
  • 网络Mamenchisaurus;Mamenchisauru
  1. 云南首次发现晚侏罗世马门溪龙化石

    Discovery of Late Jurassic Mamenchisaurus in Yunnan , southwestern China

  2. 本文记述了在四川自贡发现的同骨骼化石一道保存的蜥脚类恐龙皮肤化石,据其赋存关系,鉴定为杨氏马门溪龙(Mamenchisaurusyoungi)的皮肤残留部分。

    A skin fossil preserved together with a bone of a skeleton of Mamenchisaurus youngi from Upper Jurassic in Zigong , Sichuan was described in this present paper .

  3. 当你走进另一间展馆,里面将有一个平台用来展示一只名叫马门溪龙的长颈巨型恐龙,以及一只小型的果齿龙——南美最小的恐龙。

    As you come in to the other gallery , there 's gonna be a platform with a very large dinosaur , a long neck called Mamenchisaurus and a tiny little one , the tiny Fruitadens - the smallest dinosaur in North America .