
  • 网络The Higgs Field
  1. 物理学家认为基本粒子的质量来自于粒子与希格斯场的交互作用。

    Elementary particle masses are thought to come about from the interaction with the Higgs field .

  2. 但在这些等式中,希格斯场与弱相互作用力是如此纠缠不清,

    in the equations , the Higgs field is so inextricably jumbled with the weak force ,

  3. 以至于到现在我们也无法证明希格斯场确实是单独存在的。

    that until now we 've been unable to confirm its actual and independent existence .

  4. 而反过来,希格斯场在我们的弱相互作用模型中又扮演了不可或缺的角色。

    The Higgs field in turn plays an integral role in our model for the weak nuclear force .

  5. 这些质量来自于拉格朗日函数中,一般粒子与希格斯场的交互作用项。

    The masses arise from the terms in the Lagrangian that have the particles interacting with the Higgs field .

  6. 这个词只是简单形容了希格斯场对世界普遍存在的影响,和希格斯波色子在决定粒子质量方面的重要作用。

    It was simply a snappy term to illustrate the ubiquitous effect of the Higgs field , and its importance in determining mass .

  7. 虽然标准模型只需要一个希格斯场,就足以产生所有基本粒子的质量,可是物理学家知道,标准模型一定会被更完备的理论所取代。

    Although the Standard Model requires only one Higgs field to generate all the elementary particle masses , physicists know that the Standard Model must be superseded by a more complete theory .

  8. 他认为希格斯场(人们认为希格斯场赋予了物质以质量,从而万有引力可以作用于物质之间)可能也有其它物质相伴,并对验证过程进行了简要描述;

    He outlines how the Higgs field , which is thought to be responsible for endowing matter with mass and thus enabling gravity to act on it , may also be a collective property .