
cháng bì yuán
  • gibbon;hylobatidae
长臂猿[cháng bì yuán]
  1. B→O血型改造血的长臂猿动物实验研究

    Study of gibbon experiment on B to O blood type conversion

  2. 测定了人猿超科中大猩猩、黑猩猩、猩猩和长臂猿酪氨酸酶基因全部5个外显子的DNA序列。

    The five e-cons of tyrosinase gene were sequenced for gorilla , chimpanzee , orangutan and gibbon in hominoid .

  3. 应用Moiré等高线对猴科和长臂猿科动物的股骨膝关节面的对比研究

    Comparative study of moire contour fringes of the femoral articular facies of knee between Cercopithecidae and Hylobatidae

  4. 黑长臂猿(Hylobatesconcolor)对人类和非人类捕食者的回避行为

    Human encounter and predator avoidance behavior in BLACK-CRESTED gibbon , hylobates concolor

  5. 为了白眉长臂猿(Hoolockhoolock)种群保护、恢复及有效管理。

    In order to protecting , restoring and effective management of Hoolock gibbon ( Hoolock hoolock ) population .

  6. 黑长臂猿(Hylobatesconcolor)的配偶制及其与行为、生态和进化的关系

    The mating system of BLACK-CRESTED gibbon ( Hylobates concolor ) and its relationships with ecology , behavior and phylogeny

  7. 云南西南部地区黑长臂猿(Hylobatesconcolor)群构成、生态和行为的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the group composition , behavior and ecology of the black Gibbons ( hylobates concolor ) in Southwest Yunnan

  8. Lieber等发现与PERV高度同源的鼠内源性逆转录病毒可使长臂猿发生白血病。

    Lieber found that mouse endogenous retroviruses , which are highly homologous with PERV , had made gibbon suffering from leukemia .

  9. 在高黎贡山自然保护区里科学家们要艰难攀登上海拔2500m才到之前他们发现长臂猿的地方,“在这个高度以下森林都被砍伐了”特尔维博士对BBC谈到。

    In the Gaoligongshan nature reserve where the gibbons were discovered scientists had to trek up to 2500m to find suitable habitat as " everywhere below there has been logged " Dr Turvey said to the BBC .

  10. 黑长臂猿(Nomascusconcolor)是世界上一种珍稀、濒危的树栖灵长类动物,主要分布于我国云南省境内,在国外仅越南北部、老挝西北部有分布。

    Black crested gibbon ( Nomascus concolor ) is one of the rare and endangered primates , which is only distributed in Yunnan China , Northern Vietnam and Northwestern laos .

  11. 它们都不知道自己叫长臂猿。

    It doesn 't even know it 's called a gibbon .

  12. 惊鸿一瞥这只小长臂猿也许刚出生了一天

    Rarely glimpsed , this baby may be only a day old .

  13. 海南黑长臂猿数量调查

    Census Hainan Black Gibbons ( hylobates concolor hainanus ) in Hainan Island

  14. 居住着中国的珍稀动物野生长臂猿群

    is one of the few remaining wild gibbon populations in China .

  15. 在大塘,白眉长臂猿适宜栖息的植被有较高的均匀性。

    The vegetation inhabited by hoolock gibbon was homogeneous at Datang region .

  16. 海南长臂猿的资源现状

    Resources of the Hainan black gibbon and its present situation

  17. 长臂猿的歌声曾经激发了中国的古代诗人的灵感

    Gibbon song once inspired the ancient poets of China ,

  18. 但是长臂猿们不知道自己被分类成什么。

    But the gibbon doesn 't know what it 's categorized as .

  19. 用后仰甚至可以躲避长臂猿的攻击!

    Dodging a long-armed monkey even with your back !

  20. 藤本植物为白眉长臂猿在乔灌层之间活动提供了连接纽带。

    Rattans provide traveling connection between arbor forests and shrubs for hoolock gibbons .

  21. 滇南、滇东南黑冠长臂猿分布与数量

    Population and Distribution of the Black Crested Gibbons in Southern and Southeastern Yunnan

  22. 抱歉,兄台,你比长臂猿还惨。

    Sorry , kid , you 've got it worse than a gibbon .

  23. 海南长臂猿栖息地结构分析

    An analysis on habitat structure of the Hainan gibbon

  24. 专家认为存活的这种长臂猿只有不到20只。

    And experts think there are less than 20 of these gibbons left alive .

  25. 要不然在年轻长臂猿体内培育人类胰腺干什么?

    Beverly : Why else would you grow a pancreas in a teenaged gibbon ?

  26. 通常被认为猩猩的集合;大猩猩;黑猩猩;某些领域包括长臂猿。

    Usually considered as comprising orangutans ; gorillas ; chimpanzees ; and sometimes gibbons .

  27. 浅议云南长臂猿栖息地的保护与恢复

    A Preliminary Exploration on Protection and Restoration of Habitat of Hylobates in Yunnan Province

  28. 对它们的社会结构来说无量山的长臂猿是如此的与众不同

    The Wuliangshan gibbons areunusual fortheir social structure .

  29. 类人猿(包括大猩猩、黑猩猩、长臂猿等)在表达兴奋、喜爱或和解的时候也会将彼此的嘴唇贴在一起。

    Great apes press their lips together to express excitement , affection , or reconciliation .

  30. 笼养白眉长臂猿的繁殖初探

    Reproduction of hoolock gibbon held in captivity