
xī bó lái shènɡ jīnɡ
  • Hebrew Bible
  1. 约观念是犹太文化及希伯来圣经中的核心观念和重要范畴,在犹太文化和希伯来圣经中占据着重要的地位;

    It is a key category of Jewish culture and the Hebrew Bible ;

  2. 《希伯来圣经》中耶利哥被称作棕榈树之城。

    In the Hebrew Bible it is called the City of Palm Trees .

  3. 据说他是《希伯来圣经》(参阅Torah)前五卷的作者。

    Authorship of the first five books of the Bible ( see Torah ) is traditionally ascribed to him .

  4. 希伯来圣经是一部古代以色列人大众生活记忆的宗教经典。

    Hebrew Bible is a religious Work which memorizes the lives of ancient Israel .

  5. 一直到这里,他在引用,希伯来圣经的经文。

    All the way through here he 's quoting texts that are from the Hebrew Bible .

  6. 在宗教共同因素的探析中,作者发现黑人基督教和犹太教对希伯来圣经的重视。

    In the religious analysis , the author finds that both Black Christianity and Judaism emphasize the Hebrew Bible .

  7. 他们阅读但以理书,当他们研读希伯来圣经中,其他预言部分时,往往带着启示主义思想。

    They all were reading Daniel , and when they read other prophecies from the Hebrew Bible they also read those apocalyptically .

  8. 把你们的手指放在那儿,我们回头看看旧约,希伯来圣经,《撒母耳记上》

    Now keep your finger there and go all the way to the Old Testament , the Hebrew Bible , to1 Samuel .

  9. 希伯来圣经经文的前三部分作为一个单元包括旧约的前五卷。

    The first of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures comprising the first five books of the Old Testament considered as a unit .

  10. 当保罗在信中谈到经文时,他说的是犹太经文,希伯来圣经的希腊文翻译版。

    When Paul talks about scripture in his letters he 's talking about Jewish scripture , the Greek translations of the Hebrew Bible .

  11. 因此希伯来圣经中并没有说过,收取合理的利息在道德上是错误的,除非只是在朋友之间。

      So the Hebrew Bible does not say it is morally wrong to charge a reasonable interest rate – just to friends .

  12. 之后所罗门出现,他想建个圣殿,神最终同意了,至少部分对应希伯来圣经。

    Solomon comes up later and he wants to build temple and finally God says yes , at least according to part of the Hebrew Bible .

  13. 恶魔主题在西方由来已久,其源头可以上溯到古希腊神话和古希伯来圣经神话中的恶神。

    Diabolism has a very long history in the West , and its origin can be traced back to ancient Greek mythology and ancient Hebrew Bible .

  14. 希伯来圣经中写,以色列人围着耶利哥城,行走七天,最后一天绕七次后,耶利哥之墙倒塌了。

    The walls of Jericho in the Hebrew Bible falling down after the Israelites marched around it for seven days and then seven times the last day .

  15. 一个是摩西和会幕,如我们在希伯来圣经中所见,另一个是耶稣任神职时推行的仪式。

    One is between that of Moses and the Tabernacle , as we see in the Hebrew Bible and the other is that of Jesus introduced by his priesthood .

  16. 就像我们所知的出埃及记,旧约,希伯来圣经一样,大卫想为神建造居所,神说,不。

    It 's just like we see it in Exodus and the Old Testament , the Hebrew Bible , David wanted to build a temple for God , God said , no.

  17. 司提反所做的是,他从希伯来圣经中选取,反对圣殿的先知的想法,然后在他所说的话中加以强调。

    What Stephen is doing , he 's pulling out of the Hebrew Bible that kind of anti-temple prophetic strain , and he 's emphasizing that as part of his message .

  18. 希伯来圣经中经常使用的身体修辞在次经、伪经中被渐渐排斥了,身体体验被律法这一新的体验与认识中介所代替。

    And also , body rhetoric as often used in the Hebrew Bible is gradually eliminated and body experiences are replaced by the law as a new experience and cognitive medium .

