
  • 网络International school;qsi;ISB;International Academy
  1. 旧金山中美国际学校(ChineseAmericanInternationalSchool)的负责人比塞尔(JeffBissell)说,随着指标和标准的确立,教学方法也在不断演进。

    Jeff Bissell , head of the Chinese American International School in San Francisco , says teaching is evolving as metrics and standards are established .

  2. 17岁的伊策尔·查韦斯是美国俄勒冈州比弗顿国际学校的一名学生,她是获得奖学金得以出席这次会议的21名IB学生之一。

    Seventeen-year-old Itzel Chavez is a student at the International School of Beaverton , in the American state of Oregon . She was one of twenty-one IB students who received scholarships to be able to attend the conference .

  3. 总计有12所大学参与EDX,它提供结业证书,并表示计划在明年继续扩大规模,包括增加国际学校。

    In all , 12 universities participate in EdX , which offers certificates for course completion and has said that it plans to continue to expand next year , including adding international schools .

  4. 其中一些,如上海德威英国国际学校(dulwichcollegeshanghai)享有极高的声誉。

    Some , such as Dulwich College Shanghai , have extremely strong reputations .

  5. 什么是“IB国际学校”,它与一般国际学校有什么不同?

    What is an IB world school ? And how is it different from the generic international schools ?

  6. 随着中国加入WTO,各国问交流加强,来沪求学的境外学生人数不断增加,相应地各类国际学校和国际部也应运而生。

    With China joining in WTO and the strengthened communication between countries , the number of overseas students choosing to study in Shanghai is constantly increased , therefore different types of international schools and international divisions have been springing up accordingly .

  7. acs国际学校校长马尔科姆凯(malcolmkay)说,国际文凭提供了一种“广度”,使学生拥有了一种优势。

    Malcolm Kay , superintendent of ACS international schools , which runs three institutions outside London , says the IB offers a " breadth " that gives its students an advantage .

  8. 该报告由位于芝加哥的咨询公司ATKearney发布。报告称,北京排名的上升得益于《财富》(Fortune)500强企业、国际学校、博物馆以及宽带用户数量的增加。

    Published by Chicago-based consulting firm AT Kearney , the report attributed Beijing 's jump in the rankings to its increase in Fortune 500 companies , international schools , museums and broadband subscribers .

  9. 2007年,温特菲尔德夫妇成为蛇口QSI国际学校的教师。

    The American couple was recruited by the American nonprofit organization Quality Schools International ( QSI ) in2007 .

  10. 因此,毕马威(kpmg)驻哈萨克斯坦管理合伙人阿伦鲍文(alunbowen)表示,尽管要负担更高成本,但许多人仍把攻读知名国际学校的mba视为更好的选择。

    Consequently , many see an MBA from a reputable international institution as a better option , despite the additional cost , says Alun Bowen , managing partner of KPMG in Kazakhstan .

  11. 目前她的计划是在深圳再呆一至两年,然后转到QSI的另一所国际学校去。

    She plans to stay in Shenzhen for one or two more years , and then transfer to another school within QSI .

  12. 在CSIES公司的有效管理下,苏州新加坡国际学校目前成为了江苏省最大规模的国际学校。

    Under the effective management of CSIES , the Suzhou Singapore International School has become the largest international school in Jiangsu province .

  13. 这个星期三又到了CNN学生新闻的全球点名节目环节。我们要前往印度,非常高兴在孟买的Oberoi国际学校作客。

    It 's Worldwide Wednesday on the CNN STUDENT NEWS " Roll Call . " That means we are going to places like India where we are glad to be part of the school day at Oberoi International School in Mumbai .

  14. 我和萨南和查尼达在一个国际学校上学。

    I go to an international school with Sanan and chinda .

  15. 传统国际学校指出,大多数海外分支为特许经营。

    Conventional international schools point out that most are franchise operations .

  16. 空间的重组&乐成国际学校室内设计

    Recomposing Space : Interior Design for Beijing City International School

  17. 您是如何知道海嘉双语国际学校的?

    How did you learn about KinStar International Bilingual school ?

  18. 联合国国际学校董事会办公室;

    Office of the board of Trustees of the United Nations school ;

  19. 在北京有许多面向外国人的国际学校。

    In Beijing there are many international schools for foreigners .

  20. 这些学生在中国接受了12年的教育,他们在第一次进入国际学校时,是怎么面对这些问题的呢?

    How they are going to face the first problem ?

  21. 这是来自加拿大国际学校的小歌手们。

    These young singers are all from Canadian International School .

  22. 日内瓦国际学校基本发展基金

    Capital Development Fund of the International School in Geneva

  23. 现在她就读于北京仁爱国际学校。

    Now she is in Beijing Ren'ai International School .

  24. 虽然,成功的国际学校确实达到了真正的国际融合。

    Successful international schools do , however , achieve a truly international mix .

  25. 在这两种系统的国际学校,汉语是第二外语。

    In these international education systems , Chinese is the second foreign language .

  26. 北京城里的西洋景&国际学校

    A foreign scenery in Beijing - the International School

  27. 北京顺义国际学校补偿收缩混凝土应用情况

    The Application of Shrinkage-Compensating Concrete to the Project of Beijing Shunyi International School

  28. 越来越多国际学校把汉语作为第二外语进行教学。

    There are many international schools teaching Chinese as the second foreign language .

  29. 那么,外国专家的孩子为什么不去上外国人办的国际学校?

    Why can 't experts'children attend the schools founded by foreigners for foreigners ?

  30. 国际学校的学生更多的是从个人出发,根据自己的兴趣爱好参加课外体育活动。

    Students in international schools participate in extracurricular activities according to their interests .