
  • 网络massachusetts;mass;Harvard University;massachusetts state
  1. 他现在是西新英格兰学院的经济学教授,该学院位于马萨诸塞州的斯普林菲尔德。

    He is now a professor of economics at Western New England College in Springfield , Massachusetts .

  2. 如果她重又在马萨诸塞州露面,等待她的将是一纸拘捕令。

    If she shows her face again back in Massachusetts she 'll find a warrant for her arrest waiting

  3. 马萨诸塞州萨默维尔的一位母亲布莱亚·邓纳姆在她的一年级孩子和幼子一起洗澡时,看到了兄弟情谊,感到十分兴奋,于是就拍了几张照片。

    Bria Dunham , a mother in Somerville , Massachusetts , was so excited to watch a moment of brotherly bonding while her first-grader and baby took a bath together that she snapped a few photos .

  4. 他说,如果医生告诉病人,"我不会做我认为对你最好的事,因为这对马萨诸塞州的医疗预算不利",那么医生就有失去病人信任的风险。

    He said doctors risked losing the trust of patients if they told patients , " I 'm not going to do what I think is best for you because I think it 's bad for the healthcare budget in Massachusetts . "

  5. “我们大力地倡导身体自主,不强迫他拥抱或亲吻别人,除非他想要这么做,但我从来没有想到我在网上发布他的照片前应该先征得他的允许,”马萨诸塞州威克菲尔德一位两个孩子的母亲伯比奇说。

    " We 're big advocates of bodily autonomy and not forcing him to hug or kiss people unless he wants to , but it never occurred to me that I should ask his permission to post photos of him online , " says Burbidge , a mom of two in Wakefield , Massachusetts .

  6. 近年来,随着马萨诸塞州的牛顿市和帕罗阿尔托等地的一些学校岀现了多起自杀事件的报道,在精英学区的学生面临压力的问题也受到人们的关注。

    The issue of the stresses felt by students in elite school districts has gained attention in recent years as schools in places like Newton , Massachusetts , and Palo Alto have reported a number of suicides .

  7. 最近,中国公司投资了一家马萨诸塞州锂离子电池制造商波士顿电池公司(BostonPower)。

    China recently invested in Boston power , a Massachusetts maker of lithium-ion batteries .

  8. 马萨诸塞州前任州长和总统候选人米特·罗姆尼在ABC的ThisWeek节目中发表讲话。

    Former Massachusetts Governor and presidential candidate Mitt Romney spoke on ABC 's This Week program .

  9. 她从马萨诸塞州搬到纽约市上视觉艺术学校(SchoolofVisualArts)后偶然进入了时尚界。

    She fell into fashion by happenstance after moving to New York City from Massachusetts to attend the School of Visual Arts .

  10. 你将以实习生的身份和马萨诸塞州国会议员Richard在国会山工作

    you are gonna intern on the capitol hill with your congressman from Massachusetts Richard

  11. 马萨诸塞州塔夫茨大学的DavidKaplan认为他已经找到了一个解决办法。

    And David Kaplan of Tufts University , in Massachusetts , thinks he has found one .

  12. 母亲的祖父是本杰明·亚当斯,他娶了苏姗娜·E.古德休为妻,他们在马萨诸塞州的纽伯里住了很多年。

    Her grandfather , Benjamin Adams , married Susanna E. Goodhue , and lived in Newbury , Massachusetts , for many years .

  13. 拿ILoveRewards这家咨询公司来说。这家公司位于马萨诸塞州以及多伦多,现有38名员工,主要为那些希望实施员工福利和基于业绩的薪酬的公司提供咨询。

    Take , for instance , I Love Rewards Inc. , a38-person consulting firm that advises companies that want to implement employee benefits and performance-based rewards .

  14. 塞尔曼教授去年曾帮助起草由马萨诸塞州剑桥的生命未来研究所(FutureofLifeInstitute)发出的一封公开信,敦促政策制定者探察智能含量越来越高的机器所带来的风险。

    Prof Selman helped draft an open letter issued last year by the Future of Life Institute in Cambridge , Massachusetts , urging policymakers to explore the risks associated with increasingly intelligent machines .

  15. 马萨诸塞州的WoodsHoleOceanographic研究的研究员们以前是用自主滑翔器来跟踪须鲸。

    Baleen whales have been tracked by autonomous gliders before , by researchers at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution , Massachusetts .

