use , such as implement the distant view management , carry out CRM , establish the organization of studying and use the team work style , etc.

  2. 企业网络管理的四个方面:远景能力管理、组合管理、竞争力管理、网络关系管理。

    Four ways of enterprise network management : perspective , combine , competition , relationship .

  3. KPI(KeyPerformanceIndication)可作为企业远景目标的绩效管理工具。

    KPI ( Key Performance Indication ) can be used into the performance management to make organizational objectives .