
  • 网络majorana fermion
  1. 这种粒子被称为“马约拉纳费米子”,以意大利理论物理学家埃托雷·马约拉纳之名命名,他在1937年时第一次预言了这种粒子的存在。

    The particle , called Majorana fermion , is named after Italian theoretical physicist Ettore Majorana , who first predicted its existence in 1937 .

  2. 但是,马约拉纳费米子却是一个奇怪的例外,这种粒子可以既作为粒子,又作为反粒子而存在。

    The Majorana fermion , however , is a strange exception that can simultaneously exist both as a particle and as its own antiparticle .

  3. 未来,马约拉纳费米子可以用来制造量子计算机,抗环境干扰的能力将会更强--而这也是计算机发展的主要障碍之一。

    In the future , Majorana fermions could be used to build quantum computers that are more resilient to environmental disturbance , which has been a major obstacle in their development .