
mǎ hè zhǔ yì
  • Machism
  1. 受到新康德主义、马赫主义、维也纳学派、边际效用学派等思潮的冲击,奥地利马克思主义者试图对马克思主义的社会科学进行重新解释和扩展。

    Affected by neo-Kantian , Machism , the Vienna Circle , and the Marginal utility school , Austrian Marxist attempted to re-interpretation and re-expansion of Marxist social science .

  2. 相比马赫主义,王星拱的实证主义采用了较为灵活而明智的策略,这使得王星拱在原子论和相对论问题上采取了与马赫截然不同的立场。

    Compared with Machism , Wang 's positivism had more active factor , which made Wang stand in opposition to Mach in the fields of the Atomology and the Relativism .