  19. 这些都让我们想到了摩西,所以耶稣一次次地被描绘得如同摩西,或者约瑟,也是来自希伯来圣经。

    These are all meant to remind you of Moses and so Moses & Jesus is portrayed over and over again like Moses or like Joseph , also from the Hebrew Bible .

  20. 死海卷轴经由三种文字撰写而成,分别为:希伯来语、阿纳姆语和希腊语。既包含一些《希伯来圣经》书卷经文早期抄本,还包含一些比其他为人熟知的文学作品早千年之久的文献。

    The scrolls , written in Hebrew , Aramaic and Greek , include the earliest-known copies of every book in the Hebrew Bible -- some 1000 years older than other known works .

  21. 如今新约和旧约收录于一册,这是基督教的叫法;,犹太人称之为希伯来圣经,或者塔纳赫。

    We now find the New Testament in the same book as the Old Testament , as Christians call it ; and as Jews call it , the Hebrew Bible or the Tanakh .

  22. 当我们读到一位解读耶稣经文的福音书作者,他所解读的经文,就是基督徒所说的旧约,或者犹太人所说的希伯来圣经。

    When we read a Gospel writer who has Jesus interpreting scripture the scripture he 's interpreting is what Christians would call the Old Testament , or what Jews would call the Hebrew Bible .

  23. 如《诗篇》所言:求你开我的眼睛,使我看出你律法中的奇妙,本文将以律法的叙事为视角来研读希伯来圣经。

    As the psalm saying : " Open my eyes , so that I may see the wonderful truths in your law ", the dissertation is observing the Bible with a legal visual angle .

  24. 你知道,在《创世纪》里,还有希伯来圣经其他的地方都会说,谁是谁的父亲又是谁的父亲等等等等,会告诉你每个人的家系。

    You know how in Genesis and the other parts of the Hebrew Bible it 'll say , so and so begat so and so begat so and so , it tells you everybody 's lineage .

  25. 崇高是希伯来《圣经》的独特品格。

    The sublimity is a peculiar quality of the Hebrew Bible and great spirit in Judaism .

  26. 他从笛卡儿的无限思想和希伯来《圣经》的上帝观念里引申出他者的上帝观。

    Levinas points out the view of God as the Other based on Descartes ' thought of infinity and the Hebraic Bible .

  27. 这些课程促进了学生对某方面的理解,其包括希伯来书圣经及其评注传统、犹太哲学和伦理、礼拜式传统、心理咨询及说教术。

    These programs develop students'understanding of Hebrew Scripture and its commentary tradition , Jewish philosophy and ethics , liturgical traditions , counseling , and homiletics .

  28. 因此马吉安抨弃了整本希伯来《圣经》,所有犹太人信奉的经文,他用以取代犹太圣经的是,他编辑的《路加福音》和保罗书信。

    So Marcion threw out the whole Hebrew Bible , the scriptures of Jews entirely , and substituted for Jewish scripture his own edited version of Luke and the letters of Paul .

  29. 希伯来《圣经》记载了希伯来(犹太)民族早期所经历的游牧式的文化迁徙及其对周边异质文化的采借、融合和冲突。

    The Hebrew Bible records the nomadic cultural migration that the Hebrew nation underwent at their early stage and the adoption , integration and conflicts of the heterogeneous cultures of the surrounding countries and areas .

  30. 本文试图从勒维纳斯与希腊哲学及希伯来(hebreu)圣经传统的关系出发,指出勒维纳斯的他者思想所蕴含的深刻意义和厚重力量,都来自于他对传统遗产的独特思考和继承。

    Starting from the relationship between Levinas , the Greek philosophy and Hebrew Bible tradition , it attempts to point out that the profound significance and severe strength , which Levinas ' thought of Others contains , comes from his unique thought and inheritance of the traditional legacies .