
gǔ qì hòu
  • paleoclimate;geologic climate
古气候[gǔ qì hòu]
  1. 结果表明,沙三时期该区的沉积环境为半潮湿、半干旱较温凉的古气候条件下的陆相湖泊沉积环境。

    The result shows the deposition environment of the area is a continental lake deposition environment in partly damp and partly arid lower than cold geologic climate of temperature condition .

  2. 在白垩-第三纪的干旱、炎热古气候条件下,U经过强风化和热水浸出,在断陷带内富集成铀矿床&岩源活化型铀矿床。

    Under the dry and hot paleoclimate condition in the Cretaceous-Tertiary period , strong weathering and hot water leaching forced uranium to be concentrated into the " rock origin activation " type uranium deposits in the fault depressed zone .

  3. 基于时态GIS的古气候动力模拟动态演化的分析与实现

    A TGIS-based Study and Realization on the Dynamic Visualization for Palaeoclimate Simulation

  4. 3.2MaBP以来河北黄骅地区孢粉地层学与古气候变迁

    Palynology stratigraphy and Palaeoclimate evolution in Huanghua District of Hebei Province since 3.2 Ma BP

  5. 浙江煤山长兴阶有机碳δ~(13)C层序分布特征及古气候意义

    Stratigraphic Distribution and Paleoclimatic Significance of Organic Canbon δ ~ ( 13 ) C in the Changxing Stage of Meishan , Zhejiang

  6. 红岗段中上部(亚段B、C)的元素地球化学特征变化较为频繁且幅度很大,反映古气候和湖盆沉积条件的迅速变迁。

    Submembers B and C are characterized by large variations in geochemical features , which reflect rapid fluctuations in palaeoclimate and sedimentary conditions .

  7. 冲绳海槽中部37CalkaBP以来的古气候和古海洋环境研究

    Paleoclimate and Paleoceanography Study of the Middle Okinawa Trough in the Last 37 Cal ka BP

  8. 霞浦No.1孔晚第四纪古气候因子的定量估算

    Quantitative research of Late Quaternary paleoclimatic factors in Core No. 1 in Xiapu , Fujian

  9. 珊瑚礁中Mn~(2+)的ESR信号及其古气候指示意义

    Mn ~ ( 2 + ) ESR signals of coral reefs and it 's implications for PALEOCLIMATE

  10. 碳酸盐岩C,O,Sr同位素研究是地球化学重要的示踪手段之一,它可以为研究古气候、古环境的变化提供定量的依据。

    Research on C , O , Sr isotopes of carbonate rocks is one of the geochemical tracers and provides quantitative evidences for paleo-environment and paleoclimate change .

  11. 说明在侏罗纪古气候和古环境研究上,GR曲线是一有价值的参考指标。

    It is demonstrated that GR log is a significant indicator for studying the Jurassic palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment .

  12. 长江三峡中坝遗址地层中Rb和Sr的分布特征及其古气候演变

    The characteristics of distribution of Rb and Sr and paleoclimatic changes in the stratigraphy at the site of Zhongba of the Three Gorges

  13. 美国西部Owens湖地球化学记录及其古气候意义

    Geochemical records and their paleoclimate significance in Owens lake , western USA

  14. 洞穴石笋高精度ICP-MS铀系年代学与西南岩溶地区古气候变化研究

    Research on the High Precision ICP-MS Uranium Series Chronology of Cave Stalagmites and the Paleo-climatic Changes in the South-Western Karst Region , P.R. China

  15. 用数值模拟方法研究第四纪古气候&以LLN二维模式为例

    Simulating quaternary paleoclimate with the LLN 2 ─ d model

  16. 本文利用国内外的一些研究成果,对湖泊沉积物有机质13C的组成特征及其古气候环境意义的研究现状进行了详细论述。

    The composition features , influential factors and the paleoclimate environmental significance of the organic matter δ 13C in lake sediments are discussed in detail in this paper .

  17. 接着,下寒武统底部以碳和氧同位素值的快速负向漂移为标志,表明古气候迅速变暖和海平面大幅度上升,烃源岩TOC值也达到全井柱最高值。

    Then the beginning of Cambrian or Paleozoic is marked by a rapid negative shift of both carbon and oxygen isotope values , suggesting a rapid warming of climate and large scale rise of sea level .

  18. 青海湖QH-2000钻孔沉积物粒度组成的古气候古环境意义

    The Grainsize of the Core QH-2000 in Qinghai Lake and Its Implication for Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironment

  19. 随机共振(SR)的概念最早是在研究古气候变化规律中提出的,定义为加入适当噪声能够增强系统输出信噪比的现象。

    The concept of Stochastic Resonance ( SR ) was first put forward during the process of revealing the changing regulation of climates in ancient time , and was defined as the phenomenon that adding appropriate noise can strengthen the system signal output SNR .

  20. 公元10世纪冰岛埃尔加(Eldgjá)火山喷发对中国的古气候效应

    Impact of the Eldgj á eruption of Iceland in the tenth century on palaeoclimate in China

  21. 岩芯中硅藻丰度和热带远洋种丰度的突然增加系新仙女木(YD)、海因里奇(H1)等古气候变冷事件留下的记录。

    And the sharp increases of the diatom abundance and tropic pelagic species abundance in the cores are records of the paleoclimatic cooling events of Younger Dryas ( YD ) and Heinrich I ( H1 ) .

  22. 由于C3、C4植物具有明显不同的环境适应性和同位素组成,地层中C3、C4植物硅酸体相对含量和稳定同位素的研究也被成功地应用于古气候恢复中。

    Due to C 3 and C 4 plants having very obvious differences in isotopic composition and environmental adaptation , studies of the relative content of phytolith in C 3 and C 4 plants and stable isotopes have also been employed in the paleoclimate reconstruction .

  23. 另外对偶极子型降水主要模态的周期分析表明,偶极子型降水距平还存在1.5a和4a左右的变化周期。东北印度洋沉积岩芯热释光与古气候演变研究

    The period analysis also finds that the dipole like a precipitation pattern in the tropical Indian Ocean has dominant periods of not ony 1.5 years but also 4 years . Thermoluminescence and Paleoclimatic Change of Sedimentary Cores in the Northeast Indian Ocean

  24. 土楔和冰楔假形及其古气候意义

    Soil Wedge and Ice - wedge Pseudomorphs and Their Paleoclimatic Implications

  25. 十五万年以来的古气候及其研究方法综述

    Paleoclimate during the last 150 000 years and its study methods

  26. 从哺乳动物群的变化分析蓝田地区第四纪古气候的发展

    Change of Quaternary Palaeoclimate in Lantian Area by Analyzing Mammalian Faunas

  27. 洞庭盆地第四纪红土地层及古气候研究

    Research on the Quaternary Laterite and Paleoclimate in the Dongting Basin

  28. 浅析末次间冰期以来柴达木盆地东南部古气候环境演化

    Paleoclimate evolution in southeast of Qaidam Basin since the last interglacial

  29. 南京猿人洞石笋年代学研究及其古气候记录

    GEOCHRONOLOGICAL and Paleoclimatic studies on a stalagmite from Nanjing man cave

  30. 华北古气候与海面变化的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Paleoclimate and Sea Level Changes in North China