
  1. 第三,在教育上,政府实行了九年免费义务制教育,对农村的孩子上职业学校实行免费,同时对大学和农村高中阶段的教育实行奖助学金制度,对困难地区农村寄宿制学校给予补贴。

    On education , the government has provided nine-year free compulsory6 education , and offered free vocational education and subsidy7 and scholarship for high school students in rural areas .

  2. 我国高校助学金制度的产生与变迁研究

    On the Formulation and Changes of University 's Stipend System in China

  3. 助学金制度在高校资助体系中的重新确立

    Reconstructing the Status of the Grants in the Subsidy System of Universities

  4. 在乡镇以上中学和小学逐步实行助学金制度和奖学金制度。

    Stipend and scholarship systems have been put in place step by step in primary and middle schools above the town level .

  5. 高校研究生收费制下奖学金评定的问题和对策助学金制度与奖学金制度并存的阶段;

    Problems and Countermeasures of Scholarship Evaluation under the Background of Tuition System for College Graduates the period of scholarship and student loan ;

  6. 然而事实上是,由于国家贷款和奖助学金制度,大学校园内经济层面上的贫富差距并不是特别大。

    But the fact is , as the loans and grants system , economic level university campus the gap is not particularly big .

  7. 作为资助政策之一的国家助学金制度,旨在运用经济的手段推动我国教育事业公平健康的发展。

    Being one of the university grants policies , Government Grant-in-aid Policy aims to improve the education develop healthy and fairly in China .

  8. 小城镇建设中乡镇政府的职能和地位在乡镇以上中学和小学逐步实行助学金制度和奖学金制度。

    The Function and Position of Rural Government in Small Towns Construction ; Stipend and scholarship systems have been put in place step by step in primary and middle schools above the town level .

  9. 文章在回顾国家奖助学金制度由来和发展的基础上,深入阐述了国家奖助学金特有的物质资助、激励、导向、制度彰显和人文关怀功能。

    On the basis of reviewing the origin and development of the national scholarship and assistantship system , this paper deeply illustrates its specific functions , such as material support , inspiration , guidance , demonstrate and humane care .

  10. 为此,工党政府于1998年采取了谁受益,谁承担成本的原则,对高等教育的经费制度进行了改革,取消了助学金制度,引入了学费和贷学金制度。

    The labor party adopted " who benefits , who pays " as the principle to reform the financial system of higher education in 1998 as follows : cancelling the grant system and introducing tuition fees and loan system .

  11. 十一届三中全会后,我国进入改革开放时期,计划经济体制开始向市场经济体制转轨,人民助学金制度也由缩小范围到正式被取消,逐渐走向了沉寂。

    After 11th third session , China enters the period of reform and opening-up , planned economic system begins to go through transition to the market economic system , people stipend system begins to narrow the range and cancelled formally in 1987 . It is quiet to move towards gradually .

  12. 由助学金公示制度引发的学生心理问题及对策

    Problems Raised by Public Notice on Student Grant and Countermeasures