
  • 网络board of regents;the Board of Governors
  1. 大学董事会制度是董事会制度的一种,董事会制度首先在企业发展和成熟。

    The board of Regents system firstly developed and matured in the enterprise .

  2. 建立健全大学董事会制度,需要借鉴企业董事会制度的相关实践经验和研究成果。

    Establish and perfect the system of board of Regents of university , need draws lessons of practical experience and research results from the board of Regents system of enterprise .

  3. 和迪拉德大学董事会的批准

    and with the approval by the Dillard University Board of Trustees

  4. 我要感谢迪拉德大学董事会

    I want to thank the Dillard University Board of Trustees

  5. 大学董事会协会:影响美国大学治理的重要力量

    College Board Association ( CBA ): An Important Force Influencing American University Governance

  6. 而同时我又是斯坦福大学董事会成员

    And I was also at the same time serving on the board of trustees at Stanford University .

  7. 为大学董事会服务一年我要飞五次

    To serve on the board of trustees of that university and I do it 5 times a year .

  8. 中国近代公立大学董事会制度:一次失败的美国大学制度借鉴

    The system of board of directors of public universities in modern China : a reference of failure for the system of American universities

  9. 本文主要分析了董事会结构及其组织活动,并与美国私立大学董事会制度进行了相关的比较。

    This paper mainly analyses the structure of the school board and its organizational activities , and compares with the board system of private universities in U.S.A.

  10. 民办大学董事会结构及有效性分析&兼与美国私立大学董事会制度的比较

    On the Structure of the Board of Private Universities and Its Efficiency : A Comparison with the Board System of Private Universities in U.S.A. ; school governor

  11. 大学董事会治理中要重视大学利益相关者在大学战略分析、规划和实施等治理活动中的作用,重视大学董事会治理中利益相关者的参与。

    University governance of Board of Regents should attach importance to university stakeholders in the university strategy analysis , planning and implementation of management activities , and attach importance to stakeholder involvement in the University board governance .

  12. 文章在分析总结美国公立大学董事会制度形成发展的基础上,研究董事会的基本类型与未来发展趋势,总结美国大学董事会管理体制的基本特点。

    On the basis of generalizing and analyzing the formation of American university board development history to study the types and development trend of university board in the future by summarizing basic character of the university board system in management .

  13. 目前,桑力克教授是澳大利亚大学集团董事会成员,纽卡斯尔大学新加坡私人有限公司董事长。

    He is currently a Board member of Universities Australia and Chairman of UON Singapore Pte Ltd.

  14. 例如,当科罗拉多州大学的董事会寻找下一任校长的时候,他们想要找的是一名熟知联邦政府的领导者,而联邦政府正式大学经费预算的主要来源。

    For example , when the board of the University of Colorado searched for a new president , it wanted a leader familiar with the state government , a major source of the university 's budget .

  15. 这里是杜克大学布罗德海德校长董事会及杜克大学的老师同学们能回到母校真是太妙了

    This is Duke University President Brodhead , Trustees , and members of the Duke University Community It is so fantastic to be back here at my alma mater

  16. 本研究试图从美国私立大学内部的董事会与教授评议会的权力关系入手,探析美国私立大学管理的成功经验。

    The writer will analyze the power relationship between board of directors and faculty senate in private university of US , to find out the successful experiences of university management .

  17. 本文剖析了加拿大社区大学的以董事会运作模式为主的校内管理体制,并从国内民办高校管理实际入手,分析其具体措施及对我国民办高校管理的借鉴意义。

    The author tries to analyze the significance of these managerial systems by analysing the inside school management system of community college in Canada and in accordance with the actual reality of non-governmental colleges in China .

  18. 普林斯顿大学将把前总统伍德罗·威尔逊的名字从其公共政策学院和一所住宿学院中除名,原因是他的“种族主义思想和政策使他成为一所学校的名称是不恰当的”。普林斯顿大学董事会已投票决定将威尔逊的名字除名。

    Princeton University will former President Woodrow Wilson 's name its public policy school and a residential college , saying his " racist views and policies make him an inappropriate namesake . " The Princeton University Board of Trustees has voted to remove the name .