
  • 网络National Day Military Parade;military parade;the national day parade
  1. 我已经看到了法国国庆阅兵,印度,英国

    I 've seen French Bastille Day military parade , Indian , British

  2. 一九九九年十月一日第十三次国庆阅兵。

    On October 1 , 1999 the 13th National Day military parade was held .

  3. 民兵一直是国庆阅兵的重点。

    The Militia has always been a focus during the military parade on National Day .

  4. 这是最大规模的国庆阅兵伴奏团队。

    It was the largest number of people to make music for a National Day parade .

  5. 他说,维和人员能参加国庆阅兵是一件非常荣幸的事。

    He says it 's a great honor for peacekeepers to march during the National Day celebration .

  6. 京晶:马克,你打算在街上找个地方看国庆阅兵吗?

    Dialogue 1 Mark , are you going to pick out a spot along the street and watch the parade ?

  7. 这将是中国维和部队首次参加国庆阅兵。

    It will be the first time for China 's peacekeeping forces to march in the military parade on National Day .

  8. 早上5点30分,当我抵达国庆阅兵的媒体中央时,天空已经清楚得足以看见星星。

    By5.30am , when I arrived at the media centre for the National Day parade , the skies had cleared sufficiently to be able to see a star .

  9. 在阅兵过程中,1500人的军乐队、2100人的成人合唱团、300人的儿童合唱团、以及130人的民间打击乐队演唱和弹奏了21支乐曲。这是最大规模的国庆阅兵伴奏团队。

    A 1,500-member military brass band , a 2,100-member adult choir , a 300-member children 's choir and a 130-member folk percussion group sang and played 21 songs to accompany the parade . It was the largest number of people to make music for a National Day parade .

  10. 这次国庆大阅兵规模宏大,场面壮观。参阅部队都是精锐之师,这样的规模和阵容,在我国历史上是空前的,在世界上也是少有的。

    The large-scale military parade formed a magnificent scene .

  11. 10月1日,人们纷纷沉迷于国庆的喧嚣和阅兵式,几乎没有人注意到,在中国的2488个县中,已有10%启动了农村养老计划。

    Almost unnoticed amid the fanfare and military parades on national day on October 1 was the inception of that rural pension scheme , launched in 10 per cent of China 's 2,488 counties .