
zì rán xìnɡ
  • naturalness
  1. 这种对象Petri网有面向对象技术的自然性和封装性,有严格的数学描述和直观图形表示;

    The OOPN keeps the main characters of object-orientation , such as naturalness and encapsulation , and also acquires the Petri Nets ′ characters such as rigid mathematics describing and intuitionistic graphics express .

  2. 以图像的自然性程度衡量图像质量,能量谱线性分布是重要的自然图像统计规律(NSS),图像失真改变了该分布并且变化程度与失真强度成正比。

    The naturalness can be used for image quality assessment . The linear distribution of power spectral is an important law for natural image statistics . Meanwhile , image distortions change the shape of the power spectral , and the change is proportioned to the intensity of image distortion .

  3. 它对于人们在日常生活中实施及理解间接言语行为,特别是规约间接言语行为(conventionalindirectspeechacts)时的迅捷性及自然性并没有给出令人信服的解释;

    However , it does not satisfactorily account for the fact that people usually comprehend the indirect speech acts , in particular the conventional ones , readily and naturally without any noticeable effort .

  4. 超越自然性:道德现代化转型的一种解读

    To Surpass the Nature Foundation : An Explain to Moral Modernization

  5. 具有自然性、生态性、公共性三大现代特征。

    It has 3 modern features : natural , ecological and publicly-owned .

  6. 黄鳝自然性反转的研究

    Studies on the natural sex reversal of paddyfield eel , Monopterus albus

  7. 多通道用户界面使用多种交互设备,通过多种交互方式的协作和互补,提高了交互效率,增进了交互自然性。

    It use many alternating devices and improve alternating efficiency .

  8. 法具有自然性和社会性。

    Law has its natural as well as social quality .

  9. 医疗权根源于人的生物自然性、主体性和社会关系性原则。

    Medical right stems from principle of biological nature , main and social relation .

  10. 期刊固有其自然性与社会性。

    The periodical has its naturality and sociality .

  11. 非权力影响力也叫自然性影响力。

    Non-authority influence is also called nature influence .

  12. 试论莎士比亚剧作的自然性

    On " Nature " of Shakespearean Play

  13. 河溪生态系统自然性评价指标体系

    Assessment indexes of naturalness of stream ecosystem

  14. 人的和谐发展就是人的自然性、社会性、自我性的有机整合。

    The human harmony development is conformity of human 's nature , sociality and selfhood .

  15. 数学知识正超越其自然性并显露出越来越多的人文特征。

    Knowledge of mathematics is overtaking its natural character and manifesting more and more humanistic features .

  16. 句法结构的语义自然性及其认知理据灵感从自然中来&仿生建筑结构美学

    Semantic Naturalness of Syntactic Constructions and Its Cognitive Motivation Inspiration from Nature & Bionic Structure Aesthetics

  17. 生态人是处于生态系统之中的人,是日常人,是人的社会性和自然性的统一体现。

    In the human ecological system ecological man may be either an actor or a recipient .

  18. 学校组织的交往理性范式秉承整合化的组织人性观,认为组织中的人是主体性、社会性和自然性的有机统一;

    , which views the human in organization is the combination of subjectivity , sociality and nature .

  19. 乡村公园独特的自然性与文化性成了乡村旅游的新亮点。

    The unique nature and culture of Country Park create the new bright spot of rural tourism .

  20. 对于诗歌语言而言,象似性手法的主要作用在于增强语言表达的自然性和真实感。

    The application of iconicity in poetry is to improve the natural and authentic ways of expression .

  21. 同时它也存在着忽视性别的自然性、社会的复杂性的不足。

    It also has some limitations which it ignored the nature of gender and the complexity of society .

  22. 五四文学表现出从社会性转向自然性的人性趋向。

    The literature of the May 4th showed the human nature trend toward natural attribute from social one .

  23. 但是如何理解什么是自然性或者什么不是可能需要一些思考和编码。

    But to fully understand what is natural and what is not may take some thinking and some coding .

  24. 海洋资源具有自然性、稀缺性或有限性、整体性、多用性或多宜性、区域性等特点。

    Marine resources are characteristic of nature , scarcity or limitation , integrity , multi-purposes or multi-adoptability and rationality .

  25. 自然性与超自然性相统一的社会实践主体,总是处于现实与理想的矛盾之中,因而具有怀疑性。

    The social practice subjects having nature and super nature concurrently are always in the contradiction between reality and ideal .

  26. 人脸识别的优势在于其自然性和不被被测个体察觉的特点。

    The advantages of face recognition lies in its nature and not be aware of the characteristics of the tested individual .

  27. 认同动植物、非生命具有合理权利,提倡保持整个生态系统的自然性运作;

    The approbation moves the plant and non-life to have reasonable right , and promotes natural operation of keeping the whole ecosystem ;

  28. 其完人思想具有整体性、人的自然性和社会性的统一性、时代性、实践性等特征。

    It possesses not only integrality , and unity of natural and social human beings , but also is epochal and practical .

  29. 本文认为:自然性是人的本质的第一层次,是人的自然本质。

    This dissertation holds : Man 's natural character , the first level of the Human essence , is also His innate character .

  30. 原始宗教是指宗教的初级阶段,它产生于旧石器时代中期,以自然性、平等性、全民性为特征。

    Pre historic primitive religion originated in the middle stage of Paleolithic age with the characteristic of being natural , equality and social .