
zhù chǎn shì
  • midwife;nurse midwife;accoucheur;maternity assistant
助产士 [zhù chǎn shì]
  • [midwife] 曾在正式助产学校学习或具有同等能力,能独立接生和护理产妇的中级医务人员

  1. 把你的要求告诉助产士,这样她可以记下来,避免产生误解。

    Tell your midwife what you want so she can make a note of it and avoid misunderstandings .

  2. 一项涉及2000名母亲的调查发现,十几岁、二十多岁的妈妈们平均带8个人一起进产房,这还不包括助产士或其他医护人员。

    The crowd-birthing phenomenon which unites friends and family like nothing else . A survey of 2000 mothers has found that those in their twenties or teens are taking an average of eight people into the birthing room with them – and that doesn ’ t include the midwife or other medical staff .

  3. 探讨助产士操作中STD感染防护措施,减少职业性感染的产生。

    Inquire into protection method of midwife about STD in operation and reduce the infection of STD.

  4. RCM正致力于再招收5000名助产士。

    The RCM has been campaigning for about 5,000 extra midwives to be recruited .

  5. CarolePresern是一个助产士,她经历了许多的新生儿死亡:

    As a midwife , Carole Presern has seen newborns die .

  6. 这项由ChannelMum网站进行的调查显示,现年60多岁的女性当年生孩子的时候,通常只有助产士和伴侣在场。

    The survey , conducted by the website Channel Mum , said that women now aged in their sixties typically had only had their partner alongside the midwife present while they gave birth .

  7. NICE补充道应确保女性有四种分娩环境的选择,即选择在医院,医院附属助产士机构,社区助产士机构以及在家中分娩。

    Nice added that commissioners should ensure that women have all four possible options for giving birth available to them : hospital care , midwifery units in hospitals , midwifery units based in the community and at home .

  8. 以及由安提·乔金恩(AnttiJokinen)执导的芬兰和立陶宛的合拍片《助产士》(TheMidwife)。

    and the Finnish-Lithuanian film " The Midwife " by Antti Jokinen .

  9. 《呼叫助产士》第四季已确定于2015年每周日在PBS晚间播出。

    The fourth season of " Call the Midwife " has made a home for itself on Sundays in 2015 , anchoring that night 's drama-heavy PBS lineup .

  10. 佩特拉·温贝里·林德于日前在Facebook上上传了这张照片,并写道:“助产士夜班=接生三个孩子。根本没有时间去上厕所换卫生棉。大家晚安。”

    Petra Vinberg Linder uploaded the photo on Facebook with the comment : " Night shift midwife = had three childbirths . You don 't have time to pee or change sanitary products . Thanks and goodnight , "

  11. 结果助产士SDS均值为(42.14±5.32),高于外科病房护士的(38.65±5.40)(P<0.01);

    Results The mean score of SDS of nurses in delivery room was ( 42.14 ± 5.32 ) and higher than that of nurses in general surgery ward ( 38.65 ± 5.40 ), ( P < 0.01 ) .

  12. 本文将向那些来自欧盟以外.希望在NMC申请注册为护士或助产士的护士或助产士提供信息。

    This section provides information for those nurses and midwives from outside the European Union who wish to apply for registration as a nurse or midwife with the NMC .

  13. Ndiaye医生说,体重低于2KG的婴儿需要助产士的特殊照料。他们教给母亲怎样把婴儿裹在胸前。

    Doctor Ndiaye says babies who less than two kilos get special attention from midwives who assist with the births .

  14. NHS还建议在没有并发症的情况下,助产士应在一分钟以上五分钟内剪断婴儿的脐带。

    The NHS body also advised midwives not to clamp and cut a baby 's umbilical cord until at least a minute after birth in the absence of complications , and generally within five minutes .

  15. 皇家助产士学会首席执行官CathyWarwick说:对低风险孕妇来说,在助产士机构或在家分娩是安全的,减少医疗干预。

    Cathy Warwick , chief executive of the Royal College of Midwives ( RCM ), said : For low-risk women , giving birth in a midwife-led unit or at home is safe and reduces medical interventions .

  16. 大雨倾盆而下,医生和穿着全身罩袍的助产士紧紧抓住他们的马匹和驴,在湿滑的路上艰难行进,身后河流汹涌。他们进入偏远的Khaspak村。

    The rain pelts down as the doctor and a burka-wearing midwife cling to their horse and donkey as they trot up a slippery slope , leaving the roaring river below .

  17. 编辑和学术界人士通过评论刊物,通过大学的课程,维护它的正统性。本文将向那些来自欧盟以外.希望在NMC申请注册为护士或助产士的护士或助产士提供信息。

    Editors and academics , through critical quarterlies , through college courses , support its orthodoxies . This section provides information for those nurses and midwives from outside the European Union who wish to apply for registration as a nurse or midwife with the NMC .

  18. 对照组给予全程助产士陪护及关怀。

    In the control group , parturients received continuous midwife care .

  19. 两组同时给予全过程助产士陪伴护理,观察镇痛效果,阴道出血和不良反应。

    Observed the anesthetic effect , vaginal hemorrhage and side reactions .

  20. 基层医院助产士工作中的安全问题与对策

    The safety problems and countermeasures in midwife 's working in primary-level hospitals

  21. 助产士们也为美国的观众随时待命。

    The midwives are on call to American audiences , as well .

  22. 助产士必须满了你的小马驹在胡说傻瓜地位。

    Midwives must reach the babbling fool status before you foal out .

  23. 工作压力对助产士身心健康的影响分析及对策

    The Influence and Countermeasure of Pressure of Work to Midwife 's Health

  24. 你的医生和助产士在这方面能够给你提供不少具体的指导。

    Your doctor or midwife will give you specific instructions .

  25. 助产士拍打你的脚底,光着头你的哭喊

    The midwife slapped your footsoles , and your bald cry

  26. 助产士心理健康状况及心理需求调查

    Investigation on the mental status and demands of midwives

  27. 产科服务模式的转变对助产士工作的影响

    The effects of transformation of maternal health model on the work of midwives

  28. 在助产士的帮助下,胎儿顺利地降生了。

    With the help of the midwife , the baby was born successfully .

  29. 伯明翰的医护人员正同助产士密切合作。

    Health workers are now working hand in glove with midwives in birmingham .

  30. 不去叫助产士来

    No , no. No. Go fetch the midwife !