
  • 网络horses
  1. 甘肃省河西地区马类动物气喘病形态变化及其病理发生

    Morphological Changes and Pathogenesis of the Heaves in Horses in Gansu Province

  2. 甘肃省马类动物气喘病病理研究

    Pathological study on heaves in horses in Gansu Province

  3. 马类动物气喘病研究临床诊断与防治部分

    Studies of equine broken wind in Gansu Province parts of clinical diagnosis and control

  4. 辽宁大连晚更新世马类牙齿釉质结构的研究

    Enamel structure of the equid cheek teeth from the late Pleistocene of dalian , Liaoning

  5. 诺伟司为家禽、生猪、奶牛、肉牛、水产、宠物、马类、人类及工业品市场的客户提供服务。

    Novus serves customers in the poultry , pork , dairy , and beef , and aquaculture , companion animal , equine , human and industrial markets .

  6. 纯化马类狂犬病免疫球蛋白至少可部分解决目前发展中国家面临的人类免疫球蛋白数量不足和价格昂贵的问题。

    Purified equine ( horse ) rabies immunoglobulin provide at least a partial solution to current problems of insufficient quantities and the high cost of human immunoglobulin in developing countries .

  7. 对武威1968例马类动物疝痛的临床病例进行了整理.对其发病率、易感性、季节、分类、临床检查症状,以及治疗进行了临床分析和讨论。

    On the basis of data obtained from 1968 colic cases of equine in Wuwei , the colic incidence , susceptibility , seasons of onset , classification , clinical symptoms and examination , as well as therapies are analysed and discussed clinically .

  8. 阿卜杜拉国王收集的马科类动物给人印象深刻,多达1000多匹,养在利雅得吉安娜提拉(Janadira)农场的马厩里。

    King Abdullah 's impressive equine collection of over 1000 horses is stabled at Janadira Farm in Riyadh .

  9. 马MHC-Ⅱ类分子遗传多样性的研究

    Study on Genetic Diversity of MHC - ⅱ in Equine

  10. 马鼻疽和类鼻疽杆菌全细胞的气相色谱分析

    Gas chromatographic analysis of the whole cells of Pseudomonas mallei and pseudomallei

  11. 大鼠对注射巴马亭的类过敏反应

    Anaphylactoid reaction of the rat to palmatine

  12. 出土的动物骨骼经鉴定多为牛、马、鹿类等大型食草性动物。

    Animal bones unearthed are categorized as herbivores , mainly cattle ( Bos ), horse ( Equus ) and deer ( Hydropotes ) .

  13. 本论文主要得出了以下结论:1、在马的MHC-Ⅱ类区中4个功能基因的第2外显子中都存在着多态性。

    There are results as below : 1 Every exon 2 of 4 functional genes had polymorphism in ELA - ⅱ .