
  • 网络Theseus
  1. 不久她就忘记了忒修斯,接受了自己更幸福的命运。

    She soon forgot about Theseus and accepted her happy fate .

  2. 毕竟,为了救忒修斯,她不惜众叛亲离。

    After all , she had betrayed those closest to her to save Theseus .

  3. 更重要的是,阿莉亚多尼被绑架前忒修斯可以承认他的爱!

    What 's more , Ariadne was abducted before Theseus could confess his love !

  4. 然而,忒修斯却把她抛弃在了岛上,连声道歉都没有说就开船走了。

    Instead , he abandoned her upon the island , sailing off without an apology .

  5. 当忒修斯成功地重新出现在迷宫之外时,他声称要娶阿里阿德涅为妻。

    When he emerged triumphant from the labyrinth , Theseus claimed Ariadne for his own .

  6. 他都没有站起来,就转过脸迎战忒修斯。

    Without taking the trouble to rise to his feet , he faced round to encounter Theseus .

  7. 她从忒修斯心爱的阿里阿德涅沦落成了被抛弃的阿里阿德涅,愚蠢的阿里阿德涅。

    She was Ariadne the forsaken , Ariadne the foolish , rather than Ariadne the beloved of Theseus .

  8. 然而这些言语对这个可怜的女孩来说都没什么用,因为她还走不出被忒修斯抛弃的悲伤。

    This made no sense to the girl , for she could not see beyond her abandonment by Theseus .

  9. 当忒修斯的船最终到达一座遥远的岛屿纳克索斯岛时,阿里阿德涅以为他们将永远定居在这里,白头偕老。

    When Theseus finally brought their ship to the faraway island of Naxos , Ariadne thought they would live there forever in bliss .

  10. 由于当地的民众因为忒修斯杀死了他们半人半牛的王子而非常愤怒,于是他们乘坐一条等候已久的船逃出了克里特岛。

    They escaped from Crete upon a waiting ship , running from crowds of citizens angered by Theseus 's murder of their half-bull / half-human prince .

  11. 可他根本没有时间发动攻击,忒修斯只一击,他便向后昏倒,头撞倒地上。

    But he had no time to deal a blow ; Theseus struck him but once , and he sank dizzily back till his head smote the ground .

  12. 在那个黑暗的迷宫深处,从来没有任何人能从弥诺陶洛斯的血口下生还,而忒修斯不仅杀死了怪物,还在金线团的指引下走出了迷宫赢得了自由。

    Deep within that dark maze where no man or woman had ever survived the Minotaur 's savagery , Theseus killed the monster , then followed the gold thread to freedom .

  13. 阿提卡的四个部落最初被由忒修斯统治下的君主国家统一,但是到公元前700年左右,权力落入了世袭贵族阶级元老手中。

    The four tribes of Attica had originally been brought together under a monarchy by Theseus but by c.700bc , power was in the hands of a class of hereditary nobles , the eupatridae .

  14. 都在学校排演的《仲夏夜之梦》中扮演过角色(她演海丽娜,我演忒修斯的侍从)。

    Both of us had played clarinet and had had parts in school productions of 《 A Midsummer Night 's Dream 》 [ she had played Helena , I had played an attendant to Theseus ] .