
mǎ sài
  • Marseilles
  1. 事实证明,与里昂相比,马赛是一个更好的种族大熔炉。

    Marseilles has proved to be a better racial melting pot than Lyons .

  2. 下午他去了美国驻马赛领事馆。

    He went to the American Consulate in Marseilles afternoon .

  3. 尽管天气恶劣,德比马赛仍将举行。

    The Derby will be run in spite of the bad weather .

  4. 返回马赛的路上,他们没怎么说话。

    On their way back to Marseille they spoke very little

  5. 他驾驭着这匹名副其实的“永不言败”夺得了他的第一个德比马赛冠军。

    He won his first Derby on the aptly named ' Never Say Die ' .

  6. 如果我们遇上持续下雨,塞西尔也能让“扈从”参加德比马赛。

    If we have a wet spell , Cecil could also run Armiger in the Derby .

  7. 那马赛完后还踢蹬着蹄儿。

    The horse was still pawing the ground after the race .

  8. 因为马赛族人对政策的影响力太小,他们的传统生计受到了威胁。

    With little influence over policies , their traditional livelihoods are threatened .

  9. 在阿森纳1比0绝杀马赛,拉姆塞进球后,卡扎菲被击毙。

    When Ramsey netted against Marseilles , Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi was shot and killed the next day .

  10. 温纳一直等到马赛拉把电话打完,然后问他为什么这么说。

    Winona waited until Marcella had finished her phone call , then asked what it was all about .

  11. 为了争取女儿被释放,比尔搬到了马赛,并得到了一名当地律师(卡米尔·科坦饰演)的帮助。

    Bill moves there to fight for her release with the help of a local lawyer played by Camille Cottin .

  12. 和他关系疏远的女儿(阿比盖尔·布雷斯林饰演)在法国马赛读书期间突然被捕并被控谋杀女友。

    His estranged5 daughter ( Abigail Breslin ) is studying in Marseille when she is arrested and charged with the murder of her girlfriend .

  13. RideOnCurlin在普利内斯克马赛中获得亚军。

    Ride On Curlin came in second .

  14. CaliforniaChrome赢得了三冠王赛马比赛第二项赛事的冠军,今天这匹名驹在皮姆利科赢得了普利内斯克马赛冠军。

    California Chrome has won the second leg of the Triple Crown horse race , winning the Preakness Stakes at Pimlico this evening .

  15. 另外,由中法合作研制的Z一五中型直升机日前在法国马赛成功完成首飞。

    In addition , the medium utility helicopter Z-15 co-developed by China and France recently has successfully completed its maiden flight in Marseille , France .

  16. 他广博的爱心无私的延伸到了所有的种族和信仰tb麦考利;古叙利亚和古埃及的世界性的社会;同性恋、浪荡子以及其他更险恶的人在马赛港随处可见。

    His cosmopolitan benevolence impartially extended to all races and to all creeds-t.b.macaulay ; the ancient and cosmopolitan societies of Syria and egypt ; that queer , cosmopolitan , rather sinister crowd found around the Marseilles docks .

  17. 法国//今年是马赛(Marseille)的闪光时刻。

    FRANCE / / This year has been Marseille 's moment to shine .

  18. 在此“2013欧洲文化之都”(2013'sEuropeanCapitalofCulture),一家全新的洲际酒店(IntercontinentalHotel)现今正俯瞰着这个历史悠久的港口。在马赛,你能寻访到欧洲及地中海文化博物馆(MUCEM)和普罗旺斯博物馆(RegardsdeProvence)。

    In 2013 's European Capital of Culture , a new InterContinental Hotel now overlooks the historic port , where you can find the new MuCEM and Regards de Provence museums .

  19. 马赛地区SPOT象对窗的DEM生成结果表明,在影象质量得到保证,时差不大的前提下,可以达到10米高程精度。

    The results of the DEM generation using SPOT image windows in Marseille area show us that they can reach the elevation accuracy of 10m when the image quality can be assured .

  20. 这促使了一些未上市的公司也变得开放起来,如马赛集装箱班轮公司达飞(cmacgm)。

    This is prompting even unlisted lines such as CMA CGM , the marseilles-based container line , to open up .

  21. 2.TheBigApple大苹果爵士音乐家在20年代和30年代把纽约称作“大苹果”,他们主要是从那些马道工作者口中得知当他们在谈论纽约马赛的时候总是说纽约市大苹果。

    Jazz musicians called New York City " the Big Apple " in the 1920s and 1930s . They got the term from a horse track worker who said where to a horserace in NYC was referred to as the Big Apple .

  22. 温格很喜欢签入年轻球员,所以马赛的18岁小将SamirNasri有可能会填补维埃拉的空缺。

    Wenger has been keen on signing young players , so Marseilles '18-year-old Samir Nasri could fit the role .

  23. 马赛检察官BriceRobin,根据黑匣子记录仪的信息称,副机长是一人在驾驶舱内。

    Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin , citing information from the black box voice recorder , said the co - pilot was alone in the cockpit .

  24. 法国沦陷之后,国旗经过马赛被运送至非洲的法属殖民地,照片中正为此事悲泣的男人应该是杰罗姆·巴雷特先生(MonsieurJeromeBarrett)。

    The man in the picture is believed to be Monsieur Jerome Barrett , who was crying as the flags of France made their way through Marseilles on their way to Africa .

  25. 法国马赛检察官JacquesDallest在接受法新社采访时表示,法国的几个其他大学也存在同样的现象。

    Several more French universities could also be involved in the traffic , the state prosecutor in Marseille , Jacques Dallest , told AFP .

  26. 看着马赛检察官布里斯·罗班(BriceRobin),我想起法国的公共服务依然是一项要求颇高的职业,吸引了该国很多极优秀的人才。

    Watching Brice Robin , the Marseille prosecutor , I was reminded that public service in France is still a high calling that draws many of the country 's best minds .

  27. 10、有一次,昆虫学家AlbroT、Gaul先生在他的笔记本里匆匆记下,在马赛诸塞州北部某种蚂蚁开始举行飞行婚礼的准确日和时。

    10 . Entomologist Albro T.Gaul once jotted down in his notebook that a particular species of ant in northern Massachusetts began its wedding flight at a certain day and time .

  28. FitFlops人字拖的设计灵感来源于“极乐”健康水疗公司的创建者玛西娅·基尔戈,她想开发一种MBT(马赛赤足科技)健体鞋的夏季替代鞋。

    The idea for the FitFlops came from Marcia Kilgore , founder of health spa company Bliss Spas . She wanted a summer alternative to MBT ( Masai Barefoot Technology ) , shoes .

  29. 在世界上的很多地方,WC(watercloset)已经成为公认的全性别标识,但是在遥远的肯尼亚出现了一些新变体,比如安加马·马拉狩猎酒店(AngamaMaraSafariLodge)的所有卫生间门上挂的是马赛男战士和女战士图像。

    In many parts of the world , W.C. ( water closet ) is already a well-established all-gender sign , but there are new variations from as far away as Kenya , where the door to each restroom at the Angama Mara Safari Lodge shows boy and girl Maasai warriors .

  30. 你可以看到一座小岛,正如塞尚许多风景画展示的那样,马赛东部的山峦在远方幻化淡淡的蓝灰色,比如《从埃斯塔克一岚马赛湾》(GulfofMarseilleSeenFromL'Estaque),而今,这些画作散落在世界各地的博物馆里。

    You can see a small island , and the hills east of Marseille , bluish in the distance , just as they appear in so many of C é zanne 's landscapes , " Gulf of Marseille Seen From L'Estaque , " which are now scattered in museums around the world .