
zǐ wài fú shè
  • ultraviolet radiation;ultraviolet light
紫外辐射[zǐ wài fú shè]
  1. 无治愈方法,但使用药物和紫外辐射照射可帮助缓解病情。

    No cure , but treatment with drugs and ultraviolet light may help .

  2. 超声/紫外辐射协同降解水中碱性桃红的研究

    Study on Synergistic Degradation of C. I. Basic Red in Water by Ultrasound / Ultraviolet Light

  3. 对波谱的另外一些部分,如紫外辐射,必须利用卫星才能知道是宇宙中什么天体产生的。

    For other parts of the spectrum , such as the ultraviolet , satellites are necessary to see what objects in space are doing .

  4. 在紫外辐射B胁迫下钙对大豆幼苗若干生物学特性的影响

    Effects of calcium on biological characteristics of soybean seedlings under UV-B stress

  5. 紫外辐射诱导C(60)聚合的扫描隧道显微研究

    STM Studies of C_60 Coalescence Induced by UV Radiation

  6. 紫外辐射诱导植物细胞DNA损伤的彗星检测

    Comet assay on the DNA damage induced by UV radiation in plant cells

  7. 紫外辐射诱导桃蚜DNA变异

    UV - induced DNA mutation of peach aphid

  8. CO2浓度和阳光紫外辐射变化对珊瑚藻生理生化的影响

    Physiological Response of a Coralline Alga to Changes in CO_2 Concentration and Solar UV Radiation

  9. Ne~+离子与He、Ar原子碰撞中真空紫外辐射

    VUV radiation in collisions bet wee ne ~ + and he , ar

  10. UV-A区段紫外辐射对DNA影响的拉曼光谱研究

    Raman Spectrometric Study on the Influence of UV-A Radiation on DNA in Aqueous Solution

  11. 研究发现,漠河地区近地面臭氧日变化明显,其峰值出现在每日10:00(北京时间)左右,并早于紫外辐射(UV)峰值出现时间。

    Its peak usually appeared around 1000 LST ( Local Standard Time ), which was earlier than the UV peak appearance .

  12. PDP单元真空紫外辐射的测量

    The Measurement of the Vacuum Ultraviolet for PDP Cells

  13. 系统研究胞外多糖EPSⅠ的体外抗氧化活性,和对多种微生物的紫外辐射防护作用。

    Then its antioxidation activity in vitro and protective effect in several microorganisms is researched and analyzed .

  14. 紫外辐射处理下的实际遗传距离为0.12155,在该水平上DNA的变异频率为47.6667%。

    Therefore , the net genetic distance of the aphid under ultraviolet was 0.12155 , and on this level , the rate of DNA mutation was about 47.6667 % .

  15. UHMWPE纤维表面紫外辐射接枝改性的研究

    Study on Surface Grafting & Modification of UHMWPE Fiber By UV Irradiation in Open System

  16. 气液两相脉冲放电体系不但可以产生·OH、H2O2等活性物种,还生成了很强的紫外辐射光。

    Active species like OH radicals , H_2O_2 , et al could be generated in gas-liquid pulsed streamer system , and strong UV radiation appeared simultaneously .

  17. 刺梨(Rosaroxburghii)对日光紫外辐射与干旱的响应研究

    Responses of Rosa Roxburghii to Ultraviolet B Radiation and Drought

  18. 此外,比起胶带上的海葵,放在珊瑚骨骼上的海葵所遭受的紫外辐射少四倍,其DNA所受到的破坏少大约七倍。

    What 's more , anemones placed on the coral received four times less UV radiation and showed about seven times less damage to their DNA than those placed on the tape .

  19. 臭氧层的破坏导致到达地表的中波紫外辐射(UV-B)增加。

    Depletion of ozone leads to the increase of Ultraviolet-B radiation on the surface of the Earth .

  20. 对这些统计分析结果进行理论研究,可以发现无论对F层而言,还是对E层而言,均不存在能够强烈吸收有关太阳紫外辐射的遮蔽层。

    The theoretical study for these results shows the non-existance of a screening layer , absorbing strongly the relevant solar ultraviolet radiations , for both the F and E layers .

  21. 紫外辐射UV-B增加对小麦株高和节间细胞长度影响的初步研究

    A Primary Study on the Plant Height and Cell Length of Winter Wheat in Response to Enhanced Ultraviolet-B Radiation

  22. KrF离子准分子真空紫外辐射及动力学过程

    VUV Radiation and Kinetics of Krypton Fluoride Ionic Excimer

  23. 平流层臭氧破坏导致地球表面紫外辐射(主要是UV-B)增强逐渐受到人们重视。

    Enhancement of ultraviolet radiation ( mainly UV-B ) resulted from the depletion of stratospheric ozone has caused considerable attention .

  24. 报道了小牛胸腺DNA水溶液经9,20,40min紫外辐射的拉曼光谱图,紫外线的辐射照度为1868W·m-2。

    The Raman spectra of calf thymus DNA in aqueous solution and at 9 , 20 and 40 min after ultraviolet radiation were reported .

  25. 采用紫外辐射接枝方法对超高相对分子质量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)纤维表面进行改性。

    The surface modification of ultrahigh-relative molecular weight mass polyethylene ( UHMWPE ) fiber was conducted via ultraviolet irradiation grafting technology .

  26. 用水培法研究了Ce(Ⅲ)对紫外辐射(UV-B,280~320nm)胁迫下油菜幼苗生长与光合作用的影响。

    Effect of Ce on growth and photosynthesis of rape seedlings under elevated ultraviolet-B radiation ( UV-B , 280 ~ 320 nm ) was studied .

  27. 提出了一个从卫星观测推算地面UVB辐射通量密度和红斑生物紫外辐射剂量的新的参数化方法。

    A new parameterization method for retrieving surface UVB irradiance and erythemal UVB radiative dose rate is presented .

  28. 恰是空气中煅烧形成的TiO2在紫外辐射下光催化降解了染料反应性黑5。

    It is the TiO2 formed after calcined at 600 ℃ for 3 hours with air that photo-catalyzed the degradation decomposition of Reactive Black 5 with UV irradiation .

  29. 紫外辐射瞬时极大值为50W·m-2;

    The instantaneous maximum of ultraviolet radiation is 50W / m 2 .

  30. 由于臭氧层衰减引起的紫外辐射(主要是UV-B)增强产生了一系列较为严重的生态学后果。

    Enhancement of ultraviolet radiation ( mainly UV-B ) due to the depletion of stratospheric ozone has caused a variety of ecological effects .