
  • 网络american psychologist
  1. 自我决定理论是由美国心理学家Deci和Ryan(198519911996)提出的。

    The self-determination theory was put forward by American psychologist Deci and Ryan ( 1985 , 1991 , 1996 ) .

  2. 美国心理学家Flavell于1976年首次提出元认知这一概念。

    Metacognition was firstly used by the American psychologist Flavell in 1976 .

  3. 这种所谓的运动神经模仿就是“同感”的原始技术含义,而“同感”这个词于20世纪20年代由美国心理学家E。

    Such motor mimicry , as it is called , is the original technical sense of the word empathy as it was first used in the1920s by E.

  4. 由于电脑具有提升精神的特性,美国心理学家蒂莫西•利瑞(TimothyLeary)把电脑比作致幻药。

    Timothy Leary , the US psychologist , compared computers with psychedelic drugs given their mind-enhancing properties .

  5. 美国心理学家戴安娜•鲍姆林德(DianaBaumrind)因其对好的育儿方式的研究而闻名。

    Diana Baumrind is a US psychologist known for her research on good parenting .

  6. 自我同一性是美国心理学家埃里克·H·埃里克森提出的重要概念,随后,这一概念被广泛地应用于社会心理学、人格心理学、发展心理学、教育心理学、咨询心理学和文化心理学。

    The important concept of ego-identity is introduced by Erik . H.Erikson . After that , the concept of self-identity has been applied to social psychology , personality psychology , developmental psychology , educational psychology , counseling psychology and cultural psychology .

  7. MJ:我很喜欢美国心理学家SheldonKopp的一句话:平淡的人生不值得审视。

    MJ : One of my favorite quotes is by American Psychologist Sheldon Kopp : The unlived life isn 't worth examining .

  8. 动机的自我决定理论(self-determinationtheory,SDT)是由美国心理学家Deci和Ryan提出的,它关注的焦点是人类的行为在多大程度上是自愿的和自我决定的。

    Self-determination theory ( SDT ) was made by the psychologist Deci and Ryan with its focus on the fact that human behavior to what extent is voluntary and self-determined .

  9. 本论文旨在借鉴美国心理学家赫兹伯格(FrederickHerzberg)在20世纪50年代后期创立的激励保健双因素理论(motivation&hygienetheory)对当前中学教师工作满意感作一实证研究。

    The thesis , by using the reference of Motivation-Hygiene Theory formed in the late 1950 's by Frederick Herzberg , an American psychologist , perform empirical research on job satisfaction of the contemporary high school teachers .

  10. 《贝姆性别角色问卷》(BSRI)是美国心理学家Sandra·Bem编制的,用于测量个体性别心理特征从而区分不同类型性别角色的问卷。

    BSRI is a type of questionnaire which is worked out by American psychologist Bem for measuring individual sex psychological characteristics to distinguish different types of sex roles .

  11. 美国心理学家Rosch提出的类典型及基本层次范畴理论克服了传统范畴观在具体语言现象分析运用中无法解决的缺陷。

    The theory of prototype and basic-level categories proposed by American psychologist Rosch overcomes the defects that classical approach cannot avoid .

  12. 认知法的心理学理论基础是瑞士心理学家皮亚杰(JeanPiaget,1925)的发生论、美国心理学家布鲁纳(J.S.Brunei,1962)的基本结构和发现理论;

    The approach is based on cognitive psychology theory & recognition happening theory suggested by the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget and the basic structure and the theory found by the United States psychologist Brunner ( J.S.Bruner , 1962 ) .

  13. 公正世界信念是美国心理学家Lerner最先提出的一个概念,即人们需要相信他们所处的世界是一个公正有序的世界,在这样一个世界里,人们得其所应得,并且所得即应得。

    The belief in a just world ( BJW ) is a new area for the just research in psychology , and it is first introduced by Lerner , an American psychologist .

  14. 到了20世纪,美国心理学家B.F.斯金纳(B.F.Skinner)及其追随者也是同样的论调,将动物描绘得只比会应激做出反应的机器稍好一些。

    In the 20th century , the American psychologist B.F. Skinner and his followers took up the same theme , painting animals as little more than stimulus-response machines .

