
mǎ lǐ
  • Mali
  1. 马里是非洲一些最悠久的文明的发祥地。

    Mali is the cradle of some of Africa 's richest civilizations .

  2. 观众中有一半是非洲人,其中大多数来自塞内加尔或马里。

    The African half of the audience was mainly from Senegal or Mali

  3. 标有印第安部落名称的马里兰州地图

    a map of Maryland marked with the names of Indian tribes .

  4. 丹尼尔作为契约佣工来到马里兰州。

    Daniel arrived in Maryland as an indentured servant .

  5. 几年来,比尔·沃茨一直在马里兰州和南北卡罗来纳州之间的小型俱乐部和低级酒吧里表演。

    For several years , Bill Wirtz has been performing in small clubs and honky-tonks from Maryland to the Carolinas .

  6. 克里斯·科克在马里兰州罗克韦尔市的蒙哥马利社区大学教授“广播新闻学历史”,他指出报道是关于调查的而不是对片刻细节的记忆。

    Chris Koch , who teaches " History of Broadcast Journalism " at Montgomery Community College in Rockville , Maryland , points out that reporting is about investigation rather than the memorization of minute details .

  7. 在美国马里兰州的巴尔的摩市,算命是违法的

    It 's Illegal To Tell Fortunes In Baltimore , Maryland

  8. 在2011年10月利比亚革命达到高潮之前,马里并不是一个脆弱国家(fragilestate)。

    Until the Libyan revolution culminating in October 2011 , Mali was not a fragile state .

  9. 在马里兰州佛格地国际中心的科学家说需要在实践科学(implementationscience)领域做更多的工作以弥补问题。

    Scientists at the Fogarty International Center in Maryland say more work in the area of implementation science could bridge the problem .

  10. “联合国女童教育倡议”计划全球咨询委员会的MayRihani列举了马里“生存技能”项目的一个例子。

    May Rihani from the Global Advisory Committee of the U.N. girls ' initiative gave an example from a " life skills " program in Mali .

  11. 她查了电话簿,找到了“马里兰州,波托马克,小e霍华德亨特”这一条。

    She checked the telephone directory and found a listing for E.Howard hunt , jr. , in potomac , maryland .

  12. AnnettaCheek是马里兰州银泉清晰语言中心的负责人。

    Annetta Cheek heads the Center for Language in Silver Spring , Maryland .

  13. A.JOPROCTER马里兰州切维塞斯,2014年11月25日

    A. JO PROCTER Chevy Chase , Md. , Nov. 25 , 2014

  14. AmyRamirez是马里兰州约翰-霍普金大学的行政管理人员。

    Amy Ramirez is an administrator at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland .

  15. 在马里维尔大学,他为本科生和MBA学生讲授国际商务、运行管理和公司财务等课程。

    At Maryville , he teaches international business , operations management , and corporate finance courses for both undergraduate and MBA students .

  16. 同时,国家和地区组织本应协调组成一支泛非洲部队,重新夺回马里北部,但2012年的非盟(africanunion)选举周期可能损害了合作。

    Meanwhile , global and regional actors were supposedly co-ordinating a Pan-African force to retake northern Mali but the 2012 African Union election cycle may have impaired co-operation .

  17. 然后根据蒙哥马里算法,用Veriloghdl语言实现了基于FPGA芯片的椭圆域中的基本运算(模加、模乘、模平方和模逆)。

    Then according to the Montgomery algorithm and using Verilog HDL , the basic operation in the elliptic curve based on FPGA is completed .

  18. 17p重复的夏科-马里-图思病1A型:一个新人群的特征

    17p duplicated Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1A : Characteristics of a new population

  19. PeterZandi是马里兰州约翰·霍普金斯大学公共健康学院的基因研究人员。

    Peter Zandi is a genetic researcher at John Hopkins University School of Public Health in Maryland .

  20. 由两名20出头的朋友共同组建、总部设在马里兰州怀特马什(WhiteMarsh)的ReedStreetProductions公司因为举办这种比赛大赚了一把。

    Reed Street Productions , a company based in White Marsh , Md. , and formed by two friends in their 20s , is making a killing on the races .

  21. 理论上,曾任马里兰州长和巴尔的摩市长的马丁奥马利(MartinO'Malley)应该会给希拉里造成更大威胁。

    On paper , Martin O ' Malley , the former governor of Maryland and mayor of Baltimore , ought to pose a greater threat to Mrs Clinton .

  22. 作为马里兰州银泉市蒙哥马利布莱尔高中(MontgomeryBlairHighSchool)科学和数学磁石计划(magnetprogram)的协调员,彼得·奥斯特朗德(PeterOstrander)一直在为这项声名远播的计划大声疾呼,但他很不满意。

    Peter Ostrander , the tireless coordinator and cheerleader for a renowned science and mathematics magnet program at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring , Md. , was not satisfied .

  23. 他们公司的总部,都在马里兰州,只相差三英里,而且都是从事航空航天事业,讽刺的是,两家公司的,都在Martin公司接受过培训。

    Both companies had their headquarters about three miles apart in Maryland Both companies were in aerospace business , CEO and ironically , both companies'CEOs have been trained at the Martin Company .

  24. 美国公民自由联盟(AmericanCivilLibertiesUnion)马里兰州分会的房地产律师芭芭拉•塞缪尔斯(BarbaraSamuels)参与监管了巴尔的摩流动住房计划的实施,她认为奥利弗的经历并不为奇。

    Barbara Samuels , a housing attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland , which helps oversee the Baltimore program , said Ms. Oliver 's story isn 't unusual . '

  25. 被评为之间的交锋勒布朗和DJ草莓,远期为团长的马里兰州和儿子,前大联盟棒往前推草莓。

    Billed as a matchup between LeBron and DJ Strawberry , a forward headed for Maryland and the son of former big-league slugger Darryl Strawberry .

  26. 绿色基础设施评价(GIA)方法介述&以美国马里兰州为例

    Introduction to Green Infrastructure Assessment ( GIA ) - A Case Study of Maryland , USA

  27. 在马里兰州洛克威尔(Rockville,Maryland)的Fitzgerald汽车商场工作的小组,正战斗在挽救美国汽车工业的最前线。

    The team at the Fitzgerald Auto Mall in Rockville , Maryland is on the front-lines of the battle to save America 's car industry .

  28. 要为此对马里兰州Ellicott市Centennial高中的学生表示感谢。

    Gotta say thanks to the students at Centennial High School in Ellicott City , Maryland for that .

  29. NEA在加州门洛帕克以及马里兰州的巴尔的摩和切维蔡斯都有办事处,该公司2000年在中国有了第一笔投资。

    NEA , which has offices in Menlo Park , Calif. , Baltimore and Chevy Chase , Md. , made its first investment in China in2000 .

  30. 来自马里的迪亚拉•莫措恩(DiarraMonzon)在泰国呆了10年,两年前来到中国。

    Diarra Monzon from Mali spent 10 years in Thailand before moving to China two years ago .