
  • 网络The Ivy League
  1. 他在一所常春藤联盟学校上学。

    He goes to an Ivy League school .

  2. 目前,他是NBA里唯一一位常春藤联盟的球员。

    He 's currently the only Ivy League player in the NBA .

  3. 哈佛(Harvard),麻省理工(MIT),和常春藤联盟学校当前正在使用Drupal。

    Harvard , MIT , and every Ivy League school currently uses Drupal

  4. 路透社6月19日-根据《泰晤士高等教育》杂志(TimesHigherEducation)公布的世界年轻大学排名(100Under50)报告,常春藤联盟要小心了!全球新一代的精英大学正在崛起。

    June 19 ( Reuters ) - Watch out Ivy League , there 's a new generation of elite universities on the rise around the globe , according to a new 100 Under 50 report from Times Higher Education magazine .

  5. Serena你需要好好休息现在是常春藤联盟周

    Lily : Serena , you need your rest , okay ? It 's ivy week .

  6. 路透社6月19日-根据《泰晤士高等教育》杂志(TimesHigherEducation)公布的世界年轻大学排名(100Under50)报告,常春藤联盟要小心了!全球新一代的精英大学正在崛起。

    June 19 ( Reuters ) - Watch out Ivy League , there 's a new generation of elite universities on the rise around the globe , according to a new " 100 Under 50 " report from Times Higher Education magazine .

  7. 他在宾夕法尼亚大学(Penn)打了四年壁球,取得的成绩包括最佳球员、副队长,曾入选常春藤联盟与全美第一阵容。

    He played four years at Penn , including being the No. 1 player , a co-captain , and a first-team All-Ivy and All-American .

  8. 她没有遵循先从分析师做起的传统路径,而是加入了一个面向常春藤联盟(ivyleague)院校毕业生的计划,从事后台办公室工作,以平衡当时新兴的金融工具所蕴含的风险。

    Rather than the traditional analyst route , she entered on a programme for Ivy League graduates to work in the back office , acting as a counterweight to the risks involved in the financial instruments that were emerging at the time .

  9. 你还懂科学呀,常春藤联盟辍学先生。

    What would you know about science , Mr. Ivy League dropout ?

  10. 凯蒂:我想进常春藤联盟!我真喜欢东岸!

    Candy : I want to go to an Ivy League school !

  11. 美国“常春藤联盟”院校社会捐赠历史考察

    Historical Review of Social Donations to " Ivy League " Universities in America

  12. 问题23以下哪所大学属于常春藤联盟?

    Question 23 . Which of the following universities belongs to the Ivy League ?

  13. 这八所大学被总称为常春藤联盟学校。

    These eight private universities are collectively referred to as the Ivy League schools .

  14. 常春藤联盟及其大学因为其学术成就和社会声望而被世人熟知。

    Ivy League colleges and universities are known for academic excellence and social prestige .

  15. 你的两个女儿都在常春藤联盟学校,那么她们成功是由于其他原因吗?

    Both of your daughters are at Ivy League schools , so are they successful because of other reasons ?

  16. 那是一所常春藤联盟大学,那儿的学费高于美国人的人均年收入。

    The setting was one of those country-like Ivy League campuses where the tuition exceeds the average American annual income .

  17. 所以,被常春藤联盟接收本身就是一种成就,尤其是如果是被整个联盟所接收。

    So , Ivy League acceptance is an accomplishment in itself , especially if it 's to the whole league .

  18. 据《纽约客》杂志报道,他有信心足以能进入哈佛、耶鲁等常春藤联盟名校就读。

    According to The New Yorker , he was confident that he could get into an Ivy League university , such as Harvard or Yale .

  19. 这是一则广告的标题,最近开始出现在常春藤联盟名校的校园内,如耶鲁大学和哈佛大学。

    This is a sample heading from one of the ads that has begun to appear at Ivy League schools such as Yale and Harvard .

  20. 她的经纪人在采访中透露沃特森将于2013年冬季学期重返这所常春藤联盟名校。

    The " Harry Potter " alum 's rep tells Gossip Cop that Watson will re-enroll at the Ivy League school for the winter 2013 semester .

  21. 全是由于妈妈的牺牲和伟大的梦想,我进入了常春藤联盟的罗得岛州普罗维登斯市的布朗大学。

    Thanks to my mom 's sacrifices and big dreams , I 'd made it to the Ivy League : Brown University in Providence , Rhode Island .

  22. 林书豪在哈佛大学打了四年球,大三当上了篮球队队长,并三次入选常春藤联盟阵容。

    Lin played four years for the Crimson ( 2006-10 ) , served as team captain his senior year , and was a three-time All-Ivy League selection .

  23. 凤姐在今年早些时候搬到美国后,就随之调整了自己的择偶标准:现在她希望能找到一个真正的美国人作男友,这个人必须拥有常春藤联盟大学的学位。

    Since her move state side earlier this year , Feng adjusted her criteria accordingly : now she hopes to find a ` real American ` with an Ivy League degree .

  24. 他还是常春藤联盟历史上第一位达到1450分(1483),450个篮板(487),400次助攻(406)以及200次抢断(225)的球员。

    He was also the first player in Ivy League history to record 1450 points ( 1483 ) , 450 rebounds ( 487 ) , 400 assists ( 406 ) , and 200 steals ( 225 ) .

  25. 温茨在2012年对哈佛和其他常春藤联盟院校的录取数据进行了分析,并以此反驳哈佛的说法。他表示,他的团队并不是向哈佛施压,要求废除平权措施,他们只是希望得到更多的信息。

    Mr. Unz , whose 2012 data analysis of admissions at Harvard and other Ivy League institutions is cited in the case against the university , said his slate was not pressing to abolish affirmative action at Harvard , it was seeking only to get more information .

  26. 但是就在上个月,就在市长宣布中标的建议书出自作为常春藤名校联盟中的一员,康奈尔大学及其搭档Technion——一家以色列的科研中心的前几日,斯坦福大学退出了竞争。

    But Stanford withdrew from the competition last month , days before the mayor announced the winning proposal , which came from Cornell , an Ivy League university , and its partner Technion , an Israeli technology institute .

  27. 这些玩家中有许多也会参加另一个大学联盟“常春藤英雄联盟”(IvyLoL)所组织的比赛。

    Many of those players also participate in matches organized by another collegiate league , IvyLoL .

  28. 他是萨摩亚家族中第一个在久负盛名的常春藤名牌大学联盟毕业并获得殊荣的人。

    He was the first person of Samoan Ancestry to graduate with honors from the famed Ivy League institution .