
  • 网络zijin mining
  1. 然而,在过去一个月,只有一家企业成功地发行了以美元计价的债券:紫金矿业(ZijinMining)。

    But in the past month , only one company , Zijin Mining , has successfully issued dollar-denominated bonds .

  2. 中国第二大金矿企业紫金矿业(ZijinMiningGroup)昨日宣布,将进行首次公开发行,筹集最多15亿美元的资金。这一消息为备受打击的中国股市注入了一些乐观情绪。

    Zijin Mining Group , China 's second largest gold miner , yesterday said it would launch an initial public offering to raise up to $ 1.5bn , injecting some optimism into the beleaguered Chinese stock market .

  3. 主要论述PROFIBUS现场总线在福建省紫金矿业运输车间矿山机车行车控制及远程道岔应用实例。

    The paper discusses the application of PROFIBUS with a specific example on vehicle-driving control at long-distance orbital fork at carrying shop of Fujian Zhijin Mining Corporation .

  4. 应用该模型建立了紫金矿业股份有限公司的入选矿石品位、矿石综合成本、黄金综合成本、黄金产量、销售收入、利润总额和资产总额的灰色GM(1,1)模型。

    By using it , the Grey Models GM ( 1,1 ) of ore grade , synthetic ore cost per ton , comprehensive gold cost , gold output , selling earning total profits and assests of Zijinshan Mining Ltd. Co. are established respectively .

  5. 找矿哲学在紫金矿业中的应用

    The application of philosophy in prospecting to Zijin mining industry

  6. 紫金矿业集团数字矿山建设的理论与实践

    Practice and Theoretics of Establishing Digital Mine Zijin Mining Group

  7. 这些交易看起来对紫金矿业也不错。

    The deals also look good for Zijin .

  8. 2003年12月,紫金矿业在香港证交所上市。

    In December 2003 , Zijin Mining listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange .

  9. 紫金矿业昨日拒绝置评。

    Zijin refused to comment yesterday .

  10. 笔者在紫金矿业集团股份有限公司国际部任职一年多,结合近期的海外矿业项目商务谈判运作,较系统地总结了在海外投资矿业项目的商务谈判经验,与读者共享。

    , Ltd , the author systematically summarizes the business negotiating experience in investing foreign mining projects .

  11. 官方已勒令紫金矿业发生事故的矿区停工,等候对其设施的检查。

    Zijin has been ordered to halt operations at the affected mine pending an inspection of its facilities .

  12. 黄金行业上游企业成本控制初探&以紫金矿业集团股份有限公司为例


  13. 针对紫金矿业集团黄金冶炼厂产出的含金废料,进行了焙烧湿法回收金的工艺研究。

    Recovery of gold from gold bearing waste material yielded in gold smelting plant of Zijin Mining Group by roasting hydrometallurgy are investigated .

  14. 上世纪90年代中期,国有企业紫金矿业开始在紫金山上半坡处爆破和钻井,开采黄金和铜。

    In the mid-1990s , the state-owned Zijin Mining began blasting and drilling for gold and copper on the upper slopes of the mountain .

  15. 大多数人在迁移时,都不得不与兄弟姐妹、父母和子女分开,这部分村民并没有被纳入紫金矿业股票分配中。

    These villagers , most of whom left siblings , parents and children when they moved , were not included in the Zijin Mining share allotment .

  16. 福建省上杭县原本为一个以农业为主的贫困小县,近年来以紫金矿业为代表的矿业企业的崛起,使上杭县的经济得到了飞速发展。

    Shanghang county , Fujian province , which was a poor agricultural county , recently has acquired a fast economic growth as a benefit from mining , represented by Zijin mining .

  17. 9月份,官方媒体报道称,国家税务总局正在调查陈发树,以查明他在出售自己所持的紫金矿业股票时,是否存在骗税行为。

    In September , state media reported that the state administration of taxation was investigating Mr Chen for tax fraud related to the sale of shares he owned in Zijin Mining .

  18. 在占取了农民土地后,紫金矿业将村民迁至上杭县城,把他们整体安置在县城郊外一片火柴盒般的混凝土公寓内。

    Taking their land , the company relocated them to the county seat of Shanghang , where they were clustered into a compound of boxy concrete apartments on the outskirts of town .

  19. 紫金矿业的事故处理态度表明中国的法律制度在环境侵权民事救济方面远不够完善。

    The law on the remedy for environment tort in China is far from perfect , which can be seen through the attitude and actions of Zijin Mining Group after the accident .

  20. 本部分简要介绍紫金矿业污染案的基本案情,并就本案中涉及的环境应急管理问题进行了概述。第二部分:突发环境事件应急管理的内涵。

    This section briefly describes the basic case of Zijin Mining pollution case , and the case of the environmental emergency management is outlined . Part ⅱ: Environmental Emergency management of content .

  21. 四川沱江氨氮污染事件、湖南浏阳镉污染事件、湖南益阳铅污染事件、福建紫金矿业污染事件、江苏苏州的光气泄漏事件等等一系列突发环境事件,为我们敲响了警钟。

    Like Sichuan river ammonia pollution incidents , Hunan liuyang cadmium pollution incidents , hunan Yiyang lead pollution events , Fujian mining pollution incident , Jiangsu Suzhou phosgene leak , a wake-up call for us .

  22. 随后分析了紫金矿业针对此次的并购财务风险所采取的一系列防范和控制措施,并指出了其存在的不足之处。

    Then , the paper analyzes a series of prevention and control measures taken by Zijin Mining Group Company in view of the financial risks in M & A , and points out its existing deficiencies .

  23. 紫金矿业此举是中国矿业企业近期一连串海外收购行动的最新一例。这也是中国国家战略的一部分,目的是保证进口原材料的供应,并获得对资源价格的更大影响力。

    Zijin 's move is the latest in a series of overseas acquisitions by Chinese mining companies and part of a national strategy of ensuring secure supplies of imported raw materials and gaining more influence over resource prices .

  24. 村民们拿到的现金补偿不够在县城盖新房,紫金矿业告诉他们,公司拿不出足够的钱,来全额支付村民失去农田所应得的补偿。

    The cash compensation they received was not enough to build new homes in the town and Zijin told them it did not have enough cash to pay them the full amount to which they were entitled for their farmland .

  25. 通过一些现实案例,如垃圾焚烧发电、紫金矿业污染等,具体分析了政府在建设循环经济过程中的引领作用和监管作用,具有重要的现实意义和鲜明的时代特征。

    Through the hot news , such as the construction of refuse burning power plant in various places , such as Zijin Mining pollution incidents , detailed analysis of the role of government leadership and supervision has important practical significance and distinctive characteristics of the times .

  26. 然而,一年之后,紫金原始股解禁,当地政府和紫金矿业通知村民,他们的股票终于可以在上交所公开交易了,与此同时,上海股市已经历了一轮反弹。

    A year on , however , a lock-up ended and the local government and the mining company informed them that their shares had finally become publicly tradeable in Shanghai , which had meanwhile undergone a rally .