  16. Facebook公司IPO的承销商投资银行摩根史丹利(MorganStanley)同意向马萨诸塞州的监管机构支付500万美元。

    Morgan Stanley ( MS ) , a Facebook IPO underwriter , agreed to pay Massachusetts regulators $ 5 million .

  17. 从马萨诸塞州巴布森学院(babsoncollege)获得mba学位后,英语流利的他于1984年加入丰田。

    Fluent in English , he joined Toyota in 1984 after earning an MBA at Babson College in Massachusetts .

  18. 他通过美国马萨诸塞州伯灵顿(Burlington)的教育中介机构美国剑桥国际教育(CambridgeInstituteofInternationalEducation)向圣玛丽中学提出了入学申请。美国剑桥国际教育负责为美国近150所学校在中国筛选学生。

    He applied through the Cambridge Institute of International Education of Burlington , Mass . , which vets applicants from China for nearly 150 U.S. schools .

  19. 30多年前,巴德接管了设在马萨诸塞州大巴灵顿的西蒙洛克学院(Simon’sRock)。后者是所私立学院,接收11年级及以上的学生。

    More than 30 years ago , Bard took over Simon 's Rock , a private college for 11th graders and up in Great Barrington , Mass .

  20. EchoNest的总部位于马萨诸塞州的萨默维尔市,这家公司融合了两种顶尖技术:首先,电脑程序可以分析歌曲的音调和节奏等基本元素。

    , startup combines two types of cutting-edge technology : a computer program analyzes songs for their fundamental elements such as key and tempo .

  21. 马萨诸塞州总医院(massachusettsgeneralhospital)的科学家们发现,90天的运动训练会对心脏的结构产生明显影响,并且变化的形式与运动形式相关。

    Scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital have found that 90 days of athletic training produces significant changes in cardiac structure and that the type of change varies with the type of exercise performed .

  22. 位于马萨诸塞州梅纳德的Monster网站的内容总监诺玛·加芬说,上班时的穿着很重要。

    What you wear at work speaks volumes , said Norma Gaffin , director of content at Monster , based in Maynard , Massachusetts .

  23. 他现居马萨诸塞州的波士顿,当前的节目是FX系列,在这节目当中他也担任了编剧,导演和编辑。

    He currently stars in the FX comedy series Louie , which he also writes , directs , and edits .

  24. 在马萨诸塞州Hancock的摇滚宗教社团在1820年也建有一个。

    The shaker religious community at , Massachusetts , built one in the1820s .

  25. “令人担忧的是消逝的速度,”克里斯-利伊(ChrisLeahy),马萨诸塞州奥特朋协会(MassachusettsAudubonSociety)的一位自然学家这样讲。

    " What 's alarming is the rapidity of decline ," said Chris Leahy , a naturalist with the Massachusetts Audubon Society .

  26. 凯西·普尔玛(CassiePiuma),Sarma,马萨诸塞州萨默维尔

    Cassie Piuma , Sarma , Somerville , Mass .

  27. 马萨诸塞州的检察官日前指控一名Uber司机性侵一名想打车的女子。

    Prosecutors in Massachusetts recently charged an Uber driver with the sexual assault of a woman who had been seeking a ride .

  28. 多数人,包括公认领先的前马萨诸塞州州长米特罗姆尼(mittromney),似乎都被共和党极右翼所劫持了。

    Most , including the presumed frontrunner , Mitt Romney , appear to be captive to the far right of the Republican Party .

  29. 《社交国度》(SocialNation)作者、马萨诸塞州波士顿市社交媒体咨询公司OpenMatters的首席执行官巴里•利波特指出,事实上,最新潮的经理人们已经在工作描述中加入了“关注者”这一项。

    In fact , the cutting edge manager has already added " follower " to their job description by now , argues Barry Libert , author of social nation and CEO of open matters , a Boston , MA-based social media consulting firm .

  30. 想来想去,他们觉得最好的办法,还是去马萨诸塞州的剑桥市找PaulGraham。在哈佛广场旁边PaulGraham的家里,他们见到了他。

    So the pair did the only thing they could think of : They went to see Paul Graham at his house in Cambridge , Mass . , near Harvard Square .