
Guó fánɡ bù
  • mod;Ministry of Defense
  1. 国防部要求今年增加拨款二千万英镑的拨款。

    The Ministry of defense is asking for a vote of twenty million pounds more this year .

  2. 玛丽卡这个国防部在冷战时期使用的防核地下碉堡现在已成为一个公司安全堡垒。

    This nuclear bunker used by the Ministry of Defense during the cold war is now a corporate fortress .

  3. 这家公司与国防部关系默契。

    The firm has a cosy relationship with the Ministry of Defence .

  4. 美国国防部将会优先考虑那些能够进行电子商务的公司。

    The Pentagon will give preference to companies which do business electronically .

  5. 新任国防部部长是参议员罗伯特·雷。

    The new Defence Minister is Senator Robert Ray .

  6. 我们已经成功地与国防部敲定了基本原则。

    We have already succeeded in working out ground rules with the Department of Defense

  7. 以前他们被人忽视是因为不受国防部管辖。

    They were neglected before because they did not come under the Ministry of Defence .

  8. 美国国防部发言人拒绝评论。

    A Pentagon spokesman refused to comment .

  9. 一位国防部发言人向记者们简要介绍了情况。

    A Defense Department spokesman briefed reporters

  10. 国防部向萨维尔保证已向他提供了所有相关的资料。

    The MOD gave an undertaking to Saville that it had provided him with all relevant material .

  11. 谋杀案发生在英国司法管辖范围外,故国防部无须对其负责。

    As the killings took place outside British jurisdiction , the Ministry of Defence could not be held liable .

  12. 国防部决定部署新的导弹系统。

    The defense department decided to deploy a new missile system .

  13. 陆海空三军均由国防部管辖。

    The army , navy and airforce are all controlled by the Ministry of defence .

  14. 超过公司提供教材的唯一非学术性的来源就是国防部。

    The only nonscholastic source of classroom material larger than corporations is Department of defense .

  15. 这种通行证由国防部负责签发。

    The defence department is responsible for the signing and issuing of this type of travel permit .

  16. 20世纪70年代国防部开发了因特网

    The Internet was developed during the 1970s by the Department of Defense .

  17. 国防部会把你作为流氓极端分子把克里姆林宫爆炸案归咎于你和你的小组。

    Where the DOD will label you as a rogue1 extremist and hang the Kremlin bombing on you and your team .

  18. 这个2500万美元的研究项目由美国国防部尖端研究项目局(DefenseAdvancedResearchProjectAgency)资助。

    The $ 25 million project is funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency , part of the U.S. Department of Defense .

  19. 基于仿真的采办(SimulationBasedAcquisitionSBA)是近年来逐步得到美国国防部和工业界认可的一种新的采办理念。

    Simulation Based Acquisition ( SBA ) is a kind of new idea of acquisition progressively approved by Department of Defense and Defense Industry organizations in recent years .

  20. 采购策略是尽量使用国防部指定的标准ATS产品。

    Acquisition strategy is to maximize the use of standard ATS specified by DoD .

  21. 美国国防部创伤登记(DepartmentofDefenseTraumaRegistry)的数据显示,从2001年到2013年,有1367名美国军人在伊拉克或阿富汗受到所谓的泌尿生殖系统损伤。

    From 2001 to 2013 , 1367 men in the military suffered so-called genitourinary injuries in Iraq or Afghanistan , according to the Department of Defense Trauma Registry .

  22. 该报告是美国智囊团新美国安全中心(centerforanewamericansecurity)在上述事件发生前委托撰写的,重点关注为美国国防部工作的军人和文职分析师。

    The report was commissioned by the center for a new American security , a US think-tank , before the latest incidents , and focuses on the US military and civilian analysts employed by the Department of defence .

  23. FBI和美国国防部最近都扩大了在硅谷的存在。

    Both the state department and the Department of Defense have recently expanded their presence in Silicon Valley .

  24. 除去国防部、国土安全部、和退伍军人事务部之外,这项预算法案囊括了所有其它内阁各部。deterioration[di.tiəriə'

    The 1100-page budget pays for the operations of every Cabinet department except Defense , Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs .

  25. 刚刚离职的美国国防部网络政策主管罗伯特布特勒(RobertButler)告诉英国《金融时报》,这就是为何网络是一个由攻方主宰的空间的原因。

    That is why cyber is an offense-dominant space , Robert Butler , just-departed Pentagon cyber policy chief , told the Financial Times .

  26. 韩国通信委员会表示,从周二起,总统府青瓦台(BlueHouse)、国防部、国会以及私营公司网站被恶意软件产生的密集流量瘫痪。

    The South 's Communications Commission said that the websites of the presidential Blue House , defence ministry and national assembly as well as private companies were inundated by heavy traffic generated by software , beginning on Tuesday .

  27. 2011年,黑客组织Anonymous侵入了叙利亚国防部的网站,SEA随即还以颜色,侵入Anonymous的一家网站并挂上一些图片。

    After the hacking group Anonymous claimed in 2011 to have taken down the website of the Syrian defence ministry , the electronic army responded by posting images on an Anonymous website .

  28. FIRB在批准该交易之前考虑的问题,包括JohnHolland与澳大利亚国防部的多项合同。

    Among issues that the FIRB had considered before approving the deal were John Holland 's contracts with Australia 's Defense Department .

  29. 主管国防部采购事宜的AshtonCarter称这是“无法接受而且负担不起的”,并誓要把费用降下来。

    Ashton Carter , the defence-acquisition chief , calls this " unacceptable and unaffordable , " and vows to trim it .

  30. 尽管亨利称这项DNA测试能够确认拿破仑坟墓里那具尸体的身份,使得所有疑问得以真相大白,但是法国国防部却拒绝进行测试,至少在目前是这样的。

    But France 's Defense Ministry has refused , at least for now , to allow a DNA test , which Roy-Henry contends would put an end to all questions about the identity of the body in Napoleon 's Tomb .