
dà gǒu
  • Big dog;towser
大狗[dà gǒu]
  1. 我一开门,一条大狗就迎面扑来。

    I opened the gate , and was immediately set on by a large dog .

  2. 它是一条如此强壮的大狗。

    It 's such a big powerful dog .

  3. 他们养了一条大狗守门。

    They kept a big dog to guard the house .

  4. 他在家养了一条大狗。

    He raises a huge dog at home .

  5. 那只猫拱起背向一条大狗发起了攻击

    The cat hogged himself to attack a big dog .

  6. v.骚扰我们没有去惊扰那只大狗,因为我们怕它。

    molest We did not molest the big dog , because we were afraid of him .

  7. 现在克莱恩用Photoshop手法创作好玩的照片,大狗朱吉和他自己作主角,拍了各色各样一起历险的相片。

    Now Cline creates amusing Photoshop manipulations featuring the giant Juji and Cline himself taking all sorts of adventures together .

  8. 这位明星还停下来向她的母亲Andrea问好,但随后又被她妈妈的大狗Kitty分心了。

    The star also paused to say hi to her mother Andrea but then got distracted by Kitty , her mom 's giant dog .

  9. 美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)的儿童节目负责人佛瑞德·西尔弗曼为了使该节目的风格变得温和一点,把这只大狗改造成一个性格温顺懦弱的喜剧角色。

    Fred Silverman , CBS 's head of children 's programming , is credited with softening the tone of the show by making the huge dog a yellow-bellied comedy figure .

  10. “大狗”的部分研发资金就来自于DARPA,它的目标是充当“木牛流马”,与美国大兵一起执行任务。

    BigDog was funded in part by DARPA and is envisioned as a kind of robotic pack mule that could accompany soldiers on missions .

  11. 在塑胶墙面的货车厢里,无论大狗还是小狗,美容费都是每只100比索(合约7.7美元)。这辆车是一家名叫FluffyShower的流动宠物沙龙的,现在正在墨西哥城的富裕地区巡游,出售高级宠物的香波和链条。

    Dogs big and small are beautified for 100 pesos ( $ 7.70 ) in the back of a perspex-walled van run by Fluffy Shower , a mobile pet-salon that visits Mexico City 's posh neighbourhoods to apply shampoo and ribbons to upper-class animals .

  12. 我们养这条大狗是用来防盗贼的。

    We have this big dog as a protection against burglars .

  13. 一只狼的大小象一只大狗。

    A wolf is about the size of a large dog .

  14. 这样做要成为大狗在您的四人?

    Do want to be the big dog in your foursome ?

  15. 这条大狗帮助它们。它把它们带回家。

    The big dog helps them ! He takes them home .

  16. 这时一个带着大狗的小男孩想到了一个办法。

    A small boy with a big dog had an idea .

  17. 一只大狗瞧不起一只小狗的咆哮。

    A great dog scorns the snarling of a little dog .

  18. 我进来的时候看到了一只黑色的大狗。

    I saw a big black dog when I came in .

  19. 他养了一条大狗,他的狗喜欢我。

    He keeps a big dog , and it likes me .

  20. 那只小狗把骨头让给大狗。

    The small dog relinquished his bone to the big dog .

  21. “那条大狗一定是在看守勒梅的魔法石!

    The dog must be guarding Flamel 's Sorcerer 's Stone !

  22. 哈利从大狗身上爬过去,透过那个洞口往下看。

    Harry climbed over it and looked down through the trapdoor .

  23. 若要牵住大狗,必须用力握住(皮带)。

    A strong grip was necessary to hold onto the large dog .

  24. 花生一大狗,狗有小麋。

    Peanut for a big dog , moose for a small dog .

  25. 足够毒死三条这么大狗的毒素。

    In the remains to kill a dog three times this size .

  26. 我们家隔壁养了一只大狗。

    There was a big dog lived in the apartment next door .

  27. 那些爪印有可能是大狗留下的吗?

    Presenter : Could they have been made by a big dog ?

  28. 大狗说完,和皮诺奇道了别,就回家去了。

    Then they bid each other good-by and the dog went home .

  29. 一天,一只猫妈妈领着4只小猫在路上走,却遇到了一只大狗。

    A cat and her four kittens ran into a large dog .

  30. 一只棕黑相间的大狗,带着严肃的表情。

    A large brown and black dog , with a serious expression .