
yuǎn ɡǔ shí dài
  • remote antiquity;ancient past;remote date
  1. 文身是远古时代产生并发展传承至今的一种特殊的文化现象。

    Tattoo is a special primary cultural phenomenon originated in the remote antiquity .

  2. 山东省坐落在中国北方平原的东部边缘,而且从远古时代起,就是中国五千年灿烂文化的摇篮。

    SHANDONG is located on the eastern edge of the North China Plain and since remote antiquity has been a cradle of5000 years of Chinese civilization .

  3. 转基因食物损坏DNA,因为今天的科学家们就接合基因方面的了解完全不如远古时代的科学家们。

    GMO foods damage the DNA as scientists today do not understand enough as to how to splice genetics together as in more ancient times .

  4. 远古时代京津唐地区一次大震的研究

    A strong earthquake event occurred in ancient time in Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area

  5. 远古时代曾遗留下了许许多多故事。

    Many stories have been recorded * Of the ancient times .

  6. 即便是在远古时代,口香糖也有医疗作用。

    Even back then , chewing gum had a medical benefit .

  7. 远古时代,许多部落有自己的图腾。

    Many tribes have their own totems in the ancient age .

  8. 在远古时代,就有人类在这里繁衍生息。

    There has been human habitation here since prehistoric times .

  9. 它表现中国远古时代的美女。

    A performance China ancient times beauty woman of painting .

  10. 这座图书馆是远古时代的奇迹之一。

    This library was one of the wonders of the accient world .

  11. 在远古时代,压力使我们生存。

    Long ago , stress was a matter of survival .

  12. 狗与人的工作关系可追溯到远古时代。

    The working relationship between dogs and humans goes back to ancient times .

  13. 幽州远古时代的九州之一。

    Youzhou of Kyushu , one of ancient times .

  14. 这些手稿本中有一些远古时代的故事。

    These manuscripts contain some stories of high antiquity .

  15. 这些传说是从远古时代传下来的。

    These legends have come down from time immemorial .

  16. 远古时代,勇士可以通过搏斗的方式相互挑战。

    In ancient times , warriors could challenge one another to a fight .

  17. 使人仿佛回到了远古时代。

    Make people feel as if they had returned to the remote distant past .

  18. 这些都不是从远古时代开始人类供养自己的方式。

    These are not the ways humans have been feeding themselves from time immemorial .

  19. 很多基督教节日有其异教的渊源,它们可以上溯至远古时代。

    Many Christian festivals have pagan antecedents which stretch back into the distant past .

  20. 从远古时代起,石油就是很重要的原料。

    Petroleum has been important since ancient times .

  21. 自远古时代,来自植物和动物产品的染料就已经付诸使用。

    Natural dyes from plant and animal products have been used since ancient times .

  22. 这些经历通常来自远古时代。

    The experiences are often from ancient times .

  23. 再现远古时代的生活情景。

    Reconstruct the life of the distant past .

  24. 远古时代的身份焦虑&《摩诃婆罗多》的主题研究

    The Worries of Identity in Primitive Ages

  25. 福利思想是中国社会思想史中较为重要的组成部分。自中国远古时代有群体组织出现以来,福利思想就非常发达,以儒家思想为主体的宗族福利思想,早在春秋战国时期就已经成熟。

    The welfare thought is a comparatively important component in China 's social intellectual history .

  26. 远古时代“京”都“意义的变迁”

    The meaning flux of the ancient Chinese words " jing " and " du "

  27. 但是,远古时代所知的星座知识,与现代社会已有相当大的差异了。

    But how can mythological teachings from ancient times be relevant to our modern society ?

  28. 我敢打赌远古时代的岩洞画家们都想知道怎样画得更漂亮些

    I bet those prehistoric cave artists would have loved to know how to draw better .

  29. 远古时代的恐龙和现在的爬行动物(比如说鳄鱼)都长有叫做“皮内成骨”的骨组织皮肤板块。

    Some dinosaurs and present day reptiles , like crocodiles , have boney skin plates called osteoderms .

  30. 数千年来这些神秘的巨石孤立地矗立在一马平川的平原上,象远古时代的武士。

    For thousands of years these mysterious stones have stood in isolation like ancient warriors of time .