
  • 网络marshall island;Marshall;The Marshall Islands
  1. 位于马绍尔群岛上的一个在美国保护下的共和国。

    A republic ( under United States protection ) on the Marshall Islands .

  2. 请成立下列马绍尔群岛公司。

    Please form the following Marshall Islands corporation .

  3. 塔拉瓦据点被解决后,向马绍尔群岛进攻的道路便平坦无阻了。

    With Tarawa eliminated , the way was clear for attack on the Marshall Group .

  4. 马绍尔群岛的比基尼环礁。

    · Bikini Atoll , Marshall Islands .

  5. 我曾在马绍尔群岛上的一个网吧呆过,那里上网是通过同步轨道卫星的。

    I 've been at an internet cafe in the Marshall Islands that accessed the web via a geosynchronous satellite .

  6. 如今只有五个依然在榜:安道尔、利比里亚、列支敦士登、马绍尔群岛和摩纳哥。

    Only five of them still remain on the list : Andorra , Liberia , Liechtenstein , Marshall Islands and Monaco .

  7. 鱼群蓝色狂想曲!马绍尔群岛的比基尼环礁附近,一群鲱鱼在游弋。

    Rhapsody in blue , a school of yellowtail fusiliers ( Caesio cunning ) swims near the Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands .

  8. 2003年马绍尔群岛共和国麻疹暴发,在进行反应免疫时进行了个案研究。

    This case study was undertaken in the Republic of the Marshall Islands during a measles outbreak in2003 , when response immunization was conducted .

  9. 属于或关于马恩岛、马恩岛居民、马恩岛语言的。马绍尔群岛共和国马绍尔群岛的;马绍尔群岛人

    Of or relating to the Isle of Man or its inhabitants or their language . Marshall Islands ( the ) the Republic of the Marshall Islands

  10. 对基里巴斯、马绍尔群岛、密克罗尼西亚联邦和巴布亚新几内亚等国而言,维生素A缺乏也是一个重大公共卫生风险。

    Vitamin A deficiency is also a significant public health risk in Kiribati , the Marshall Islands , the Federated States of Micronesia and Papua New Guinea .

  11. 在太平洋马绍尔群岛,儿童蛀牙已成为是严重的公共卫生问题,因而作为这次研究的区域。

    The Marshall Islands in the Pacific were chosen for the study because it is an area where childhood tooth decay is a serious public health problem .

  12. 有三个国家是第一次参加奥运会:门第内格罗,马绍尔群岛,以及图瓦卢,这一岛国正遭受全球变暖带来的威胁。

    Three Olympic debutantes appeared in Beijing : Montenegro , the Marshall Islands and Tuvalu , a South Pacific nation whose very existence is threatened by global warming .

  13. 在机场我先买了几罐菠罗汁解渴,之后就同我那帮稀稀拉拉的武士们一起飞往马绍尔群岛的夸贾林岛。

    At the field I bought several cans of pineapple juice to slake my thirst and took off with my unkempt warriors for Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands .

  14. 印度-西太平洋:斯里兰卡,然后包括可可群岛-基灵群岛与圣诞岛,到泰国日本,凤凰岛与马绍尔群岛与美属萨摩亚群岛,也斐济。

    Indo-West Pacific : Sri Lanka , including Cocos-Keeling Islands and Christmas Island , to Thailand then Japan , the Phoenix and Marshall Islands and American Samoa , also Fiji .

  15. 船舶只需缴纳一笔为数不多的费用,便可以悬挂登记标准较为宽松的其他国家的国旗,比如利比里亚、马绍尔群岛或是内陆国家玻利维亚。

    For a small fee , vessels can obtain a flag of another state where registration standards are lenient , such as Liberia , the Marshall Islands or landlocked Bolivia .

  16. 经合组织今年8月份宣布,马绍尔群岛已在数周内成为继利比里亚之后,第二个摆脱该组织黑名单的国家。

    In August the OECD announced that the Marshall Islands had become the second country in a matter of weeks , after Liberia , to fall into line with the organisation 's clean-up .

  17. 研究表明太平洋海山结壳中元素丰度特征具有多种变化类型,中太平洋结壳主成分和成矿元素丰度明显高于马绍尔群岛,而与西北太平洋、麦哲伦海山相近;

    The results show that the contents of the main ore-forming constituents in the samples from the middle Pacific Ocean are similar to those from the northwest Pacific Ocean and from Magellan , and that are slightly higher than those from Marshall .

  18. 比如在马绍尔群岛,当你在想要听一个好故事的时候,你可能会去请求埃罗(首领)准许,然后去听一个当地说书人讲故事,而不是拿起一本书来阅读。

    If you 're after a good yarn in the Marshall Islands , for example , you 're more likely to go and ask the local iroij 's ( chief 's ) permission to hear one of the local storytellers than you are to pick up a book .