
chánɡ shè zhònɡ cái fǎ yuàn
  • Permanent Court of Arbitration
  1. 上月,菲律宾加大了赌注,向海牙常设仲裁法院(PermanentCourtofArbitrationatTheHague)提出了针对中国的仲裁要求,请求裁定九段线无效。

    Last month , Manila raised the ante by forging ahead with an arbitration case against China that asks the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague to rule that the nine-dash line is invalid .

  2. 以及造成地区所有麻烦的根源:华盛顿在马尼拉、河内和吉隆坡强迫其盟友和伙伴服从自己----并向外界持续释放这样的信息:中国不会承认设于海牙的常设仲裁法院下的国际法庭审理本案的管辖权和权威性。

    and the source of all regional trouble as Washington 's arm-twisting of its allies and partners in Manila Hanoi and Kuala Lumpur - and steadily messaging that it does not recognize the jurisdiction and authority of the International Tribunal of the Permanent Court of Arbitration ( PCA ) at the Hague to rule in this case .