  15. 自美国心理学家Flavell提出元认知概念以来,元认知的研究受到了国内外教育学家和心理学家的重视,有关元认知的问题得到了广泛的研究。

    Since the conception of metacognition was proposed by America psychologist Flavell , researches of metacognition have been highly emphasized by pedagogic educators and psychologists all over the world .

  16. 自美国心理学家Schein首次提出职业锚概念及相关理论以来,关于职业锚的延伸研究越来越多,已经形成了一定的体系。

    Since the American psychologist Schein put forward the concept of career anchor and the relevant theories first time , the further research become more and more , and has formed a certain system .

  17. 美国心理学家Horwitz(1986)对外语学习焦虑的定义是:外语学习焦虑是一种产生于外语学习过程和课堂外语学习相联系的有关自我知觉,信念,情感和行为的独特的综合体。

    Horwitz ( 1986 ) describes foreign language anxiety as a distinct complex of self – perception , belief , feeling , and behaviors related to foreign language learning and using for communication beyond the language classroom .

  18. 自1974年美国心理学家Freudenberger将倦怠引入临床心理学的研究领域以来,在其三十多年的研究历史中,已经取得了丰硕的成果。

    Since Freudenberger , one American psychologist , imported ' burnout ' into clinic psychological fields in 1974 , in the past thirty years of research histories , have made plentiful fruits .

  19. 原型范畴理论是20世纪70年代中期美国心理学家EleanorRosch提出来的一种新的概念构建模式,它对语言各个层面的研究都产生了深远的影响。

    Prototype theory , a new kind of conceptualization patterns , was proposed by Eleanor Rosch , an American psychologist in the middle of 1970s . This theory has exerted great influence on the study of languages in every aspect .

  20. 归因的研究源于美国心理学家韦纳(B.Weiner)在十九世纪七十年代提出而在八十年代修正的归因理论,它是一种引起动机的理论。归因也是第二语言学习中的一种常见现象。

    The attribution theory originates from the American psychologist Weiner 's theory of attribution , which was put forward in the 1970s and was modified in the 1980s .

  21. 元认知理论是由美国心理学家Flavell于20世纪70年代提出的。近年来语言教育研究者越来越关注元认知,使其成为心理学、教育学和语言学领域的研究热点。

    Metacognitive theory was put forward by American psychologist Flavell in the 1970s . Recently more and more attention has been focused on metacognition , which is a heated topic in the fields of psychology , pedagogics and linguistics .

  22. 自1956年美国心理学家布鲁纳(J.S.Bruner)等人首次提出认知策略的概念以来,有关学习策略的研究方兴未艾,且随着世界各国课程改革的进行,这一课题已成为学习理论研究的重要领域。

    The research of learning strategies are on the way , from America psychologist J. S. Bruner first brought the concept of cognitive strategies forward in 1956 , and this thesis has become an important field of learning theory research with the curriculum reforming all the world .

  23. 这个概念最初是由美国心理学家梅奥提出的。

    This concept was originally put forward by American psychologist Mayo .

  24. 美国心理学家和儿科专家,以其在儿童成长方面的研究而著称。

    American psychologist and pediatrician noted for his research on child development .

  25. 那是因为首次实验是由一位名叫斯威特尔的美国心理学家做的。

    Because the experiment was first performed by an American psychologist called swindle .

  26. 是由美国心理学家雷蒙德诺瓦科编纂

    in the work of U.S. psychologist Raymond Novaco .

  27. 美国心理学家韦纳的归因理论。

    The attribution theory by American psychologist B.Weiner ;

  28. 本文分析了美国心理学家加德纳提出的多元智力理论对特殊教育的影响。

    The author analyses the impact of the Theory on Multiple Intelligence presented by U.

  29. 成功智力理论是美国心理学家斯腾伯格1996年提出的智慧新理论。

    The theory of successful intelligence is a new theory in intelligence that American psychologist R.

  30. 行为主义心理学是由美国心理学家华生在巴甫洛夫条件反射学说的基础上创立的。

    Behavioral psychology was founded by the American psychologist Watson based on Pavlovian conditioning theory .