
  • 网络Ocean Group
  1. 作为中国最大的船运公司,中国远洋集团为降低租金拖欠巨额船租并一再讨价还价,其行为遭到广泛谴责。

    Cosco , China 's biggest shipping firm , came under more fire for withholding payments for vessels it had chartered , as it haggles for cheaper rates .

  2. 包括华为在内的科技企业和包括中国远洋运输集团(COSCO)在内的物流企业都在西班牙成立了运营中心。

    Technology companies , including Huawei , are among those to have a center in Spain , along with logistic companies such as COSCO .

  3. 中国远洋运输集团(cosco)昨日警告称,预期将宣布今年上半年亏损,这一消息突显集装箱航运集团所面临的糟糕市场状况。

    China COSCO warned yesterday that it expected to announce a loss for the first half of the year , highlighting the dreadful market conditions facing container shipping groups .

  4. 看看世界最大的干散货船舶运营商中国远洋运输集团(Cosco)吧。该公司的航海业根基如此深厚,以至于它把首席执行官首先称为船长。

    Consider China 's Cosco , the world 's largest operator of dry bulk ships , and a company so steeped in seafaring lore that it identifies its chief executive first as captain .

  5. 其中,中国远洋运输集团就在希腊最大的港口拥有部分特许权。

    One of them , COSCO , has a concession to run part of Greece 's biggest port .

  6. 为了亚洲的共赢、合作与发展&中国远洋运输集团博鳌水城开发建设纪实

    FOR ASIA 'S WIN-WIN , DEVELOPMENT AND COOPERATION & Areoond of how COSCO Group explores and builds Boao Aquapolis

  7. 公司与中国外贸运输公司上海公司、中国远洋运输集团公司、中国外轮代理公司有着良好的业务合作关系。

    The company has established good business relations with China Foreign Trade Transportation Company Shanghai Branch , China Ocean Shipping Company ( COSCO ), and People 's Navigation Company ( PENAVICO ) .

  8. 图为中国远洋运输(集团)总公司外派的海员。

    The picture shows overseas Chinese seamen China Ocean Shipping ( Group ) Company .

  9. 中国远洋运输(集团)总公司(简称中远)作为全球第七大集装箱承运人,船队大型化还有很大的发展空间。

    China Ocean Shipping ( Group ) Company ( hereinafter shortened as COSCO ), the seventh largest container carrier in the world , still has much to do to enlarge its fleet .

  10. 中远集团核心信息系统是为中国远洋运输(集团)总公司领导和业务部门提供全球范围经贸、航运信息的计算机网络系统。

    The COSCO Kernel Information System is a computer based shipping information system , which provides updated information of global economy , trade and shipping for the managers and staff of China Ocean Shipping ( Group ) Company worldwide .