
  • 网络tragedy;greek tragedies;ancient Greek tragedy
  1. 我们在这里已经得到了古希腊悲剧中唱诗班的严格相似物(counterpart);

    Here we have die exact counterpart of the Chorus in antique tragedy ;

  2. 雅典公民政治语境与古希腊悲剧的生成

    The Athenian Democracy Political Context and the Generation of Greek Tragedy

  3. 重获灵魂的漫长旅程&试论奥尼尔戏剧的古希腊悲剧精神

    The Tragedy of Restrained Manner The Long Journey of Regain the Soul

  4. 略论戏剧《哈姆雷特》对古希腊悲剧的传承和发展

    On the Inheritance and Development of Hamlet to the Ancient Greek Tragedy

  5. 古希腊悲剧代表着希腊艺术的最高成就。

    Ancient Greece tragedy represents the achievements of Greece art .

  6. 命运主题是古希腊悲剧的传统命题。

    Fate is a traditional subject in ancient Greek tragedies .

  7. 古希腊悲剧演出中舞台辅助技术应用之分析

    On Technical Aids in the Performance of Greek Tragedies

  8. 如同古希腊悲剧一样,这里面也有着一种必然性的感觉。

    Like in the Greek tragedy , there is a sense of inevitability .

  9. 男性悲剧的祭供&古希腊悲剧女性命运结局审美透视

    Sacrificial Offerings to Men Tragedies & Insight into Women Tragedies in Ancient Greece

  10. 合唱队代表人民的意志,推动着古希腊悲剧的情节发展。

    Chorus represents the will of people and motivates the development of plot .

  11. 哈代认同古希腊悲剧的命运观念吗?

    Did Thomas Hardy and Greek tragedians share the same notion of fate ?

  12. 论曹禺《雷雨》与古希腊悲剧之因缘

    The predeterminate Relationship of CAO Yu 's Thunder Storm and the Greek tragedies

  13. 试论古希腊悲剧演变的生命特征

    Life Consciousness of Tragedy in Ancient Greece

  14. 古希腊悲剧三题

    Three Themes on Ancient Greek Tragedy

  15. 这样,央行陷入了一种古希腊悲剧式的两难境地。

    Here central banks get caught in a dilemma of the proportions of a Greek tragedy .

  16. 奥尼尔继承了古希腊悲剧关于人与自然之间的命运关系。

    O ' Neill has inherited the destining relation between man and nature from ancient Greek tragedies .

  17. 独特的冲突与抗争&论古希腊悲剧《俄狄浦斯王》的艺术魅力

    Unique Conflict and Resistance & On the Artistic Fascinations of the Ancient Greek Tragedy Oedipus the King

  18. 命运的思索与抗争&屈原与古希腊悲剧诗人悲剧精神之比较

    Ponderation Over and Resistance Against Fate & Tragic Spirit Comparison between Qu Yuan and the Ancient Greek Poets

  19. 本文试运用文学伦理学批评方法分析古希腊悲剧家欧里庇得斯的戏剧《美狄亚》和唐代诗人元稹的传奇《莺莺传》。

    This paper use the method of literary ethical criticism to analyse Euripides'Medea and Yuan Zhen'Biography of Yingying .

  20. 尤金·奥尼尔戏剧的古希腊悲剧思想&精神、梦想和命运在其作品中的体现

    Ancient Greek Tragic Thought of Eugene O'Neill Drama & Reflection of Spirit , Dream and Desting in His Works

  21. 从百叶窗射进的悲剧性&《约伯记》中的悲剧成分与古希腊悲剧的几点异同

    Several Similarities and Differences Between the Tragedies in Job of the Old Testament in Bible and the Ancient Greek Tragedy

  22. 白天我研习古希腊悲剧,晚上把这些教给本科生。

    And my day job is that I study ancient Greek tragedy and then try to teach it to undergraduates .

  23. 在古希腊悲剧演员数量增加的历史进程中,埃斯库罗斯与索福克勒斯先后扮演了极其重要的角色。

    In the process of the Ancient Greece tragedian 's increasement , Aeschylus and Sophocles sequentially played quite an important role .

  24. 这种深广的悲剧意识,完全可以和古希腊悲剧相提并论而无愧色。

    This broad and deep tragic consciousness is comparable to and is not in the least inferior to the ancient Greek tragedies .

  25. 这部著作从发生学的视角对古希腊悲剧的诞生进行了酒神式迷狂的解读。

    This book interpreted the birth of ancient Greek tragedy from the perspective of the occurrence , accompany with the Dionysian ecstasy .

  26. 如果引入古希腊悲剧这一参照对曹禺、奥尼尔的创作进行比较研究,则可以从一个新的角度把握两人的创作。

    Their similarities and disparities are revealed by offering a comparative study of Cao Yu and O'Neill with the Greek tragedies as reference .

  27. 在以往的悲剧研究中,对戏剧文本的系统研究仅限于古希腊悲剧、莎士比亚悲剧和西方现代悲剧上。

    In the previous study of tragedies , the study of dramatic texts was merely confined to Greek tragedies , Shakespearian tragedies and the western modern tragedies .

  28. 运用文本细读与社会历史研究相结合的方法,对“命运范式”与古希腊悲剧文本之间的契合关系进行了研究。

    The textual close reading and the social history research method are used together to research the relation between the destiny paradigm and the ancient Greek tragedy .

  29. 正文第一部分研究死亡主题和古希腊悲剧,分别讨论死亡主题与酒神精神的关系及其在社会生活中的表现。

    Chapter Two talks about death motif and the birth of ancient Greek tragedy . It relates death motif to the Dionysian spirit and social life respectively .

  30. 古希腊悲剧《俄狄浦斯王》和中国现代悲剧《雷雨》在故事情节的设置、母题的选择等方面都有不少相似之处。

    Hellenic tragedy The King Oedipusis wrote by Sophocles , Chinese modern tragedy Thunder Storm is wrote by Cao Yu , and the two writings are famous .