
  • 网络International Fund for Agricultural Development;IFAD;International Fund for Agriculture Development IFAD;IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development
  1. 肯尼亚的EquityBank与国际农业发展基金等组织构建联盟关系,来降低小佃农的贷款风险。

    Kenya 's Equity Bank has formed an alliance with groups such as The International Fund for Agricultural Development to reduce its risks when lending to smallholders .

  2. 联合国与国际农业发展基金的协定

    Agreement between the United Nations and the International Fund for Agricultural Development

  3. 总部位于罗马的联合国国际农业发展基金会(internationalfundforagriculturedevelopment)的主席莱纳德巴治(lennartbge)表示:“保持国际粮食市场的开放十分重要。”

    Lennart B Ge , President of the International Fund for agriculture development , the Rome-based UN agency , said : " it is very important to keep the international food market open . "

  4. 国际农业发展基金筹备委员会

    Preparatory Commission for the International Fund for Agricultural Development

  5. 关于建立国际农业发展基金的协定

    Agreement Establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development

  6. 联合国关于成立国际农业发展基金的会议;

    United Nations Conference on the establishment of the International Fund for agricultural development ;

  7. 国际农业发展基金会

    International Fund for Agricultural Development , IFAD

  8. 联合国国际农业发展基金组织

    International Fund for Agricultural Development

  9. 非洲锥虫病防治计划在联合国中的伙伴还有联合国工业发展组织和国际农业发展基金。

    Further UN partners of PAAT are the United Nations Industrial Development Organization ( UNIDO ) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development ( IFAD ) .

  10. 《世界粮食不安全状况》报告是由联合国粮食与农业组织,国际农业发展基金会及世界粮食计划署共同努力的结果。

    The State of Food Security in the World report is a joint effort by the FAO , the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the World Food Program .

  11. 深化在联合国粮农组织、国际农业发展基金会框架下的合作。

    China will also work to deepen Sino-African cooperation within the frameworks of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization ( UNFAO ) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development .

  12. 在由全球环境基金和国际农业发展基金的共同资助下,该计划也减轻了土地退化程度,促进了土地可持续管理。

    Co-financed by Global Environment Facility ( GEF ) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development ( IFAD ), the program also reduces land degradation and promotes sustainable land management .

  13. 第二章考察其它国际组织有关绿箱支持措施的法律规制的趋向,如联合国粮食及农业组织、世界粮食计划署、国际农业发展基金会、欧盟等国际组织;

    Chapter Two expounds the trend of the laws of green box measures in the law system of other international organizations , i.e. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations , World Food Programs , International Fund for Agricultural Development and EU .