
  • 网络Greek Flag;Flag of Greece
  1. 从那里我们可以看到一片蓝白条相间的海洋。蓝色和白色是希腊国旗的颜色。

    From there we were faced with a sea of blue and white stripes , the colours of the national flag of Greece .

  2. 他们身披希腊国旗,愤怒中夹杂着沮丧。

    Draped in Greek flags , their anger is mixed with dejection .

  3. 一艘载有价值高达2亿美元原油的超级油轮在开往美国途中于阿曼东部外海遭武装海盗劫持,官方称这条悬挂希腊国旗的货船上共有25名船员,包括7名希腊人、17名菲律宾人和1名格鲁吉亚人。

    Armed have hijacked a U.S . - bound oil tanker carrying about $ 200 million worth of crude off the coast of Oman . Authorities say the Greek-flagged vessel has a crew of 25 , including 17 Filipinos , seven Greeks and one Georgian .

  4. 这是苏格兰、芬兰、希腊还是关岛的国旗?

    Is it the flag of Scotland , Finland , Greece or Guam ?