
měi zhōu guó jiā zǔ zhī
  • Organization of American States
美洲国家组织[měi zhōu guó jiā zǔ zhī]
  1. 美洲国家组织的常务委员们今天在华盛顿这里会面。

    The permanent council of the Organization of American States meets today here in Washington .

  2. 美洲国家组织反恐法律述评

    On Discussing and Commenting Anti - terrorism Law of Organization of American States

  3. 美洲国家组织(oas)对哥伦比亚表示批评,但并未正式谴责。

    The organisation of American States ( OAS ) criticised Colombia but did not formally condemn it .

  4. 美洲国家组织(OAS)是世界上最早参与选举观察活动的国际组织之一。

    The Organization of American States ( OAS ) is one of the international organizations that have the earliest experiences of engaging itself with election observation .

  5. 一些观察家认为,这个组织最终甚至可能与美洲国家组织(OAS)相匹敌。美洲国家组织有35个成员国,包括美国和加拿大。在过去半个世纪,美洲国家组织一直是地区事务的主要论坛。

    Some observers believe it could even eventually rival the 35-member Organisation of American States ( OAS ), which includes the US and Canada and has been the principal forum for hemispheric issues during the past half century .

  6. 联合国同美洲国家组织的合作

    Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of American States

  7. 蒙特路易斯宣言:美洲国家组织的新看法

    Declaration of Montrouis : A New Vision of the OAS

  8. 美洲国家组织关于防止和惩治恐怖主义行为的公

    Organization of American States : Convention to Prevent and Punish Acts of Terrorism

  9. 厄瓜多呼吁美洲国家组织谴责违犯它的领土的哥伦比亚。

    Ecuador urges the Organisation of American States to condemn Colombia for violating its territory .

  10. 美洲国家组织反腐败专门会议

    Specialized Conference of the OAS against corruption

  11. 任何其他国家也可以加入本公约。加入书应交存于美洲国家组织秘书长。

    This Convention shall be open for signature by the Member States of the Organization of American States .

  12. 联合国秘书处和美洲国家组织总秘书处合作协定

    Cooperation Agreement between the Secretariat of the United Nations and the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States

  13. 联合国秘书长和美洲国家组织秘书长特使;

    Special envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and of the Secretary-General of the organization of American states ;

  14. 我希望美国总统将在美洲国家组织峰会上听着,他说。

    I hope the president of the United States is going to listen at the OAS summit , he said .

  15. 另一方面成功地说服美洲国家组织成员国及欧洲盟国支持其贸易禁运政策。

    On the other hand , the government persuaded American member countries and European allies to support the trade embargo policy successfully .

  16. 古巴将缺席此次峰会,古巴并不是这个代表民主的美洲国家组织的成员国。

    Absent from the summit will be Cuba . It 's not a member of the organization of America States which represents democracies .

  17. 美洲国家组织通过谈判达成了一项停火协议在7月20日开始生效,8月初萨尔瓦多军队撤离洪都拉斯。

    The Organization of American States negotiated a cease-fire which took effect on 20 July , with the Salvadoran troops withdrawn in early August .

  18. 美洲国家组织各成员国政府,希望缔结一项国际商事仲裁公约,约定如下。

    The Governments of the Member States of the Organization of American States , desirous of concluding a convention on international commercial arbitration , have agreed as follows .

  19. 非洲联盟、欧洲联盟、美洲国家组织、阿拉伯国家联盟等区域及次区域组织与联合国合作,在解决地区冲突,维持地区稳定方面作出了重要的贡献。

    The African Union , the European Union , the Organization of American States , League of Arab States and other regional and subregional organizations cooperate with the United Nations .

  20. 其它国家政府将对此表示欢迎。牙买加驻美洲国家组织大使安东尼.约翰逊说,经济困难时期,树立贸易壁垒对很多国家来说非常具有诱惑力,但这样做是错误的。

    Jamaica 's ambassador to the OAS , Anthony Johnson , says countries may be tempted to erect trade barriers during tough economic times , but this is a mistake .

  21. 这在后的声明应该交给美洲国家组织秘书长,并在秘书长收到后三十天生效。

    Such subsequent declarations shall be transmitted to the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States , and shall become effective thirty days after the date of their receipt .

  22. 他表示:美国国会肯定会有人说,好,拉美可以有它的组织,那就让我们解散美洲国家组织吧'。

    You are going to have people in the US Congress saying , OK , Latin America can have its organisation so let 's scupper the OAS ' , he said .

  23. 在简短的声明中,洪都拉斯外交部长称,任何包括美洲国家组织秘书长殷索沙在内的代表团在洪都拉斯都不会受到欢迎。

    In a terse statement , the Honduran Foreign Ministry said that any delegation which included the group 's secretary general , Jose Miguel Insulza , was not welcome in the Central American country .

  24. 二战前,美国区域间主义基本局限于政治合作,其主要体现是美洲国家组织。

    During the stage of pre-World War ⅱ, the American inter-regionalism was largely confined to the political cooperation between regions . The main embodiment of such kind of inter-regionalism is the Organization of American States .

  25. 美洲国家组织反恐法律中关于国际恐怖主义犯罪概念的界定,虽然能直接触及恐怖主义犯罪的本质内容,但单纯以罗列主义的立法形式难免存在粗疏或琐碎的弊端;

    The conception of international terrorism in anti-terrorism law of Organization of American States can be able to shortly expose to essence of terrorism , but it 's legislative form of being spread out is difficult to avoid some drawbacks such as carelessness or trivialness in legislation .

  26. 就像美洲国家对话组织(Inter-AmericanDialogue)汇款专家曼努埃尔•奥罗斯科(ManuelOrozco)所言:现在尚处于早期。

    As Manuel Orozco , a remittances specialist at Inter-American Dialogue , puts it : It is early days .

  27. 设在华盛顿的美洲国家对话组织(inter-americandialogue)的丹尼尔埃里克森(danielerikson)表示,美国国务院一直在努力实现旨在把中国变成拉美地区负责任的利益相关者的设想。

    According to Daniel Erikson of the Inter-American Dialogue in Washington , the US State Department has been pursuing a vision aimed at converting China into a responsible stakeholder in Latin America .

  28. 根据广泛的调查,总部位于华盛顿的美洲国家对话组织(Inter-AmericanDialogue)的汇款专家曼努埃尔•奥罗斯科(ManuelOrozco)估计,去年汇回发展中国家的资金总额可能达到2980亿美元,远远高于世行的估计。

    Based on extensive surveys , Manuel Orozco , a remittances specialist at the Washington-based Inter-American Dialogue institute , estimates based that the total amount sent home to the developing world last year was $ 298bn , much higher than the World Bank 's estimate .