- paleoclimate;geologic climate

The result shows the deposition environment of the area is a continental lake deposition environment in partly damp and partly arid lower than cold geologic climate of temperature condition .
Under the dry and hot paleoclimate condition in the Cretaceous-Tertiary period , strong weathering and hot water leaching forced uranium to be concentrated into the " rock origin activation " type uranium deposits in the fault depressed zone .
A TGIS-based Study and Realization on the Dynamic Visualization for Palaeoclimate Simulation
Palynology stratigraphy and Palaeoclimate evolution in Huanghua District of Hebei Province since 3.2 Ma BP
Stratigraphic Distribution and Paleoclimatic Significance of Organic Canbon δ ~ ( 13 ) C in the Changxing Stage of Meishan , Zhejiang
Submembers B and C are characterized by large variations in geochemical features , which reflect rapid fluctuations in palaeoclimate and sedimentary conditions .
Paleoclimate and Paleoceanography Study of the Middle Okinawa Trough in the Last 37 Cal ka BP
Quantitative research of Late Quaternary paleoclimatic factors in Core No. 1 in Xiapu , Fujian
Mn ~ ( 2 + ) ESR signals of coral reefs and it 's implications for PALEOCLIMATE
Research on C , O , Sr isotopes of carbonate rocks is one of the geochemical tracers and provides quantitative evidences for paleo-environment and paleoclimate change .
It is demonstrated that GR log is a significant indicator for studying the Jurassic palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment .
The characteristics of distribution of Rb and Sr and paleoclimatic changes in the stratigraphy at the site of Zhongba of the Three Gorges
Geochemical records and their paleoclimate significance in Owens lake , western USA
Research on the High Precision ICP-MS Uranium Series Chronology of Cave Stalagmites and the Paleo-climatic Changes in the South-Western Karst Region , P.R. China
Simulating quaternary paleoclimate with the LLN 2 ─ d model
The composition features , influential factors and the paleoclimate environmental significance of the organic matter δ 13C in lake sediments are discussed in detail in this paper .
Then the beginning of Cambrian or Paleozoic is marked by a rapid negative shift of both carbon and oxygen isotope values , suggesting a rapid warming of climate and large scale rise of sea level .
The Grainsize of the Core QH-2000 in Qinghai Lake and Its Implication for Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironment
The concept of Stochastic Resonance ( SR ) was first put forward during the process of revealing the changing regulation of climates in ancient time , and was defined as the phenomenon that adding appropriate noise can strengthen the system signal output SNR .
Impact of the Eldgj á eruption of Iceland in the tenth century on palaeoclimate in China
And the sharp increases of the diatom abundance and tropic pelagic species abundance in the cores are records of the paleoclimatic cooling events of Younger Dryas ( YD ) and Heinrich I ( H1 ) .
Due to C 3 and C 4 plants having very obvious differences in isotopic composition and environmental adaptation , studies of the relative content of phytolith in C 3 and C 4 plants and stable isotopes have also been employed in the paleoclimate reconstruction .
The period analysis also finds that the dipole like a precipitation pattern in the tropical Indian Ocean has dominant periods of not ony 1.5 years but also 4 years . Thermoluminescence and Paleoclimatic Change of Sedimentary Cores in the Northeast Indian Ocean
Soil Wedge and Ice - wedge Pseudomorphs and Their Paleoclimatic Implications
Paleoclimate during the last 150 000 years and its study methods
Change of Quaternary Palaeoclimate in Lantian Area by Analyzing Mammalian Faunas
Research on the Quaternary Laterite and Paleoclimate in the Dongting Basin
Paleoclimate evolution in southeast of Qaidam Basin since the last interglacial
GEOCHRONOLOGICAL and Paleoclimatic studies on a stalagmite from Nanjing man cave
Preliminary Study on Paleoclimate and Sea Level Changes in North China