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  • Greek mythology;The Greek Myths;Zeus
  1. 柱子上饰有描述希腊神话中的场面的高浮雕。

    The column was decorated in high relief with scenes from Greek mythology .

  2. 在希腊神话里,主神宙斯化作天鹅引诱了勒达。

    In Greek mythology , the god Zeus took the form of a swan to seduce Leda

  3. 有一个著名的希腊神话,讲的是伊卡洛斯飞得离太阳过近的故事。

    There is a famous Greek myth in which Icarus flew too near to the Sun .

  4. 他正在作有关希腊神话的讲座。

    He is giving a lecture on Greek myths .

  5. 阿波罗是希腊神话中主管艺术、预言、医药和光明之神。

    Apollo was the Greek god of the arts , prophecy , medicine and light .

  6. Linux服务器通常作为守护程序(daemon)来实现,这一词源于希腊神话,其中守护神(daemon)是超自然生物。

    Linux servers are often implemented as daemons , a word derived from Greek mythology , in which daemons were helpful supernatural beings .

  7. 第一个词来自于希腊神话:月亮女神阿耳忒弥斯将被杀死的梅利埃格的悲伤姐妹变成了珍珠鸡(guineafowl)。

    The first name comes from a Greek myth in which the goddess Artemis turned the grieving sisters of the slain Meleager into guinea fowls .

  8. 以希腊神话中守卫地狱的三头狗命名的赛伯乐曾试图在2009年通过首次公开发行(IPO)出售FreedomGroup,但在两年后撤回了申请。

    Cerberus , named after the three-headed dog of Greek myth that guards the underworld , had tried to sell Freedom Group in 2009 , filing for an initial public offering that was withdrawn two years later .

  9. 他们研发了一个名为Orion的系统,这是道路优化与导航集成系统(On-RoadIntegratedOptimizationandNavigation)的缩写,也是希腊神话中猎户座的名字。如果说现在有什么大数据分析学上的成就的话,那就是它了。

    A system called Orion , short for On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation , named after the hunter in Greek mythology , and a big data analytics effort if there ever was one .

  10. 与其他神相比,也许玛雅并没有那么为人们所熟知,在希腊神话中,她是阿特拉(Atlas)之女,同时也是赫尔墨斯(Hermes)之母。

    Perhaps less well known now than the other deities with months named after them , Maia ( in Greek mythology ) was daughter of Atlas and mother of Hermes .

  11. 根据希腊神话,牺牲高贵的伊菲革涅亚(iphigenia),是为了让希腊战舰获得前往特洛伊的顺风。

    According to Greek mythology , the noble Iphigenia was sacrificed so that the warships could have a fair wind to Troy .

  12. 一路高飞的成功人士有重蹈伊卡洛斯(Icarus)覆辙的危险——这位希腊神话中的人物是最早的“高飞者”,他飞得太靠近太阳,身上的蜡翼融化,因而坠落。

    High-flyers risk the fate of Icarus , the original high-flyer of the Greek myth , whose wings came apart when he flew too close to the sun .

  13. 希腊神话里说宙斯为争夺大地所有权在与克洛诺斯(Kronos)的一场摔跤比赛中将其击败,因此,在与宙斯大殿近在咫尺的地方举行奥运会比赛被视为神圣之举,或者说只有精挑细选的少数人才能享有如此特权。

    Greek myth held that Zeus had defeated Kronos in a wrestling match for possession of the earth , so Olympic competition , held close to the god 's massive temple , was seen as a sacred act or privilege , available only to a select few .

  14. 毕竟,如果有个同事在鼠标旁边养上一只宠物蜘蛛,还给它起名为希腊神话中的诸界吞噬泰坦神——克罗诺斯(Cronos),还有比这更能显示“我是一个超级怪人”的吗。

    After all , few things say " I 'm a colossal weirdo " like a colleague who keeps a pet spider named after the Greek god Cronos , the all-devouring King of the Titans , next to his computer mouse .

  15. 略论古希腊神话中的神之人化

    A Brief Discussion on the Humanization of Gods in Greek Mythology

  16. 这是古希腊神话永恒魅力之所在。

    Such is the eternal charm of the ancient Greek myth .

  17. 论希腊神话与中国神话的文化异同

    The Cultural Similarities and Differences Between the Chinese And Greek myth

  18. 在希腊神话中,厄洛斯被奉为爱神。

    In Greek myths , Eros is the God of love .

  19. 希腊神话研究的哲学倾向和结构主义方法

    The Philosophic Trend Structural Approach in the Study of Greek Mythology

  20. 伊克西翁之轮是一个希腊神话,乔珀。

    The wheel of lxion is a Greek myth , joep .

  21. 希腊神话传说的文化背景初探

    A study of the cultural background of Greek myths and legends

  22. “缪斯”是希腊神话中的九位文艺和科学女神的通称。

    The Greek goddesses who presided over the arts and sciences .

  23. 中国与希腊神话中神的形象的比较

    A Comparison of Images of God between Chinese Mythologies and Greek Mythologies

  24. 古希腊神话中的酒神狄奥尼索斯是一个特殊的神祗。

    Dionysus is a special god in the Greek mythology .

  25. 赫柏是希腊神话中的青春女神。

    Hebe is the Goddess of youth in Greek mythology .

  26. 希腊神话中人的自我意识探析

    An exploration and analysis into man 's self consciousness of Hellenic myth

  27. 这个词同样来源于《希腊神话》。

    This word also has its origins in Greek mythology .

  28. 从希腊神话谈跨文化交际教学

    On Cross-cultural Communication Teaching from the Perspective of Greek Mythology

  29. 古希腊神话精神与《海边的卡夫卡》

    Mythological spirit in ancient Greece and " Seaside Kafka ";

  30. 在希腊神话里,女神阿佛洛狄特象征爱情。

    In Greek myth , love is personified by the goddess aphrodite .