
  • 网络international congress of mathematicians;icm;International Congress of Mathematics
  1. 这位获奖者是斯坦福大学(Stanford)教授玛丽亚姆·米尔札哈尼(MaryamMirzakhani),本周三在韩国首尔举行的国际数学家大会(InternationalCongressofMathematicians)会为她和另外三位数学家颁奖。

    The recipient , Maryam Mirzakhani , a professor at Stanford , was one of four scheduled to be honored on Wednesday at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Seoul , South Korea .

  2. 1958年国际数学家大会第一次通报

    International Congress of mathematicians 1958 first communication

  3. 国际数学家大会(ICM,民调机构)4月15-17日进行的调查显示,只有50%的人表示一定会参加投票(在诸如伦敦等5月5日无其他选举的地区降至44%)。

    A survey conducted on April 15th-17th by ICM , a pollster , found only 50 % promising to vote ( dropping to 44 % in areas like London , where there are no other elections on May 5th ) .

  4. 2002年国际数学家大会思考

    A Thinking of International Conference of Mathematicians in 2002

  5. 2002年,在北京召开国际数学家大会之际,在重庆举办了廿一世纪数学课程与教学改革国际学术研讨会。

    During August in Chongqing of China , Southwest China Normal University held the International Conference of the Reform of Mathematics Curriculum And Its Education in the 21st Century .

  6. 中国数学会副理事长、2002年国际数学家大会筹款委员会主席侯自新说,这是本届大会收到的数目最大的一笔个人捐款。

    Deputy director of the Chinese mathematics association , chairman of the fundraising committee of imc2002mr.hou Zixin said , this is the biggest individual donation this Congress had been received .

  7. 陈景润共发表学术论文70余篇,并于1978年和1982年两次收到国际数学家大会的邀请,作学术报告。

    Chen published more than 70 academic papers in his life . Twice , in 1978 and 1982 respectively , Chen was invited to deliver the 45-minute report in the International Congress of Mathematicians .

  8. 2002年国际数学家大会卫星会议之一的21世纪数学课程与教学改革国际学术研讨会于2002年8月17日至19日在重庆召开。

    Twenty first century mathematics curriculum and teaching reform international scientific conference , one of the branch conferences of International Congress of Mathematicians , held from Aug , 17th to 19th , 2002 in Chongqing .

  9. 另一些朋友说他无法支付去马德里参加国际数学家大会的费用,他的数学同行们希望他去那里接受号称数学界诺贝尔的菲尔兹奖。朋友们表示他过于谦虚,不会要任何人资助他的旅费。

    Other friends say he cannot afford to travel to International Mathematical Union ` s congress in Madrid , where his peers want him to receive the maths equivalent of the Nobel Prize , and that he is too modest to ask anyone to underwrite his trip .

  10. 国际妇女数学家大会

    International Congress of Women Mathematicians