
ào lín pǐ sī shān
  • Olympus
奥林匹斯山[ào lín pǐ sī shān]
  1. “奥林匹克”(Olympics)一词起源于古希腊的“奥林匹亚”(Olympia),即“诸神之所”奥林匹斯山的所在地。

    Olympics is a term that originated in Olympia , Greece , which also is the home of Mount Olympus .

  2. 在奥林匹斯山上,他们之间也勾心斗角,争权夺利;

    Among themselves at Olympus they intrigued and scrambled for supremacy ;

  3. 阿芙罗狄蒂哭泣着逃奔到奥林匹斯山上去养伤并求得安慰。

    Aphrodite fled weeping to Mount Olympus to be healed and comforted .

  4. 奥林匹斯山的英雄人物的故事极尽可能地展现人类的最高成就。

    Myths of heroes attaining Olympus express the highest possible human achievement .

  5. 他们像奥林匹斯山诸神那样刀枪不入。

    They were as invulnerable as the immortals of olympus .

  6. 他死后和他的父亲一起生活在奥林匹斯山

    He died , joined his father on olympus

  7. 只有天神才可以住在奥林匹斯山。

    Only gods can live on Mount olympus .

  8. 这并非是一座巴特农神宙,也不是奥林匹斯山朱庇特殿堂。

    This was neither a Parthenon , nor a temple of the Olympian Jupiter .

  9. 你知道在哪里能找到奥林匹斯山吗?

    Where would you find Olympus Mons ?

  10. 奥林匹斯山是一座被认为是太阳系中最大的火山。

    Olympus Mons is a volcano believed to be the largest in our solar system .

  11. 借助于哈德斯创造的挪威海怪,奥林匹斯山诸神打败了提坦神族。

    The Olympians defeat the Titans with the help of sea monster Kraken ( Hades'creation ) .

  12. 官方表示,这张图片拍摄到了奥林匹斯山,它是太阳系最大的火山。

    Officials say the picture captured Olympus Mons , the largest volcano in the solar system .

  13. 每四年都会在奥林匹斯山上举行体育竞技活动,以此来向宙斯和其他众神表示敬意。

    Greek people held games every four years on Mount Olympus to honor Zeus and other gods .

  14. 他看到了一个神从奥林匹斯山上降临在他,一个凡人的面前。

    Descending from olympus , he saw the makings of a god , in a mere mortal .

  15. 产品说明:奥林匹斯山的众神中,最叫人无可奈何的,就是小爱神丘比特。

    Product description : the gods of Olympus , most call a person helpless , is small Cupid .

  16. 2006年的今天,2006年国际足联世界杯的决赛在德国柏林的奥林匹斯山足球场举行。

    2006-The final of the2006 FIFA World Cup will take place in the Olympiastadion in Berlin , Germany .

  17. 而奥林匹斯山众神之首宙斯把法律作为他最伟大的礼物赐予了人类。

    But Zeus , the chief of the Olympian gods , gave law to mankind as his greatest present .

  18. 在古希腊,人们把健美的身体看作是奥林匹斯山上众神的赐予。

    In ancient Greece , Greek people regarded a well-built body as a gift from gods on Mount Olympus .

  19. 她在奥林匹斯山砍削出她的第一个松枝火炬,利用给闪电击过的树的焦炭把火炬点燃了。

    She cut her first pine torch on Mountain Olympus , and lit it at the cinders of a lightning-struck tree .

  20. 传说在古希腊,司掌雷电的奥林匹斯山主神宙斯,有过一次难忘的分娩经历。

    In ancient Greece , Zeus , god of thunder and head honcho on Olympus , had a memorable encounter with childbirth .

  21. 他举行了奥林匹克运动会来庆祝这次胜利和表示对父亲宙斯的敬仰。他的父亲宙斯就住在附近的奥林匹斯山上。

    He introduced the Olympic Games to celebrate this victory and to honor his father , Zeus , who lived on nearby Mount Olympus .

  22. 海克力斯完成了许多光荣的工作,最后,被朱比特的专车载到奥林匹斯山去,而成为古希腊的众神之一。

    At last , after many glorious labors , Hercules was carried to Mount Olympus in Jupiter 's own chariot , and became one of .

  23. 在历史中不同的文化和空间有关于他们的神和老师的地方传说-例如古希腊神话里奥林匹斯山。

    Different cultures and spaces in history have legends about the place of their gods and teachers - such as Mount Olympus in ancient Greek mythology .

  24. 众神和大自然融合是古希腊人解释世界的方法&一大群超凡的神居住在奥林匹斯山,宙斯为众神之王。

    Gods infused in nature were the way the Greeks made sense of their world a whole dynasty of extraordinary characters residing on Mount Olympus led by Zeus .

  25. 于是,他带了一根空心的芦苇到奥林匹斯山去偷红色的火花,并把火花装入芦管带到了人间。

    So he took a hollow reed , went up to Olympus , stole the red flower of fire , and brought it down to earth in his reed .

  26. 我好象又看到了广大的平原和遥远的地平线,以及地平线上的宾特斯山和奥林匹斯山,那时,我的心里就会有三种情感,悲伤,感激和爱,决不会再感到什么无聊的。

    Oh , believe me , that when three great passions , such as sorrow , love , and gratitude fill the heart , ennui can find no place .

  27. 品达笔下的英雄,如背叛了诸神信任的坦塔罗斯和伊克西翁,从奥林匹斯山盛会的光芒中被驱逐到哈德斯之冥府的黑暗之中。

    Heroes like Tantalus and Ixion in Pindar , who betray the gods'trust in them , are sent from the radiance of Olympian feasts to the utter darkness of Hades .

  28. 奥运会以火把到达体育场为开始,火把在奥林匹斯山上用太阳光点燃,并由一个接一个的选手送到体育场。

    The Olympics start with the arrival in the stadium of a torch , lighted on Mount Olympus by the sun 's rays and carried by a succession of runners to the stadium .

  29. 如果你把自己置于希腊圣山奥林匹斯山上,而一旦信息与现实错位,你就很容易栽大跟头&就像这个案例一样。

    If you put yourself on the top of Mt. Olympus , you are always prone to a nasty fall if messaging and reality are found to be mis-aligned - as they are in this case .