
  • 网络The Golden Apple
  1. 他打量了一番金苹果精品酒店(GoldenApple)——从这里溜达到克里姆林宫需要半小时——狭小昏暗的203号房间,一副在这种地方住过很长时间的样子。

    He eyes up the small , dimly lit room 203 of the Golden Apple boutique hotel - half an hour 's gentle stroll from the Kremlin - with the look of a man who has spent too much time in such places .

  2. 神话故事中,男女众神围坐在桌前庆祝贺忒提斯和珀琉斯的婚礼,其中一个女神--争吵女神(Discord)是个爱惹麻烦的人,她把一个金苹果扔在桌上,作为对最美新娘的奖励。

    The myth says that all the gods and goddesses were sitting around the table to celebrate the marriage of Thetis and Peleus . One of the goddesses , Discord , was a . She threw a golden apple on the table to be given as a prize to the most beautiful goddess .

  3. 通过对影响叶片离体再生不定芽和农杆菌(Agrobacterium)介导的遗传转化的若干因素的研究,建立起高效的苹果再生不定芽系统和遗传转化系统,获得了新乔纳金苹果转基因植株。

    Several factors that affect the adventitious shoot regeneration from leaf pieces in vitro and Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of apple were examined .

  4. Shawty.shawty穿这些,金苹果包臀牛仔裤,裘皮靴。

    Shawty . Shawty had them , Apple Bottom jeans , boots with the fur .

  5. 阿特拉斯为赫克斯得到金苹果,因为他自己想做国王。

    Hercules finally managed to get the apples by defeating Atlas .

  6. 于是他抛出一只金苹果。

    At that moment he threw down one of the golden apples .

  7. 这样大力士拾起金苹果跑回去见国王了。

    Hercules picked up the apples and ran back to see the king .

  8. 我变成我们祖先树上一粒金苹果。

    I change into a golden apple on the tree of our ancestors .

  9. 月亮的银苹果,和太阳的金苹果

    The silver apples of the moon , the golden apples of the sun

  10. 一句话说得合宜、就如金苹果在银网子里。

    A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver .

  11. 这枚金苹果是献给“世界上最美的女人”的礼物。

    It was marked as a gift for " the most beautiful one " .

  12. 在苹果树上坐著一只鸟正在啄著金苹果。

    There on the apple tree sat a bird pecking at the golden apples .

  13. 于是国王带着金苹果的种子策马而去。

    The king rode away with the seed .

  14. 奖赏是一个金苹果。

    The prize was a golden apple .

  15. 好吧,我就取走一粒金苹果的种子。

    All right . I am going to take a seed from a golden apple .

  16. 太阳的金苹果

    The golden apples of the sun

  17. 金苹果和银苹果&剖析韦尔蒂《金苹果》中的女性主人公

    Golden Apples and Sliver Apples & An Analysis of Female Protagonists in Welty 's The Golden Apples

  18. 短篇小说集《金苹果》展现给读者一个独特的现代神话世界。

    The collection of short stories The Golden Apples shows the readers a marvelous world of modern mythology .

  19. 一句简单话,若说得适当,有如银盘中,放上金苹果。

    To speak a word in due time , is like apples of gold on beds of silver .

  20. 莎士比亚:哦,托马斯!就像两个金苹果,浑圆而罕见。

    Shakespeare : oh , thomas ! A pair of pepons as round and rare as golden apples !

  21. 沙果树枝头的金苹果&论王尔德的戏剧《莎乐美》与《圣经》之关系

    A Golden Apple on a Crabapple Branch & A Study of the relation between Oscar Wilde 's Drama

  22. 他将一个金苹果放到桌子上,作为对最漂亮的女神的奖励。

    He threw a golden apple on the table to be given as a prize to the most beautiful goddess .

  23. 赫西奥德写道金苹果树的花园位于海上的一个岛上,是太阳下山的地方。

    Hesiod wrote that the garden of the Hesperides was on an island in the sea where the sun sets .

  24. 但“三眼”也没成功,她尽力去抓,金苹果却晃了回去。

    But " three-eyes " was no more successful , and strive as she might the golden apples swung back .

  25. 赫拉、阿芙罗狄蒂和雅典娜都希望得到这只金苹果。她们被送到帕里斯那里以做出裁决。

    Hera , Athena and Aphrodite , each wanting to get it for herself , were sent to Paris for judgement .

  26. 这方面的一个经典案例就是金苹果蜗牛,即人们目前所称最具破坏力的侵入性外来物种之一。

    One classic example is the Golden Apple snail – now cited as one of the most devastating invasive alien species .

  27. 你的金苹果在这里,我答应你,还给你吧!谢谢你将我从笼子里放出来。

    Here is your golden apple , as I promised , and you have my thanks for allowing me to escape .

  28. 上海金苹果学校国际部诚挚欢迎来自世界各地热衷于在中国学习的学生。

    The International Department of Shanghai Gold Apple School welcomes students from all over the world who would like to study in China .

  29. 《金苹果》一集的故事在写作技巧上的成就可被视为韦尔蒂短篇小说艺术的集中代表。

    Welty 's achievement in writing techniques in The Golden Apples is considered as the representative of her art in short story writing .

  30. 本文讨论了《金苹果》写作技巧的一个重要特色,那就是变换的叙事视角。

    This thesis is to discuss one of the most important features in The Golden Apples , that is the changed narrative points of view .