
jīn xīng
  • Venus;star
金星 [jīn xīng]
  • (1) [Venus]∶按照离太阳距离排为第二的行星,公转一周224.7天,自转一周243天

  • (2) [star]∶眼睛幻觉中的金色像星的小点

  • 眼前金星乱飞

金星[jīn xīng]
  1. 金星、太阳和地球都到了一条直线上。

    Venus , the Sun and Earth all moved into line .

  2. 金星跟地球差不多一样大。

    Venus is of the same size as Earth .

  3. 满眼金星乱转,而且越转越快。

    Stars appeared everywhere , spinning round and round , faster and faster .

  4. 我们已经适应了这层橙色的雾霾,以至于无人体验过、也无人再记得,那些黑暗到可以投出金星阴影的无灯黑夜里曾布满着原始的星光。

    We've grown so used to this orange haze that the original glory of an unlit night—dark enough for the planet Venus to throw shadows on Earth—is wholly beyond our experience, beyond memory almost .

  5. 我知道除地球、木星、火星、金星这几个有名称的大行星以外,还有成百个别的星球,它们有的小得很,就是用望远镜也很难看见。

    I knew very well that in addition to the great planets -- such as the Earth , Jupiter , Mars , Venus -- to which we have given names , there are also hundreds of others , some of which are so small that one has a hard time seeing them through the telescope .

  6. 男人来自火星,女人来自金星。&GRAY,John。

    Men are from_Mars , Women are from Venus .

  7. 本文利用RBF公式,计算了地球、金星、火星等类地行星际的大气密度分布及火星水汽的寿命。

    We have also calculated the atmospheric density distributions of the Earth , Venus and Mars .

  8. 这个行星的影响力你们称为金星(Venus)。

    The planetary influence was that you call Venus .

  9. 地球和行星X是在与对方的舞蹈,金星和黑暗双人偶尔碰撞到这对夫妻在舞池。

    Earth and Planet X are in a dance with each other , with Venus and the Dark Twin on occasion bumping into this couple on the dance floor .

  10. 金星和“黑暗孪星”也被困在这个“杯子”里,而排斥力在它们与地球之间造成了一段距离,所以不时地会推动地球朝行星X靠近。

    Venus and the Dark Twin are caught in the cup too , and the Repulsion Force is forcing a distance between them and the Earth , thus pushing the Earth toward Planet X at times .

  11. 当“信使”号飞经金星的同时,ESA的“金星快车”飞船也在这颗行星上获取科学数据,这一前景令Solomon兴奋。

    As MESSENGER flies by Venus , ESA 's Venus Express spacecraft will also be capturing science data on the planet , a prospect that excited Solomon .

  12. 其次,根据7S模型的研究框架,论文分析了金星集团所存在的战略、市场、技术、人员等方面的困难;

    Thirdly , according to the study frame of7S model , this paper analyzed difficulties about the strategy , market , technology and personnel existed in Jinxing group .

  13. 2002年6月,美国保守派学者罗伯特•卡根(RobertKagan)发表了一篇现在很有名的文章,声称在当今重要的战略和国际问题上,美国人来自火星,欧洲人来自金星。

    In June 2002 Robert Kagan , the conservative US scholar , published a now famous article asserting that on major strategic and international questions today , Americans are from Mars and Europeans are from Venus .

  14. 水星二重成像系统(MDIS):在近红外波段上拍摄金星的夜面,对接近以及离去半球的彩色及高解析度单色图像拼接。

    Mercury Dual Imaging System ( MDIS ): Images of the night side of Venus in near-infrared wavelengths ; color and high-resolution monochrome mosaics of both the approaching and departing hemispheres .

  15. 颇有威严,橄榄色制服上挂满闪闪发亮的金星。

    Grung , his olive uniform festooned with flashing gold stars .

  16. 金星让你变得亲切、善于交际、光彩夺人,很吸引别人。

    Venus makes you gracious , charming and oh so diplomatic .

  17. 并且带给你大把的钞票,你应该感谢金星和木星的结合!

    You 'll have Venus conjunct Jupiter to thank for that !

  18. 相比之下,非常炎热的金星受到的太阳照射可能是地球的两倍。

    In comparison , baking hot Venus has twice as much .

  19. 晨星金星以早晨的星星出现。

    The planet Venus in its appearance as the morning star .

  20. 比金星更亮的天体只有太阳和月亮。

    Only the sun and the moon appear brighter than Venus .

  21. 在传统占星里面,我们都知道金星是第二吉星。

    In traditional astrology it is known as the Lesser Benefic .

  22. 在蔡康永的感染下,导师金星也黯然抹泪。

    Under Kevin Tsai infections , tutor Jin Xing sadly wipe tears .

  23. 从地球我们可以看到水星和金星凌日;由火星上,还可以看到地球凌日。

    From Earth , one may see transits of Mercury and Venus .

  24. 金星是金牛座的守护星,并和谐地围绕在它周围。

    Taurus is ruled by Venus and seeks harmony with its surroundings .

  25. 我擅了脑袋的时候,眼前直冒金星。

    When I hit my head , I saw stars .

  26. 牛的主星是金星,魔是土星。

    Taurus is ruled by Venus and Capricorn is ruled by Saturn .

  27. 从某种意义上说,金星有一种海洋价值的水。

    At some point , Venus had an ocean worth of water .

  28. 那人说他有金星许可证。

    Chuck says he 's talking the gold star clearance .

  29. 将发射两个航天器来探测金星的大气。

    Two spacecraft are being launched to probe the atmosphere of Venus .

  30. 整个金星上的陨石坑情况真的很让人迷惑。

    The whole impact craters situation on Venus is really very puzzling .